four more years....

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Les said:
And we all know if you saw it on TV, then it must be true...

A number of companies run on this premise, too.

*shakes head*

Best not to get me started or into a combatitive mood....


I couldn't disagree with your post more. First, myself and many others not only followed this election process very carefully, try the last four years!

I have to say that thank goodness people have the courage at the time to speak about wrong doing to others no matter what part of the globe it happens in. Second I agree and I don't think many others disagree that Saddem Hussein was and is a very bad man, presently sitting in a jail still appearing to those that followed that regime, in some control. Did you watch what was shown of the attempt to declare the charges against him would be, that was really a sad effort. So I can't say that "shock and awe" accomplished eliminating either the threat we have been under for terrorism or the cruel acts that have occurred in that country. What I do know is that our death count is growing.

In my opinion this or any election isn't about an individual, I think we all have the intelligence to know that. For my family this election was about looking closely at, the current administration and the grave errors in judgment that were made and to speak out about that behavior and to encourage them to made better decisions in the future. I think the closeness of the vote spoke for alot of people. This election was about people who came out of their houses to let people know that we are watching.

It wasn't a horse race where the winner takes all, it was a call to this administration to notice that we do not blindly follow an individual, and that they need to rethink, thinking for most Americans. Like most things in life, it was about the journey, not the particular road. I daresay that more Americans know more stuff about those in those high elected postions then they did before and when asked about going to war again or other such important decisions will be more vocal then before, as evidence of this thread.

I don't think that questioning and expecting those that represent our country is ever over. It isn't about a time limit in watching over our own well being, no matter what party is in the drivers seat at the moment. I have carefully watched the actions of many administrations and will continue to seek out the truth and expect those in power to work for the betterment of all of America and what that means to my family.
We all must support those who are sent by our country to do its work. They are there by our legal and political will, not their own. We owe them that loyalty, insofar as they do not betray their trust with us.

However, regardless of your political leanings, questioning and demanding accountability of our leadership is not only a privilege, guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, but also an obligation. The notion that the views, actions, or policies of our President or any elected official are unassailable is the most unAmerican pseudoconcept imaginable.

Inquiry and debate are an American birthright. If you feel that questioning Mr. Bush's actions represents only partisanship, please consider:

Why would it be appropriate for our government to hold public hearings into what one president does with a cigar, and not what the next one does with 1,212 deceased, brave, American soldiers (our neighbors' children), 8,956 wounded brave, American soldiers, and over seven trillion dollars?


Thank you for sharing the picture of your son and that sweet baby, my prayers go with him as well!
breakingwaves said:
Thank you for sharing the picture of your son and that sweet baby, my prayers go with him as well!
Linda that is Donna's son and baby, not mine. She wanted me to post that on her behalf. ;)


Sorry for the senior moment, your son and his baby are beautiful!


Thanks for pulling me back into reality with the right parent for the right children!
Donna, that picture broke my heart. I just don't know what I will or would do if Kevin has to go. I hope that your son is one of the lucky ones that comes home safe and without injuries. More so than sending HIM e-mails, I would like to send his family back home emails. I was tlaking to someone last night who in all his ignorance told me that my husband wouldn't be in the dangerous part of the war because he is in the navy. In fact, that is not true, he would be one of the guys gaurding the prisoners. That is his job. One thing I do know is that he wouldn't allow what happened in Abu Ghrab(sp) to happen under his watch. I just hope we can go to Japan and put SOME of this behind us...I will keep you guys posted.


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