pegne said:
...I believe there were negative tactics used on both sides.
*rolls eyes*
And this is what turns me off to politics. The dirty campaigns.
Why on earth do we "allow" candidates to get away with this type of trashy campaigns and let companies get away with murder?
Why on earth do we "allow" people to attack other individuals...and let companies get away with murder?
Frankly, this is a double standard that has to stop. If we don't practice what we preach, then how can we judge others?
It is when the campaigns get dirty that I start making wisecracks (out loud to the TV, mind you) about how the candidates should also vow to hold companies accountable for their candidates should prosecute companies for deceptive candidates should pledge to ensure that everyone has equal opportunity for health insurance, etc. etc. etc.
But, then again, what the hell do I know?
Then least I know how to count ballots

With the debacle in FL in the last election, a friend of mine happened to be watching the news when the FL Secretary of State (I think that's the title) rode into the capital to oversea the recounting process. Any guesses what she arrived in?
A 1995-1999 "monte carlo" of those gosh darn black sheep 5th gens.
My friend called me up and simply said:
I now know why FL can't count ballots. They think their Secretary of State is riding in a Monte Carlo.
I told you I get combative...and a bit sarcastic
