Katie Update (from Carepage)

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God, please protect our little princess, please heal her and bring her smiling face back to her family.
Janet and I have become close as 'heart mums' although we're thousands of miles apart and all I can think about right now is Katie and her and hearing more good news from the hospital. We are praying so hard here! I know other families that have been through Katies surgery, as Janet does, with both positive and negative outcomes but I'm firmly focused on those positive ones and am convinced Katie will have a good outcome!! Shes a fighter!
All our love
Emma and Chloe
I missed this thread on Katie and should've known that someone in VR.com would start one! My husband and I are praying very hard for Katelyn and her family.

Janet, you won't believe this, I can't believe this ... the Great Blue Heron was back in our yard today. He hasn't been around for over two weeks. I'm taking this as a good sign ...

With love,
Janet & Don,
Just want to add my prayers for your little darling... looked at the photos posted on carepages - I guess all the comments I read about Katie's attitude are true. I'm sure she's giving the hospital folks a dose right now!

You're all in my prayers.
I couldnt wait to get home today to check on katie! I'm glad to see that the updates are keeping on comming so we all can be informed. I know deep down in my heart Katie is going to pull through just fine. She's gonna get the strength from all of our prayers that are continuously being sent her way. (to her and her family!!)

Sending my prayers and thoughts.....

AND (((((HUGS)))))

your updates bring tears to our eyes...We're so sorry for all that Katie is going through, and for you and Don. I've lit a candle for little Katie in our kitchen so everytime I see it,I'll pray for her. (Which will be quite a lot with a little Miss 3 year old and Master six year old who ALWAYS seem to be hungry!) "Lord, please keep little Katie's spirit strong as she gos through this hard time, and may her body recover and get stronger each day. Bless the surgeon, doctors%, cardiologists and nurses...and guide them with your wise Spirit". Amen.

Yolanda & Chris
I keep watching for an update and know that Janet's priorities are Katie and her family right now as they should be. I just have this little girl on my heart and..... you all know how it is.....
bvdr said:
I keep watching for an update and know that Janet's priorities are Katie and her family right now as they should be. I just have this little girl on my heart and..... you all know how it is.....

I know what you mean, I keep checking and hoping for some kind of news. I wish there was more we could do for Janet and Don.
NEW UPDATE! From Carepage........................................................ July 14, 2005 at 09:36 PM CDT

You guys must really be working behind the scenes and calling in some favors from the Big Guy upstairs. As of two hours ago, Katie's chest is closed and she appears to be tolerating it well. Her heart rate has gone up significantly - back up to 158, but her blood pressure has remained fairly stable - with the help of meds of course, but still a good sign. They have decreased the amniodorone and decided to let her just ride in junction rhythm for a while, as it is much more regular and her blood pressure stays more stable in junction. She is still fairly knocked out from the anesthesia, so I am praying that things don't become erratic when this starts wearing off. They also upped her morphine and versed drips a bit as opposed to just giving her an extra shot now and then when she needs it, which causes her blood pressure to plummet. And we did have to go back up on the 02 to 88%, but hopefully can start weaning that back down soon. We also have two pleural effusions that we are monitoring, and, darnit, I knew there was something I forgot to ask the docs. Dr. Bove was going to look and see if they could alleviate some of that when they closed her chest - yes, although he didn't do the closing, he was in the OR for it - guess he just wanted to make sure there were no more surprises...... So I guess I will have to go find out the answer to that one............sigh! Too much to ponder. Too little brain. I need my own versed drip! Oh, and we got a new central line today in the OR, and have already blown one arterial line and on our second. Hopefully, these will hold for the duration.

Oh, and just so y'all know the imp is still in Katie just fighting to get out..........even doped up as she is and partially restrained, she tried her darndest to sit up in bed earlier today. She also managed to speak around the vent and said, "I want water. Water."
I felt like an ogre not being able to honor her request, although we did swab her mouth out............

Okay, got to get back, but just had to share the good news. Courtney, Tammy, - all of you, thank you so much and do please keep those prayers flowing. I REALLY think they are working. Many hugs. J.

This makes it a little easier to go to bed tonight! Everyone keep praying!
The best post I have ever read! I hope Janet and Don are able to sleep more peacefully tonight or at least able to catch some sleep!
Ok.. Here Goes Nothing...

Ok.. Here Goes Nothing...

I have been thinking about how Katie has been doing all day, and I written something that I feel is my prayer (along with everyone's) for Katie and Janet and family, and although it focuses on Katie, it is meant for her whole family and everyone who has children dealing with heart and valve and for that matter any illness, whether they are with us now or in spirit.

I hope you all like it as this is how I feel when it comes to children or anyone for that matter:

A Prayer for Katie

You are the light that keeps us glowing,
You are the love that fills the heart
Just keep fighting little one
Your Journey has yet to start

You have already fought a battle
To many for your few years
Only to cross the highest mountain
And spare the world their tears

The world wants to see you glowing
As you play with all your toys
To go through life with happiness
And experience all of it's great joys

Soon you will be dancing
Like an Angel who's on the run
Spreading infectious laughter
And downright having fun

Our prayer to you Dear Katie
Is simple and easy to begin
Just stay with us forever
And show us how to win

Dear Heavenly father, please continue to heal precious Katie and wrap your arms around her as she endures the mountains and valleys, and help her to continue to bring nothing but happiness and joy to her family and friends. Amen.

Harrybaby Was Here...LOL :D :D :D :D :D
As of two hours ago, Katie's chest is closed and she appears to be tolerating it well. Her heart rate has gone up significantly - back up to 158, but her blood pressure has remained fairly stable - with the help of meds of course, but still a good sign.


So I guess I will have to go find out the answer to that one............sigh! Too much to ponder. Too little brain. I need my own versed drip!

Heh, Janet still has her sense of humor ... definitely a good sign ;).

And, sounds as if Katie is still fighting ... and trying to be her rambunctious self ... even better ;).

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72,6,9/'81,7.hobbies.chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
MC Guide = http://www.chevyasylum.com/mcspotter/main.html
"Where have you gone?" ... Glen Campbell ... 'Still Within The Sound Of My Voice'


Ah, the power of prayer!!!!!! If we only really knew. God hears each and every one of us as we lift up Katie and her mom and dad to HIM. let' s continue!!! My heart has been tweaked today, may it stay so!!!
thinking of Katie

thinking of Katie

This news sounds better. I hope it continues to get better and better. Your little girl is on my mind all day. I love Harry's poem. I think it speaks loudly about how we are all feeling. Please think of yourself some, and try to rest. She is going to need you full strength very soon, you know!!


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