Think I'm going to burst

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I will be sitting on my eggs..waiting like an old mother-hen :D :D :D :D :D Is Lyn going with you. Post as soon as you get back home.Bonnie
Geez, Ross. I hope it doesn't turn out to be anything embarrassing. 'Cause I don't see how you're going to get out of telling us all what happened.

"Uh, well, our professional opinion is that you need to start buying your jockey shorts one size larger from now on. Or at least start using cold water wash - cotton shrinks, you know..."

May it be something so silly.

Best wishes,
10:40 CST - just logged in to check for news.

Ross, you have us glued to our computers.
Hello -

I'm on Pacific time. Can someone tell me if Ohio is Eastern time or which?

We're like a bunch of expectant mothers here!
Ross is either central or eastern - (I think it might be central).

all us mother hens are sittin and cluckin - what about you father hens?

It's 1 pm eastern where I am and Ross is either enroute or there - Give him an hour or three and maybe we will hear back. Bet he gets lasix if he gets past the hospital.
Waiting....and Waiting
I am going to keep checking until I have to go to work which is 4:00 pm Pacific time. Keep us posted.

P.S. Ross.....where did the possum avatar go? I was kind of getting used to
the ugly little varmit! LOL. Actually..I was using it as desensitization
therapy. I thought if I kept staring at it I would eventually get to the
point where it didn't creep me out anymore. LOL.

CHF I'm to see the Cardiologist asap which the soonest is Wednesday at 12:15 unless things deteriorate further at which point go to the ER and take any Cardiologist on call. Prescription for Lasix started. :(
Ross, I have been checking my computer off and on all morning waiting to hear about you. You have been constantly in my thoughts and prayers. We all love you and want you to get much, much better.
Ross, I am glad you didn't wait around to call. At least you can get in on Wed. Maybe Lasix will help to take care of some of the discomfort. I hope so. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I am glad to see that you are willing to go to the ER if the need be.
That's the funny thing about all of it, no discomfort, no noticeable shortness of breath or in my case shorter, no nothing, just elephant legs and I suppose a bigger belly, couldn't get my pants fastened together today. :eek:

Have you had this happen before? What does this mean? Is it just expected in time with valve patients - even after surgery?

Glad to hear that you got some medications. I hope the cardiologist will be able to help you further.

Will be thinking of you.

Christina L.
Joe can get CHF in his belly area (ascites) also sometimes, without any SOB or foot swelling. If it goes on too long though, he does get SOB.

Lasix should help. I hope you got a strong enough dose.

Hope you're feeling better very soon. Don't eat anything salty tonight.
I told the Doc I was stopping for coffee and a couple cans of pringles on the way home.

Nancy why couldn't you live closer to me? My wife is going to have a hard time with the cooking menus now. I'm sure she can use all the knowledgable help she can get. Me, now I just eat whatever, whether I killed it or not.

..........and I thought I looked fat while taking prednisone. :(


Glad you are back home..Hope the Lasik works..What is it? To get rid of extra fluid? Does that mean you will have to be close to bathroom :D :D :DTake it easy...Bonnie
Ross, It isn't causing discomfort? When my feet swell up they hurt like crazy. It feels like pressure all the way around. I hate that feeling. When it happens I can't get my shoes on and if I have my shoes on when it starts and don't get them off in time I will have indents in my feet where the shoes were pushing in. The discomfort for me isn't the worse pain I have ever is just annoying as heck. Did you have a previous Dx of CHF or is this a new thing for you?
P.S. Where is my possum?
Bonnie, yes Lasix is a diuretic. And if it affects him like it affected my mother he WILL want to stay close to the bathroom. Especially if Ross accumulated 15 lbs of water! LOL
At approximately 8.34 lbs per gallon...almost TWO gallons to get rid of! :eek:
This is the same bugaboo I've been fighting ever since my surgery, although it didn't crop up suddenly. I don't have CHF, but I have had the problem with fluid retention. At my cardio appointment last week, we decided to try replacing my booster diuretic with a potassium-sparing one as a trial.

My legs and feet don't swell to the extent that you are describing - but I do get it badly in the abdomen and belly. Causes shortness of breath and back pain on exertion - all I do is hit the water pills and the next day I'm good as new.

I don't think I've ever seen a response such as the one your thread generated! That oughta tell ya something.

Well, I know where you'll be for the next several hours :D
And consider this average urinary bladder holds apprx. one liter of fluid when full. 20 fl oz (bottle of pepsi) is 531ml. So hopefully the Lasix will work slowly or we may not hear from Ross again for quite a while. LOL
Sorry Ross, I wasn't trying to be funny at your just kind of happened that way.