How sweet it is.....
How sweet it is.....
I've got no wise words to add to this thread, but want to add the following e-mail I received today. It says exactly what I've been thinking this past election year. I think this man says it all and much better than I could have , so here goes.
May God Bless George W. Bush..
Subject: HOW SWEET IT IS......................
>>From a retired US Navy Admiral by Dick Van Orden>
>I am not normally a cheerful loser or a gracious winner. Whether its
>tiddly-winks or war at sea, I want to win, win, win! In fact, I hate to
>lose and when I win I sometimes want to rub the loser's nose in his
>After a sleepless night I feel just rotten enough that the past six months
>of lies and innuendos from the Kerry camp have it all come home to make me
>more vindictive than usual. As a result, I want to gloat. Here's why:
>I am happy that the sound common sense of a majority of America's voters
>resulted in a solid victory for a true patriot-and in the humiliating
>of a lying traitor. There was no doubt in my mind that Bush's
>and forthrightness would prevail against the lies and half-truths of Kerry
>and his supporters, and I am pleased that a majority of good folks saw the
>light and pushed the Bush/Cheney button for justice and for increasing
>support for the nation's bright future.
>I am pleased that the left-leaning media-newspapers, radio, TV and
>newsmagazines-got their bell rung, but good. Now we are assured that
>self-appointed "opinion makers" cannot pull the wool over the eyes of most
>of us, no matter how hard they twist the facts. Their early reporting of
>the "leaked" fraudulent exit polls, and their sponsorship of other badly
>skewed voter polls were designed to mislead voters, in which they
>failed-miserably. And Dan Rather deserves a special place in hell.
>I am delighted that the fat, disgusting a-hole, Michael Moore did not
>achieve the success that he wished for and that he was repulsed by so many
>intelligent Americans. May his soul burn in hell.
>I hope the Hollywood friends of Michael Moore-especially Barbara
>Whopi Goldberg, P-Diddler, and their friends-are roasting in the hell of
>their own making. It seems to me that they all offered to depart the U.S.
>Bush won the first time, which they did not do. The time is now doubly
>for their exit.
>I am blissful that all the treasure and invective of George Soros devoted
>defeating George Bush went for naught. I only wish for a financial future
>similar poor decisions by Soros; I want to see him as bankrupt in bank
>account as he is in patriotism.
>I find it particularly satisfying that the high ranking military suck-ups
>whose lack of integrity led them to desert their commander-in-chief and
>follow a lying cheat, even though they knew, or should have known, that
>dismissal from the Navy was "less than honorable," as detailed in the
>military record that he refused to release. It is sad that such Navy
>as Bill Crowe, Stan Turner, and even Jimmy Carter would be in that group.
>It is obvious that their motivation was the hope of a cushy job when their
>new-found knight in shining armor moved into the White House. Even their
>strategy was flawed, for Kerry is, and always has been, anti-military; he
>only used his military service-and those military "advisors"-for personal
>political gain. He would never have offered that cushy job, once he had
>used them, just as he never voted for the needed armament that they and
>their shipmates and their Marine Corps, Army, and Air Force
>needed so badly.
>I am thrilled that the whiners who have complained bitterly about the
>"stolen" 2000 Presidential election must leave that fallacy in the past
>now try to find something else to whine about-maybe they can even develop
>fantasy that the four million vote plurality was a miscount, and continue
>their whining as they slink away into their caves.
>It pleases me that Kofi Annan and the other United Nations sycophants
>miserably when they tried so hard to influence this election to ensure
>a more pliable President Kerry would be elected. I hope they will now
>realize that either they clean up the bureaucratic, corrupt, do-nothing
>or they will be short of funds when the Bush-led US decreases-or ends-its
>I am overjoyed at the failure of Osama bin Laden's carefully timed video
>invective against the US and its President in hopes of using Islamic scare
>tactics on the American people. Bin Laden's aim was to entice our voters
>elect a new President who will not be as robust in his pursuit of
>and more willing to "negotiate" with Islamic Fundamentalists. He did not
>understand that Americans are not so panicky as the French, fearful as the
>Spanish, or unthinking as the English. (As for the Germans, they should
>know better; we have defeated them in battle often enough to convince them
>of the rightness of our ways.) I hope Osama dies in a blast from a
>bunker-buster before he gets a chance to make another video or another
>attack on our nation.
>The blatant attempts of European nations and the EU to cause our President
>discomfort in his efforts to bring peace to the world make me glad that
>are so disappointed with the election results. My joy is unbounded at the
>chagrin of the French and German and other anti-Bush, anti-American
>(including the people of the UK-but not their loyal and faithful
>led by Prime Minister, Tony Blair). Now let those U.S.-sheltered
>worry about the end of American financial and military assistance when
>have problems. Let them beg for American military aid and other handouts
>that have helped to sustain their economies. And let them perish in their
>own sweat when we remove our troops from Germany, the Balkans, and other
>trouble spots where we have pulled their chestnuts out of the fire.
>I relish the hope that Islamic fundamentalists will now understand the
>election result as a blow from which they cannot recover. It fills me
>joy that their dreams of world domination will be shattered by Bush's and
>the American nation's resolve to see them defeated and sent to join their
>Allah-without the 72 virgins waiting for them.
>It pleases me more than I can say that the Senate Minority Leader, Thomas
>Daschle lost his seat. As the leading obstructionist for the Democrat
>party, he was primarily responsible for withholding approval of many Bush
>appointments to Federal judgeships, high-level positions, and other
>necessary personnel. Good riddance.
>The demise of the junk-yard dog, loudmouth James Carville, also brings me
>great happiness. That happiness is further enhanced by the victory of the
>first Republican to win a Senate seat in Louisiana, Carville's home state.
>I am delighted with the success of John O'Neil and his Swift Boat Vets-and
>with those thousands of non-Swifties who joined with them-on their
>forthright revelation of the truth of Kerry's service in Vietnam. They
>a truthful but difficult position and made an impact-good and honorable
>men all. Bush gets gentlemanly credit for not using them and their data in
>his campaign to demean Kerry, but the word was out that they spoke the
>truth. I maintain that they were the MVPs of this election; their
>turned the tide against Kerry, and he never recovered.
>And, finally, I must express my unbounded gratification at the defeat of
>Senator Kerry, a worthless Senator, anti-military extremist, lying
>self-promoter, and former Naval officer who disgraced us all. His
>traitorous collusion with the enemy is second only to that of Jane Fonda.
>should have been court-martialed for giving aid and comfort to the enemy
>time of war. His dishonorable quest for medals and a quick return to the
>US, where he turned against his shipmates and lied about their actions
>resulted in a less than honorable separation from the Navy. Jimmy
>amnesty allowed him to file for, and get, an honorable discharge 18 years
>after he left the service. He should have received a court martial.
>While my thoughts may seem to be mean-spirited, do not be confused-they
>really are mean-spirited, as I mean them to be. I have suffered the
>tortures of the damned over the past year as I heard and read the lies and
>nasty remarks from politicians, citizens, and media "experts" about our
>President. I have barely tolerated the feeble but divisive attempts of
>foreign and domestic peaceniks to build a case against our war on the
>Islamic fundamentalists, who use terrorism as a weapon against us in order
>to intimidate our citizens and drive some of our gutless politicians to
>"negotiations" to avoid "confrontations" with those who seek to kill our
>Most of all, I have seethed with anger at those who shamefully derided our
>military, blissfully reporting on their failures and neglecting their
>successes. They triumphantly celebrated our difficulties by running daily
>body counts of our own heroic men killed in battle with the enemy, even
>publishing their pictures in papers and on TV as if to mock the President
>who sent them to defend our nation. I have only disgust for such tactics.
>And those are the very same people who now plead for "united actions" in
>House and Senate, now that they are in a steadily declining minority. I
>would advise our President to "watch your six" because these are really
>enemies and they are not to be trusted.
>Four more years! How sweet it is!