four more years....

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Good question Donna. It would be telling to know what gets us more or politics. :D
djacq said:
I noticed today that there were 1737 hits on this thread.

Does that beat the sex thread Ross?

Nope, sex is by far more interesting with
314 replies
At least, (if done correctly), there are equal benefits regardless of party affiliation. ;)
Bryan B

Bryan B

My first reaction when I saw your question, was how many times have I seen those two subjects combined, LOL! If I would believe everything I read at the grocery store check out counter, lots!
Ross said:
Hey man, what makes you so special? I'm waiting myself! :D


Well...I have never, uh, gone all the way. Can you beat that?

If not, then _that_ is what makes me so special. :)
I do not declare either party, I am an independant...I have a couple of questions on this subject though...

If we are supposed to have separation of church and state, why does Bush wear religion on his sleeve? He brings God into everything. There is supposed to be a draft...starting up in a year or so. My husband is in the navy, my brother is in the army. I know these things. We voted Kerry, because I feel like Bush is too power happy. I fear for the next four years, that our economy is going to drop even lower...I do NOT want a depression! I also fear that Bush will lead us to WWIII.

As for the Clinton Statement...He got a bad rap for the monica Lewinski thing. If his wife could forgive him for that, what business is it of ours to demoralize him for it? Even though he was the president, he still has the right to a private personal life, right? Nobody cares about our lives enough to start a scandal, leave the poor guy alone!

The bottom line is, I believe that Bush is dangerous, he's sent too many jobs overseas, and he just wasn't the guy for the job. I will vote Jessi Ventura when he runs in 2008...We just need to get through the next 4 years... I think that was civil, right? (Sorry, I just got home from working a graveyard shift.)
Man...This Is One Twisted Thread!!!!

Man...This Is One Twisted Thread!!!!

From Politics to Sex back to Politics....OH MY GOD IS THIS ONE TWISTED THREAD OR WHAT? lol :D :D :D Harrybaby666
Okay I Just Returned From The Mountains Where My Husband And I Celebrated Our 37th Wedding Anniversary. There Was No Talk Of Politics But There Was Some Of The Other.
My daughter,son-in-law and 2 grandkids have been living with us for three months while their new home is being built(2 more months to go). Getting away for a week to the mountains was just what we needed. Grown-up kids don't think their parents have a sex life anymore.


And I thought we were having a mild earthquake ..up here in the Mountains. :D :D I felt the ground shaking. :p We been married 1 year longer than yall...38 this past Sept... :) Bonnie
I think we have many presidents and politicians who would agree that sex and politics go well together.

Terry, nice to hear that you can still shake the mountains! It gives me hope. :)
I wasn't going to reply to this thread, i just thought I would read the posts, but felt I need to defend myself. First of all, I have to say that in the last three years, everybody on this website has been awesome...I feel like I have a family here you've all gotten me through my surgery and all my difficult times. I do not worship any god. I feel uncomfortable when people approach me about the subject. I am a science buff. I love the stuff! I also like history a lot. When I was a kid, I was forced to go to church, and hated it. I do respect everybody's opinion and beliefs, they just aren't my own. I don't like the fact that Bush wears his beliefs on his sleeve. I didn't bash him for it, I am just very uncomfortable with it. I wish that he would respect the people who aren't religious, and not wear it out on his sleeve. That's why I said that.

The thing I said about the depression was wrong, but you have to admit, the economy has gone way downhill since bush took office. I am AGAINST this war in Iraq, and had a terrible feeling about it when Bush started talking about it. Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction. There were non found anywhere. The reason we went over there is because hussein was threatening Bush Sr. It angers me when I hear about all of these soldiers that are dying and being injured in fallujah etc...why did we even go over there? I can not even read the local newspaper without getting depressed. I am a military wife, so I feel for these families. We are spending BILLIONS of dollars for Bush's power trip. Money that we don't even have. I just wish he would admit he was wrong.We have nuwcs here in puget sound, doesn't that scare anybody? We needed to find Bin Laden before we got involved with Iraq.

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