Now I'm feeling really small....
I needed to get some stuff off my chest. I'm glad it brought about some discussion and I think that's really important, for everyone in the US right now.
I think what's most important to me is that people understand what ramifications, good or bad, come from their decisions. Bush is known for being against abortion, against alternative sexuality, for oil and big business and big government. He's known for giving tax breaks to the upper "10 percent" of the population and cutting out aid and services for the lowest "10 percent". He's not a very good public speaker unless he's reading from a script. He's not very quick on the draw and frankly, I'm not so sure he stands up to make his own decisions on the hardest of issues.
Kerry is known for following the tide of public opinion on a LOT of his choices. He voted to invade Iraq but he's against the war now. He made his money suing healthcare providers which is the biggest reason why healthcare is so expensive now. Kerry is, more or less, pro choice but he refuses to say so directly. The same on gay marriage.
Fair warning, don't get me started on rights over gender/sexual orientation and the like, it won't be pretty.
Frankly, I don't like EITHER candidate. I sat for a few months and weighed my options. I listened to the rhetoric and the debates and the evidence that was available at the time and made a decision on who I thought would screw things up the least.
If Kerry made mistakes, he'd have to fix 'em fast if he wanted to have another four years in office. Bush can do no wrong now. He can't get elected for a third term, he's done, he's in the home stretch and barring an extreme act of stupidity that gets him impeached, he can do whatever the hell he wants.
He is the law of the land and he can do damn well what he pleases, there are no consequences to screw.
I see meaningful stem cell research being done all over the world but not in the US. I see medical and prescription expenses shooting through the roof along with oil, taxes for the middle and lower class. I see the rights of minority groups being trampled, disenfranchised blacks, latinos, and hispanics. I see the "War on Terror" as an excuse to trample all over the rights of several different groups of people all over the world and here at home. I see our troops fighting in Iraq for at least the next four years and our armed forces being wittled away from both ends of the candlestick. Lower pay, reduced healthcare, longer tours, more hardship, more recruiting.
I don't neccesarily see a draft, but it's possible at least on some limited basis.
I see Bush's religious preferences being imposed on the masses and that scares me a LOT. Granted, a LOT of people all over the world feel just like he does on religion, but not everyone and it's the people who DON'T have his faith that I worry about the most.
I see dark clouds on the horizon....