Update on Joe

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Nancy, how good to read the positive update that Joe may be moving out of ICU. I am glad that prayers are being answered for him, even though he still has a long recovery, he is making good progress. Hugs and prayers to the both of you.
Good to hear, Nancy!!!

A rehab facility will be good for Joe and may give you some time to relax, too. Yes, it's complicated, but one step at a time, girlfriend. I'm so glad to hear good news.


I have a meeting with the discharge planner. I wish I could trust her judgement. She is a young gal.

The first idea out of her mouth was that she was going to send Joe to a facility in the Catskills :eek: , even though we have facilities right here in the tri cities area. I don't know what she has inside her head. It was a stupid suggestion and I think she truly thought I would agree to that. Ridiculous!!!!!

Apparently she is just trying to shuffle him out of there asap with no concern for what is best for him or for his family. It's wharehouse mentality,

I think you can understand why I will be leery of her plan for Joe.

I desperately need someone to guide me through this kind of planning. Muddle headed thinking is not what I need right now.

Just once, I would appreciate it if SOMEONE would do things the right way.

This is the most frustrating thing I have EVER been through with Joe, in all of his hospitalizations. He has had terrible and neglectful care in the ICU. Nurses there are taking care of 4 very, very ill patients at a time. They have no time to attend to their patients the right way.

And now this stupid discharge planner. It's beyond my comprehension, how a medical facility could be so bad.
So sorry you have this discharge planner to deal with at such a difficult time. I know you will be strong and insist on what is best for Joe. Can you enlist the aide of any of his doctors that you trust or a hospital social worker? I have confidence that you will overcome this hurdle as well and that Joe will be going to the best local facility for him. Thinking of you Nancy and sending my prayers for a good resolution.
Dear Nancy:

Knowing you, you will take this one step at a time, making sure both Joe's urgent needs, and yours, are taken care of properly. I hope if and when I take ill, someone can be half the advocate that you are for Joe.

It is good news, though, that Joe is getting our of ICU, and perhaps when he does get into the rehab unit, the care there might be better.

We will continue to pray that his health improves, and that you can bring him home.

Nancy, our thoughts and prayers are still with you and Joe. We will be praying for everything to be done as it should be without all of the hassles you've had to endure.
Nancy, I was glad to hear that Joe will be moving out of the ICU. I'm sorry though that you're having to deal with incompetent people. That makes things so much harder. I'm thankful that you are Joe's advocate. Please remember that I'm keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Linda
Nancy, hopefully the facility Joe goes to will be of much higher quality care than that which he is getting now. I know you must be exhausted and I hope that you are getting at least some amount of rest.

I continue to pray for you both.
hi nancy,
i was so happy to read that joe is progressing and will be moved out of icu.
i'm so sorry you have to deal with incompetent medical staff; must be so frustrating.
are there any other discharge planners you might be able to work with?

joe is so lucky to have you advocating for him. we know he will be well taken care of as long as you are there.

hope you are trying to get some rest and keep your strength up.
please know that you will both be in our continued prayers and hearts.
thinking of you and wishing you all the best,

I hope and pray that you and Joe can obtain some quality help and guidance on the next facility. Unfortunately, based on my experiences with my mother, there are some good and a lot of less than great Rehab facilities out there too. I think getting the inside scoop on those facilities is even harder than finding the right hospital.

Hope Joe is able to get the help he needs and deserves to get back to his old self. Our prayers and good thoughts continue for the both of you.

May God Bless,

Nancy. The good news is that Joe is progressing! The not so good news is that I can really hear the exhaustion in your voice.

When my father had extensive needs, his Blue Cross Insurance called me and gave me a Case Manager. She was amazing!! She just understood my dilemma immediately and made things happen! Not just on the insurance end, but in hooking me up to the right local medical professionals. I wonder, since you do not, can not and will not trust this young woman (nor would I), can you find another person to help you.

Best of luck to you. Take some extra vitamins....treat yourself to a cool fruit smoothie! Hang in there. Joe is moving in the right direction!

Nancy I echo the praise that joe is out of ICU..
and hear the frustration level loud and clear..
Please don't grow weary.. keep advocating, insist on a patient care representative,or a patient advocate.. usually a social worker..she will help sort through the polital discharge mumbo jumbo you seem to be getting.
don't give up..
{{{{{{{nancy}}}}}}} sending you big hugs and prayers to find another advocate for your patient rights and needs!
Is the discharge planner the same individual as the Social Worker? If not, make sure that you find out who the Social Worker of the hospital is and talk to her/him. They really can make things happen. I know from experience
He is in a regular room and the NG tube is gone. He did eat some pureed food and he seems more oriented than in the ICU.

I had a VERY difficult meeting with the discharge planner and social worker both.

Their ONLY interest is getting him out of there. There is little concern for the human side of what needs to be done. It was a very difficult meeting. But I am not backing down one bit.

They were still trying to put the distant facility on the table just to get rid of him. It is an hour and a half one way, at best, to get there.

And it would mean a whole new set of doctors.

I am so angry, you can't imagine.
oh nancy,
i'm sorry they are making it difficult. marguerite sounded like she had a great idea; would that help? maybe that way you can get someone on your "team"?
you must be so exhausted and drained and ready to slug these people.
i know it can be so frustratingly difficult when they just don't "get it" and it is more of a business than a humane thing.

please stand your ground. you have taught me (and it's been our saving grace these last few years with my dad's cases) to advocate and maintain strength in protecting your rights and needs.

i hope things ease up a bit and joe is moved where YOU want him to be. please don't give up; don't let them push you. you are one, but you are strong.
we are here. please call on us for anything at all.

thank you so much for taking the time to post and keep us up to date.
wishing you and joe all the best. prayers and thoughts continue.
stay well,
I certainly can understand your anger. I do know that if you are adamant in your refusal to have him moved, that they will have to come up with other alternatives. What have Joe's doctors said about a move? If you can get them to nix it, you'll have this battle won.
You both remain in my thoughts and prayers.
stand your ground, nancy ... you are awesome. joe is so lucky to have you fighting on his side! i am glad to hear joe is doing better. i can't imagine how frustrated you must be with those social workers & such. sending prayers, i hope it all works out.
I would advise you to call your primary doctor or a doctor you trust and ask him/her the BEST rehab/care facility in your area. The doctors do know which ones suck and which ones their patients seem to get good results. Then request that facility to the discharge planner. yes they get alot of flack from the insurance companies to discharge as soon as possible. I think the only exception would be an example:a new quadreplegic going to craig hospital in colorado because they specialize in that field. Then you would want to go a distance to get that special care. Sounds like that is not the case here- just a great facility that can strengthen him up good.
Oh, Nancy..............

Oh, Nancy..............

I feel your frustration. WE went through a similar situation with my dad after his car wreck. First rehab facility the hospital shipped him to, which was okay by us because it was close to home, kept him a week, said he was too combative and they were basically going to put him out on the curb if we didn't find another place. When we were striking out (and Katie was just out of the hospital after spending eight weeks there) their head nurse Ratchett "found" another institution to take him. What she failed to tell them was that he had a metal trache and was combative. They were going to turn him away at the curb as well when they found out about the trache. They finally relented and took him in for two days while we found another place...............an hour away. I get spitting mad just thinking about that..........even wrote our representative over that one (not that it did any good).

Please stand firm and get anyone involved who will be your advocate..........Joe's primary PCP or whomever. WE are with you and you guys are still in our prayers. Much love and many hugs. J.

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