Hello Ross:
I just thought I might add a word or two about my husband's expereince with the lasix, and what he has seemed to work out.
He takes 120 mg. of lasix a day. He waits to take the first three tabs, till say 11:00AM or 12:00. He does that because lasix only works on the water in the kidney, removing that water, and then the body then consumes the water stored where it shouldn't be. His theory is, that during the night he has not drank a think, and through sweat and respiration, he has lost quite a bit of water (which is why we all weigh less in the morning.) By 11:00 or 12:00, he actually has some to get rid of! He found that by taking the med first thing in the morning with all of his other meds, just did not give him the results he felt he needed to get. He takes his second dose between 6:00 and 7:00, giving him ample time to empty, BEFORE going to bed. This little scenario seems to work for him,. I am confident that you will work something out as well. BTW, he was titrated up to the 120mg a day, and this does keep him nice and dry, as long as (1) he remembers to take his meds (2) he doesn't spend a lot of time on his feet. He needs to get in his recliner a couple of times a day for an hour or so. GET THOSE TOOTSIES UP!
WIth best wishes, Ross. - Marybeth