Update on Joe

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I'm so happy to hear things are looking up and you've managed to get the discharge people to listen to you (although, I can't imagine them not listening to someone who tries so hard to get the best possible level of care for her husband).

Good luck with the rehab/dialysis placements, sounds like they're good places and convenient for you too. And if Joe's allowed a bit more sodium in his diet because of the dialysis, well I guess every cloud has a silver lining!

Take care,

hi nancy,
we were so happy to hear of joe's progress. joe must be enjoying some tasty foods?
you both remain in our thoughts and prayers. please let us know how you both are.
wishing all the best,

Everything sounds gooooood.....let's hope all is worked out by next week and that they're wrong about the dialysis.

Thinking of you both.

Nancy..Hope this rehab/dialysis works out for you..being only 20 minutes from your house.:) ..Before our neighbor,best friend moved to Fla. last Dec. he had an early morning slot for dialysis 1 hour from here.:eek: Many mornings, their car lights hit our bedroom..and I knew they were leaving...and wouldn't get home until noon. Wife told me they were both worn out...I think his was Mon./Wed/Friday's.....Their Condo in Fla. is only 5 minutes away.(dialysis)........I know the weather where you live can get bad in the winter.I remember when Joe slipped on the ice?.....but, I know,,first things, first....get him strong again....:) ....Prayers still for you..Bonnie
The renal docs allow 2000mg per day. Joe has been on 500mg per day for a long time

Now that's what I call a silver lining! I'm glad it looks like things are going to work out for Joe. Schlepping around three days a week is a nuisance, but maybe you can work in trips to specialty markets, discount clubs, museums, parks, restaurants (which were tough to go to on 500mg), and the like.


Bumping this thread back up....How is Joe? Any news when he may be discharged?We worry..and still praying ...Bonnie
Nancy, I think the dialysis might be a factor in Joe's recovery progressing and I hope it is still doing so. I know patients who were so surprised how much better they felt after they were on dialysis for awhile. My nephew's wife (24 years old) was so pleased she could have as many fluids as she wanted while on the machine. She had been on restricted fluids and sodium for several years before she required dialysis. Is that true for Joe also.

I know Joe has a long way to go and rehab will be difficult but hopefully not prolonged. I too hope he gets admitted to the facility of which you are speaking so favorably. How does he feel about it? You are both daily in my prayers.
Nancy -

Nancy -

I am pleased to read your good reports regarding Joe's health and his followup care. I hope all continues to move along well for both of you.

As always - in my thoughts and prayers.

Blessings -

Christina L
Joe is doing very well. He is up and walking with some help, and he is eating a good diet. His mind has cleared up. His voice is still soft, but that is from way too many intubations and some subsequent nerve damage to the vocal cords which do not meet anymore, not from the stroke. But his speech, however soft is understandable. He is sitting upright in a chair for most of the day.

I'm thinking that he is more alert and in better shape than when he came home from heart and lung surgery. If things continue along this path, perhaps he could get away with some in home rehab, for a while instead of staying in a facility. He had that before when he had a terrible fall on the ice.

Then he would only need a dialysis slot. I have a walker and cane here and have a nice transport chair (like a wheelchair but a much lighter, something I can fold up in the car).

Might need a commode for a while, and possibly a physical therapy belt but that's nothing. Have a urinal.

The only problem I see right now is for his renal doctors to determine whether he needs permanent dialysis. If that is the case, they will have to schedule a fistula procedure, since they are using a tesio catheter in the neck right now and that is a prime target for infection leading to endocarditis. That has to go at some point, so they are going to have to make some sort of decision.

With the tesio catheter in, he cannot take a shower, sponge baths only. Can't get that wet.
Like I said, home before Holloween! Still praying that dialysis is only temp, but we'll accept which ever outcome we get.
how good to read your latest update! i am smiling as i read how well joe is doing ... prayers answered! sending more hugs & prayers out to you both until joe is home.
Nancy said:
Joe is doing very well. He is up and walking with some help, and he is eating a good diet. His mind has cleared up. His voice is still soft, but that is from way too many intubations and some subsequent nerve damage to the vocal cords which do not meet anymore, not from the stroke. But his speech, however soft is understandable. He is sitting upright in a chair for most of the day.

I'm thinking that he is more alert and in better shape than when he came home from heart and lung surgery. If things continue along this path, perhaps he could get away with some in home rehab, for a while instead of staying in a facility. He had that before when he had a terrible fall on the ice.

Then he would only need a dialysis slot. I have a walker and cane here and have a nice transport chair (like a wheelchair but a much lighter, something I can fold up in the car).

Might need a commode for a while, and possibly a physical therapy belt but that's nothing. Have a urinal.

The only problem I see right now is for his renal doctors to determine whether he needs permanent dialysis. If that is the case, they will have to schedule a fistula procedure, since they are using a tesio catheter in the neck right now and that is a prime target for infection leading to endocarditis. That has to go at some point, so they are going to have to make some sort of decision.

With the tesio catheter in, he cannot take a shower, sponge baths only. Can't get that wet.

I'm just getting back in the swing of things on the Forum, and although I think I've seen you post on another thread more recently than five days ago, I can't find an update.
Can you tell me how Joe is?
Bonnie kept me filled in while I was gone, but I think I'd better ask for myself this time.:)
At bedtime you both have a reserved slot in my thoughts and prayers.
Great news, Nancy. Glad to hear things are going so well and I am still praying that this is all a dim memory real soon.

Thanks for keeping us updated.
Glad things are looking up for you and Joe! Sure hope that he can do his rehab at home. Sounds like you are set up for it, except for the dialysis. Here's hoping that a fistula procedure is not a big deal and that they can go ahead and do it!
Joe is inching towards getting out. We have a promising dialysis situation. He did have a headache today which is of concern considering his recent brain bleed. However, it did not continue, but they are doing a CATscan as we speak, just to make sure all is OK.

His infections are under good control, and he will be on antibiotics for some time, even when discharged.

Just have to make sure the bleeding has not started again.
Thanks for the update, and saying prayers the headaches was just a headache i'm glad things seem to be lining up to go home,what great news
Keeping you both in our prayers, Nancy. We hope all goes well with the scan and you get to take Joe home soon!
Nancy said:

I agree with you for sure. I don't think the discharge planner ever looked at inspections or would even consider them as anything viable when recommending placements. Her main focus, at least at this hospital, is to get him out of there asap, no matter what or where. It stinks, big time.

I did find out that some nursing homes market to hospitals, probably no surprise. I would wonder why a facility which is so remote from where we are located found the need to market to distant hospitals. Most good nursing/rehab places are filled up with waiting lists.

My guess is that this place has been in their local newspaper too many times, and may be having a hard time getting local referrals.

Or, maybe, someone is getting a kickback or other perks. It is not something I like to dwell on, but the situation begs this kind of thinking.

At any rate, he is almost at the point that he might be able to come home with outpatient rehab, or in home rehab which we have had in the past.

If they can get him walking a fair distance with a walker and get him so he can manuever stairs, it is a remote possibility. I have taken care of him in pretty bad shape. Then getting a dialysis slot would be the only problem

The ideal would be short term placement for in house rehab. So I am hoping for that first and foremost.

He still has infections going on, and other medical problems, so is not ready for discharge. And they have to make sure the restarting of Coumadin will not cause brain bleeding.

This sounds like a situation that is BEGGING for a good INVESTIVAGIVE REPORT by one or more of the local TV Stations. If / when you get a spare moment, it might be helpful to the community if you send a copy of that report to the News Director at their local TV station.

Best wishes to You and Joe,

'AL Capshaw'
Thanks for the update, Nancy......haven't been on much lately, but I do check on you guys and Rossman every day.
