Great news from Janet
Great news from Janet
July 15, 2005 at 05:01 PM CDT
Just a quick note. As of two hours ago, KATIE IS OFF THE VENT!!!!! AND seems to be holding her own. Ross, you're right. Sats are fairly steady at 94% - highest we have seen breathing on her own since she was born. Courtney, thank Miss Anika and her class for our special card - they are on Katie's wall right now, so she will have something special to look at when she wakes up - besides me.........heehee! Kim, thanks as always for updating - Love you. And ALL of YOU, thank you so very, very much. YOur love and support mean so much - I read through these posts and cry like a baby - and your prayers are obviously being answered. Please do keep them up. Will try and give a better update later. I might have my poem finished, "An Ode to my Butt." Got to get back to my little girl who is so desperately croaking for water, but can't have any for another four hours. P.S. Will try and call later, Gina, but tomorrow is fine. Katie may not be up to performing for you yet.........but nothing would surprise me now. Many hugs. Janet