Katie Update (from Carepage)

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Great to get up and read some encouraging news about our little darling on the Carepage site. She's making it through; I can just feel it. Also, ditto what everyone else said about the poem, Harry. I'm a teacher, and I give it an A+. :)
Harry - what a wonderful poem. You made me cry.

Katie - you keep fighting little one. You are winning battles.
What a wonderful poem. It beautifully expresses many of my thoughts. Thank you for posting it.

Katie, keep on doing what you're doing. Your fight is giving new meaning to the words "grit and determination." :)
First of all, all my prayers are with Katie and her family. If prayer was thought, and I think it is, all my waking hours are spent in prayer for Katie's recovery.

Harry, great poem, tugs at my heart.

Keep the updates coming, I always search for them first.

Computer's working again!

Computer's working again!

I've just read some of the latest posts on Katie's recovery and I really hope and pray that things keep on getting better for her. She's been in my thoughts non-stop, and so have you Janet!
A short update

A short update

Just got off the phone with Don. He said they are planning on taking Katie off the breathing tube this afternoon. Janet will be calling later this evening and I will post any further updates then if there is nothing on CarePages by then. Our tentative plans are to go up and visit tomorrow and that is still Janet's call but things are looking very bright right now.


Thanks for sharing your beautiful poem.
Thanks so much for the update! That is great news and please send them all our love and best wishes.
geebee said:
Just got off the phone with Don. He said they are planning on taking Katie off the breathing tube this afternoon. Janet will be calling later this evening and I will post any further updates then if there is nothing on CarePages by then. Our tentative plans are to go up and visit tomorrow and that is still Janet's call but things are looking very bright right now.
Please tell Janet I can't wait for them to go back to Galveston and let Katie run around again stripped "nekked"!!!
I am sure it will be NO TIME before she's doing that again......
Give Janet a big hug for me!
Wow, that's great news! Still sending lots of prayers to Katie and Janet and family.
I'll be away until Sunday morning but will be keeping everything crossed for continuing good news :) .
care page update

care page update

44 July 15, 2005 at 04:09 PM CDT
Good afternoon...this is Kim,

I did not get to actually talk to Janet this afternoon...I went out and don't you know that she called right after I left...figures! I was so hoping I would not miss her call, but she did leave a message with a update. I am hoping that she will get to the computer later this evening and give a more detailed one for ya'll.

So basically at this point no news is good news (don't you love to hear that?) Katie has been staying pretty stable so far, with just a minor episode last night around 3:00am with a dive in her BP, going to the 40's...Miss Katie did not want them to get too comfortable and just wanted to make sure they were still on their toes. Today they are sprinting her on and off, so MAYBE, we can see extubation in the very near future. I won't press that anymore as I don't want to jinx anything.

Please continue to keep Katielion in your prayers (as if I have to say that right?!).

Much love to Janet, Don, Trip, and especially Katie.

Kim, mama to Xander
I've just seen that update myself and I'm looking forward to getting some more detailed news on Katie's recovery soon. I'm very happy to hear that she's going to go off the breathing tube and I hope it's a sign that things can only get better from now on. What a wee fighter she is!
Débora :)
Great news from Janet

Great news from Janet

July 15, 2005 at 05:01 PM CDT
Just a quick note. As of two hours ago, KATIE IS OFF THE VENT!!!!! AND seems to be holding her own. Ross, you're right. Sats are fairly steady at 94% - highest we have seen breathing on her own since she was born. Courtney, thank Miss Anika and her class for our special card - they are on Katie's wall right now, so she will have something special to look at when she wakes up - besides me.........heehee! Kim, thanks as always for updating - Love you. And ALL of YOU, thank you so very, very much. YOur love and support mean so much - I read through these posts and cry like a baby - and your prayers are obviously being answered. Please do keep them up. Will try and give a better update later. I might have my poem finished, "An Ode to my Butt." Got to get back to my little girl who is so desperately croaking for water, but can't have any for another four hours. P.S. Will try and call later, Gina, but tomorrow is fine. Katie may not be up to performing for you yet.........but nothing would surprise me now. Many hugs. Janet
Gina, you do realize that you'll have to give Janet one big, super dooper hug for all of us here. That little girl is a wonder!

Thank you God for little Katielion's continued improvement. Please continue to strengthen her and give strength to her Mom and Dad. They have to be running on nothing but prayers and water right now, so please keep Your arms wrapped tightly around this family that means so much to so many.

I will be heading to Ann Arbor in the morning and will give hugs to all for VR.com. I am so very happy that Katie is off the vent as that certainly indicates how well everything is going.

Dear God, thank you for helping Katie get this far. Please hold her in your arms and send some more healing so she is dancing down the hall real soon.
:) Gina,
As Karlynn says, you'll have to be our designated hugger, or toucher, when you get to Katie. I guess you can always hug Janet and Don while you're at it! :D :D :D

I'm so glad you can take all our good wishes and prayers to them in person. :) :) :) :)

Be careful on the road and post AS SOON AS YOU GET BACK!! (pretty please!)
Sure No Problem.....

Sure No Problem.....

Lynlw said:
I am so happy, Harry i would love permission to share your poem w/ one of my congenital heart defect boards (after Janet sees it first of course) and Gina can you please tell Janet that Katie's buddy Justin has been asking about her, thank you, lyn www.caringbridge.org/nj/justinw

No problem hear LynLw..I certainly hope it helps. Harrybaby :D :D :D :D

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