Tips to prevent Endocarditis?

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I do not believe that there is much to do about endocarditis, especially after taking the necessary precautions such as oral hygiene. I think you should not poison your life with this fear. Living with the constant fear that I will get endocarditis does nothing but upset the person.
I feel the opposite I just got a staph infection. I've had a lot of them I live in the tropics. I didn't realize the connection between staph infections endocarditis and artificial heart valves. So now I'm very paranoid makes me think about relocating to a folder climate where there's less of these. On the other hand I also got a really bad staph infection in Seattle back in 2007. But I'm currently not living that far from the equator right now maybe a few degrees north and so everything grows where I live it's just hot and humid all year and hygiene isn't so good in a developing country so for folks like myself it is a concern about getting endocarditis