Think I'm going to burst

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Can't say much that hasn't been said already, but I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you get this taken care of.
I'm seriously beginning to wonder if something isn't wrong with my kidneys. I should be peeing my brains out and so far, that isn't happening. The swelling is down a little, but not much. I suppose this will get straightened around a little better tomorrow? BMP came back with everything in normal range. :confused:
Betty -

Thanks for the explanation; HUGE difference between SOB and CHF but something I read earlier in this thread made me think they were similar. But one can be a symptom of the other.

Ross -

Has your (water) weight gone down at all?!?! My dad kept going into congestive heart failure and even his neck would swell but he just kept glugging down fluids all the time while simultaneously taking mega-doses of Lasix! (He had IHHS, a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which has new initials now.) All that fluid was so hard on his body! Also, following my surgery, the doctors limited me to one quart of fluid a day for the first few or several weeks. I was pretty dry but I didn't get any swelling. Did the doctor tell you anything about your fluid intake during this urgent phase?

Hang in there camel; you need a new avatar :D !

Best wishes, Mr. Ross, ~Susan W
Maybe you're not on a high enough dose. Tomorrow will tell the tale. They can get bloodwork to check on your kidneys. But from Joe's CHF experiences, if it's a lot of fluid, at times he has needed a "jump start" with either IV Lasix in the hospital or Zaroxolyn at home. Zaroxolyn is a real bomb and is used in conjunction with Lasix. You'll be hanging around the outhouse door with that one, if they give it to you. But I bet they'll check your kidney function first.

Don't worry about the doc being able to get fluid off, there are worse bombs than Zaroxolyn. And if they want to they can turn you inside out, hang you upside down and shake you until the last drop is gone. :D

Are you staying low sodium?
What is a BMP? but glad it came back normal. : :) I told you in my PM..Get a six-pack of Miller Lite. :D Just kidding..but maybe you need to drink some water, ect. Bonnie P.S. Coffee does it for me. One cup in a.m. and I pee for 3 hours. Bon
Ross, there are many different dosages and meds that can be tried out. Rest assured they will find something that works - I had zero response to Lasix myself. A switch to demadex with a Zaroxolyn boost (like Nancy mentioned) was the magic worker for me. We just had to fiddle with it a bit.

They will get you dried out.
He has me on the starting dose of Lasix-20mg twice a day. It's not doing anything that I can tell. Yes I'm watching my sodium intake, fluid intake, caffeine and I promise I won't eat more then 2 cans of pringles.

BMP=Basic Metabolic Profile

Lets not have this talk of hospital! Ain't doin no hospital. I go in them and I don't come out. My bathroom works just fine right here at home.

What's wrong with my avatar?
Nothing wrong with your avatar but I think a camel would be more appropriate for you at this time since you're storing water... Bactrian or Dromedary... I'm just guessing at those spellings but I used to read a story to my boys when they were little about one- and two-humped camels. They don't really store water in those humps but that's the old wive's tail...
Ross's Avator

Ross's Avator

Just looks like the urine is coming out of the back side. :D :D Or is that urine? Oopps I may need to delete :D :D this one :eek: Bonnie..Are we making you mad, Ross or keeping you laughing. Let us know..Then I will be serious. :eek: Bonnie
Hey, Ross -- think of it this way, at least this time they THINK they understand what's going on. As the others have said, if it is "only" CHF, there are many ways to treat it. At least you won't have to think of coumadin as a "new" problem {sheepish smirk}.

My mom had CHF for years. As long as she watched her meds and diet, she was able to deal with it rather well. With your knowledge, experience and self-control (?), you can do it, too!

Keep us posted please.
Hello Ross:

I just thought I might add a word or two about my husband's expereince with the lasix, and what he has seemed to work out.

He takes 120 mg. of lasix a day. He waits to take the first three tabs, till say 11:00AM or 12:00. He does that because lasix only works on the water in the kidney, removing that water, and then the body then consumes the water stored where it shouldn't be. His theory is, that during the night he has not drank a think, and through sweat and respiration, he has lost quite a bit of water (which is why we all weigh less in the morning.) By 11:00 or 12:00, he actually has some to get rid of! He found that by taking the med first thing in the morning with all of his other meds, just did not give him the results he felt he needed to get. He takes his second dose between 6:00 and 7:00, giving him ample time to empty, BEFORE going to bed. This little scenario seems to work for him,. I am confident that you will work something out as well. BTW, he was titrated up to the 120mg a day, and this does keep him nice and dry, as long as (1) he remembers to take his meds (2) he doesn't spend a lot of time on his feet. He needs to get in his recliner a couple of times a day for an hour or so. GET THOSE TOOTSIES UP!
WIth best wishes, Ross. - Marybeth
2:45 and counting. I need some anti anxiety drugs now. I have a dilema on my hands here, my belly is still so big that I cannot get my jeans to fasten. I'm afraid I'm going to walk past a very attractive woman and have something jump out. I hate when that happens! Need more anti anxiety drugs now.

By the way, I like my wifes tail, but the problem is I'm male and I like a heck out of a lot of tails out there. :D

Especially these:

Now I really need massive amounts of anti anxiety dope. The Cards office just called and bumped the appointment up to 11:30, so I only have about 2 hours to chew the rest of my fingernails off. :eek:
Your wicked sense of humor is much more effective than any anti-anxiety dope and the added benefit- when you turn on the juice, we all get a dose. D'ya think your feathered friend gives manicures?
Umm I don't know but I could ask I suppose. I know she doesn't give pedicures. She did till she saw mine, now she can't even look at a foot without getting sick.

20 mg. is a wussie dose of Lasix. No wonder you aren't getting rid of the fluid. It's going to take a lot more than that to get rid of 15+ pounds of fluid. So far, it still sounds fixable. I know you don't want to hear the H word, but with Joe and his CHF problems, if he has to be hospitalized, it's a rather short stay, 2 days at most, and sometimes, they can get rid of a ton of fluid in less than 24 hours. Hospitalization allows them to give you the max in diuretics because they constantly check your kidney function and monitor your heart. It's faster and gets the load off your heart fast. He's been in and out of the ER in one evening.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that you can do it at home with a higher dose and maybe Zaroxolyn added. Probably all will depend on your labs and kidney function. There is a CHF test called BNP, as opposed to BMP which is the metabolic test.

God Bless, Ross, help is on the way. You'll be feeling better soon.
Ha, I'm back. I know you all missed me. :rolleyes:

Word=He believes it's my lungs causing the whole issue. Given that I haven't gained any more weight nor lost any, he increased the Lasix to 40mg twice a day and added 25mg Aldactone once a day. He said the Aldactone will enhance the Lasix and help maintain my Potassium level. While he believes it's all lung related, he none the less to be sure and to rule out any heart problem, he has ordered another chest xray, echo, BNP and other blood tests. I'm scheduled to have this stuff start next Tuesday and finish with the echo on Thursday. Of course once again, if things deteriorate, go to the ER but he thinks I'm stable. He didn't hear any fluid around the heart or lungs, so I should be alright.

One eyed Willy didn't get out. Nothing worth howling at the moon over came insight today. :( :D Looks like you have to put up with me for awhile yet. :eek:
Either some people are laughing their tails off or they truly think I've flipped and are ticked at me. Which is it? Not trying to offend. Only trying to make fun or an otherwise poor situation.
I', laughing my head off while I eat my Lean Crusine. did the 1 mile walk and hope to be able to zip my jeans up soon..And it's not fluid..but FAT. :D :D Now, tell Willy to get busy... :p :p :p Bonnie