I have a meeting with the discharge planner. I wish I could trust her judgement. She is a young gal.
The first idea out of her mouth was that she was going to send Joe to a facility in the Catskills

, even though we have facilities right here in the tri cities area. I don't know what she has inside her head. It was a stupid suggestion and I think she truly thought I would agree to that. Ridiculous!!!!!
Apparently she is just trying to shuffle him out of there asap with no concern for what is best for him or for his family. It's wharehouse mentality,
I think you can understand why I will be leery of her plan for Joe.
I desperately need someone to guide me through this kind of planning. Muddle headed thinking is not what I need right now.
Just once, I would appreciate it if SOMEONE would do things the right way.
This is the most frustrating thing I have EVER been through with Joe, in all of his hospitalizations. He has had terrible and neglectful care in the ICU. Nurses there are taking care of 4 very, very ill patients at a time. They have no time to attend to their patients the right way.
And now this stupid discharge planner. It's beyond my comprehension, how a medical facility could be so bad.