four more years....

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Hey there, Sweetie - so nice to see you

At least 49% of us agree with what you said - the polls said so. Thanks for putting in your thoughts.

Did you finally get out of the newspaper business and get the other job? How are you? And the babies - they must be really growing and into school nearly?

I am so glad you came in to post. We don't see enough of you.

Love......and Blessins......
Hi Joy

Hi Joy

You have good points about our President..but was wondering...How Kevin your hubby, in the Navy and your brother, in the Army feel? Having to serve under him?......Will they be coming out of the Navy and Army soon?...If they feel the same way??? From what I see on T.V. and read..our brave military guys want to be there.. To protect our freedom...Mostly..our brave Marines... ;) Would love to hear how your hubby feels about Bush...His, Commander and Chief... Bonnie
Hi Bonnie and Ann! So glad to hear from you! I found out last night shortly after posting that everyone in Kevin's command must take a turn going over there. Right now there are 6 people that just got sent. He hates Bush, and voted for Kerry. I don't know what my brother's views are...about Bush, but I do know that he was going to retire from the Army this june, and found out they won't let him retire now for 8 more years. He was really looking forward to retiring, I do know that. He never gets any time off, and is always traveling for his job. I can't even read the bremerton sun without crying. They did a 4 part thing on widows of the war. So sad...I just couldn't imagine living without Kevin.

About the other part of the question...They aren't really telling the whole truth about how our troops feel about Bush and this war. They keep saying that "the soldiers feel it is a worthy cause, they are fighting for this country, blah de blah de blah." 95% of the families in the pacific northwest, this is not true. I work with a lady who knows a 20 year old who is over there. She found out friday that he just got his legs blown off by a granade. He just got married to his high school sweetheart before he left. We can't just remember the ones who have died, but the ones who have been wounded, and have had their lives turned upside down during this war.
For what its worth, I left the military in late 2000, and was then Navy reserve. I still keep contact with a lot of my military friends, many of whom have been recalled. I have friends that have filled open slots on recall all over the place, including one guy, 46, who when he put in his retirement papers, was told "no" and given 9 month orders to Quatar, then Iraq. And this is the second time he was recalled to fight Iraq, first time was in Storm, when we were both recalled.

Anyway, I would say that my military buds are split 50/50 on supporting Bush and this war. That is kind of significant because I would guess that among the same group 90% or more did not approve of Clinton. Now when called upon, of course they go and do their jobs, even if they do not agree with policy. If my phone were to ring I would go too, even though I could give you chapter and verse why this war is a huge mistake. Its simple, when told to go, we go.

It would be a mistake therefore to think that because the men and women are doing their jobs over there that they must all support the decision to go to war. That is simplistic thinking.

I think one of Kerry's problems was that a lot of military that do not support Bush, the war in Iraq, etc., found it hard to support Kerry. They recognized his service in Viet Nam, riverboat duty was extremely dangerous, they also I think universally agree that View Nam was a dreadful mistake, but they rejected him because they did not like they way he opposed the war after he got home. His vote against the first Gulf war also hurt him. So, its my sense that Bush did get votes from military types that, nonetheless, in their hearts did not support the war in Iraq or his overall foreign policy.
I agree with your assessment of how many in the military feel. My son spent five years in the Marine Corps, and his company led the original invasion force back in March, 2003. The troops are loyal beyond belief to the guys they are serving with. They all love their country, but many think they shouldn't be there. If everyone could read, uncensored, what they write in their emails once they get home, their hair would curl.
It was one thing when we were told weapons of mass destruction were hidden there, but now that we know differently, it does make a difference.

I have learned it is easier to be gung-ho for military involvement when no one close to you is involved. Every few nights we hear on our newscast that another local boy has been killed. Tonight there were two. We're not a metropolitan area; we're in rural America viewing events half a world away.

I watched the Vietnam War unfold every night at the dinner table, and it is eerily similar to what we see now. My generation suffered through its aftermath. I loathe the thought that more American men and women will die as we struggle to make up our collective minds about this war.

Yes, George Bush won the election; I truly hope and pray that God is with him and gives him guidance through the coming years.
Tom F.

Tom F.

You know I don't remember the hub bub about the Kerry speeches, at that time I was still a soon to be graduating teenager, who's parents kept a pretty tight lid on the use of that fairly new frangled invention, the Television set, LOL.

One thing I do remember which is why it is hard for me to feel the same as others do about Kerry's actions, is how many times friends and family members who served over there came home dealing with alot of emotional and mental turmoil. My cousin who stayed at our house many times, used to wake up screaming in the middle of the night, not only for the brutal way he and his friends and comrades were treated, but also nightmares of how our servicemen where treating the average Vietnamese civilians. Mostly because the attitude he expressed was you couldn't trust anyone, no matter what age.

He and some of my other friends often spoke about the very same type of incidents that I now hear John Kerry and others in that time had brought up, so I had viewed the actions of what he said in a totally different context. It wasn't something I hadn't heard before, about 40 years ago.
Any war is horrific...

Any war is horrific...

I have vivid memories of the Vietnam War.. I lost a good buddy there who volunteered to go fight. I hate war...all wars.

Let's not forget the innocent victims of war. Remember this little guy from Iraq? If you find my posting of this picture offensive to you -- well, how do you think this little guy feels??
My son, who is finishing up preparations having left home last month, and on the eve of leaving for Iraq, voted for Bush. He and other military he knows, feel that we need to finish what we started and that our loved ones who have been killed (1219) in this war have not died in vain.

I wonder if they have to think this way to do what they are being told to do.

We are at an average of almost 6 American soldiers a day being killed.

So many Iraqis have also died that have been working with us in the Iraqi National Guard and Army. I know from a friend over there that an Iraqi saved his life. This Iraqi is in the National Guard and had had to put his family in hiding to protect them from the insurgents. Another Iraqi has to change out of his uniform before he goes home so no one will know he is working with the Americans.

These insurgents are resiliant, bounce right back using defeat as propaganda, exaggerated reports and symbolic wins, to encourage others to join this "jihad" with much success and no wonder given the punishment they dish out to those that are helping liberate their country.

I want this over but do not know how we can get out. I am unhappy with Bush and his choices for the cabinet and maybe that is a mother's emotional reaction but I fear this country's lean to the far right.

It is true, that IF my son was not going over to Iraq I would probably not be as glued to the news or as vocal. God knows, I wouldn't wish this worry on anyone. My nights are already sleepless and I live in a heightened sense of anxiety. My mind is shot and I find myself doing stupid things. I am having a hard time remembering my Coumadin and I have been religiously taking it at the same time every day for 2 years.

Isn't there a happy medium? Can we stop this war? Where do we stop? What is next Iran, Korea? And, why doesn't the UN back us?

So many questions and few answers as far as I can tell.

Please keep my son and all those who serve in your prayers. They are much needed.

Thank you,
I see the picture of this little boy and my heart breaks (I am not heartless). But I also think of the thousands and thousands and thousands that have died at the hands of Saddam. The thousands of girls, young girls, that were raped by the hands of his sons. I honestly believe that the only way to stop terrorism is to spread freedom. As for John Kerry, I do not know what he was thinking when he testified in front of Congress that all of the US Military was nothing but a bunch of murderers, rapists and pillagers. All while we had many POWs still over there. In my mind if any of them were tortured or died at the hands of the Viet-Cong because of this, it should be on his hands. He picked the wrong time to use this propaganda to further his political career. That is exactly what he did. Dijacq, I will most certainly keep your son in my prayers as I do them all daily.
Kerry's reports in Congress were also those of others - he was representing many returning soldiers and telling their stories, too. None of us who were not there should make judgments about the reports that came home. Suppose nobody said anything? Would we have stayed in that unpopular war? And lost many more. Who are we to judge Kerry and his buddies. I believe the soldiers' stories. It was all so brutal.

What sorts of stories will come from this war? Probably a lot thaT we don't want to know. There are other countries in great trouble, like Iraq, but we are not saving them. Look at Samalia......

Cuba - it is so ridiculous that we cut off all ties with them and kept it up all these years. It's been over for many years, for cryin out loud.

I feel so sorry for any soldier who is in Iraq, so far from everything he/she knows, unable to get out. Gathering memories that will affect his/her life as long as he/she lives. With family and friends in such distress. I would be devastated, like they are. They are giving their all for a war that should never have happened. God bless them all.
hensylee said:
None of us who were not there should make judgments about the reports that came home.

Kept looking for the right words to say to those who seem to be more "Anti-Kerry" than they are "Pro-Bush." There they are...
Hi Donna

Hi Donna

Keep us posted about your son..when he arrives in Iraq.....Let us know if he needs anything. I would love to send him a care-package, e-mail, letter, ect.I'm sure many others on would do the same... He can be our VR.Com adopted son.. :) In Iraq... :) How long will his duty be?......Donna, I have a son in law-enforcement.....Joined when he was only age 20..Now, age 35....I, too, worried at first about all his duties.....the worse was when he was on the dive-team..Our lake is very muddy..and he would go down looking for drowned bodies.. :eek: Was so afraid he would become entangled in old barbed-wire fences..where they flooded the old farms. or, when he was on the Red Dog Drug Force...Knocking in doors..not knowing what he would find inside.... :eek: Even, tho, now he is on day duty..Never know if he will be killed in the line-of, some idiot. :eek: serving a warrant..for something simple.. :eek: I finally, decided.....Never borrow from the future..If you worry about what..may happen tomorrow and it doesn;t happen, you have worried in vain....Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice...He loves his job... I just pray everynight he will be safe.Bonnie
I also believe the soldiers stories. I believe the Swift-vote vets. If you saw the documentary you may change your mind. I saw it and I believe what they said. I am not saying that what John Kerry said wasn't true, I don't know I wasn't there. I am saying he picked the wrong time to say it and therefore risked the lives of many soldiers. There were many, many pi$$ed off vets over this and I don't blame them. And Les it's been proven that most of Kerrys supporters were more anti-Bush then pro Kerry. Look up the statistics.
I knew more about this election then any other election. I read on it everyday. I checked and rechecked polls everyday. All the polls. Believe me I know what I am talking about. Why is it so hard for some of you to believe that 51% of us believed that Bush was the man for the job. You may not believe the truth but there was no conspiracy. Bush won and Kerry lost. Get over it.
pegne said:
Bush won and Kerry lost. Get over it.

I agree...we should move on towards solidarity as a nation. It is interesting you have posted THIRTEEN times to this thread. Bush won and Kerry lost. Get over it.
Thank you Bonnie and you are right. There are a lot of people in dangerous jobs and we just have to pray and as my son told me "hope for the best". I will try to remember your words on worry when my mind goes to the worse case scenario.

This is a picture of Eric the day he left. He is saying good bye to his 3 month old son. I am very touched by your offer to e mail him, letters and care packages. He will be in Balad, Iraq for a minimum of a year and possibly more per rumors and will surely appreciate anything from home. He will be in Fort Anaconda, one of the more frequently attacked bases from what I read tho I don't think there are any "safe" places in Iraq!

He is a crew chief on a Blackhawk helicopter. I have heard stories (not from him) that they go up with Iraqi's firing at them. I was worried about his equipment and he told me they just provided him with state of the art equipment. I have heard it costs $7000 to outfit one soldier. I am not sure if they finished armoring his helicopter yet.

As soon as I know his address, e mail and situation, I will let you know and anything you do will be appreciated.

Joy, everyday your husband stays in the states is a blessing. Please keep us informed also.

Everyone here is the best support and I can never say enough, how much you all mean to me. Especially during these tryng times. I will pray for your son too, Bonnie.



My thoughts will be with you and your son! I wish him a safe journey.

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