Think I'm going to burst

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Dang, Ross.... I?m happy to hear you can go through this and keep such a great sense of humor!! Sounds like ?one eyed willy? needs to be let out more often!! :D

Take care, Rossman. I?m happy to hear you?re gonna be alright.
Glad you got some more Lasix and the aldactone will help too. It works on a slightly different part of the kidneys and it helps quite a bit.

You got some of the help that you needed, but I'm not sure this doctor could provide ALL the help that you need. :D

Keep that sense of humor going.
Well come on now, bring it on!
Well, I'm sure glad you got a diagnosis, Ross, and for something you could DO something about!

I had been lurking here, following the thread, but not saying anything -- although the first thing that occurred to me was, could it be CHF. This was my diagnosis, at the time my mitral valve regurgitation was also diagnosed. Ever since I've had to watch carefully for any weight gain, and also for ANY swelling. (So far none, and no lasix either thank goodness. )

So I hope it all works out for you, Ross.
Ross said:
Either some people are laughing their tails off or they truly think I've flipped and are ticked at me. Which is it? Not trying to offend. Only trying to make fun or an otherwise poor situation.

I've lost my tail, has anybody seen it?
Ross said:
Either some people are laughing their tails off or they truly think I've flipped and are ticked at me. Which is it? Not trying to offend. Only trying to make fun or an otherwise poor situation.

Just smiling, shaking my head thinking "typical, typical"

What is life for, but to laugh and enjoy. Humor is the best medicine. And it must be correct because I've found most of the people on this site to have a pretty warped sense of humor~ excluding me of course.
One thing I forgot to tell all of you. When I first walked in, they photo copied my insurance card and promptly ask me for my copayment. I looked at the receptionist and said, "Do you pay for your groceries before you get them?" Of course I started a little scene there. I then said, "Well if I'm not happy witht the service, do I get my money back?" I then told her to discuss the situation with the hmm management and let them know that I thought that to be rather rude and pushy. :D I also told her to expect me to become rude and pushy when my money runs out!

Also discussed the Colonscopy bridge therapy deal with him. He said he would recommend lovenox in a minute and without hesitation. If that couldn't be, then Heparin but in no way would anyone go without some sort of protection.
Me Too!

Me Too!

tobagotwo said:
Geeze-Louise. Now I gotta get THAT image outta my head. Where'd I leave my brace-and-bit?

Wish I had needle and a vacuum pump to rid my mind
of the picture :eek: Of course, no offense Ross :p


Ross, are you sure you are not from around here? I have heard the one-eyed robin around here. I don't think you are offending anyone with that. I am waiting for a call back from the cardiologist since I am on 20 mg. of lasix and still retaining fluid. Have to watch what I eat during the day. I know that I am fluffier but some of it has to be fluid since my legs get to feeling like sausages and have been grooves in my legs where my socks are. Never heard of the other medicine. Have to check into that.


When I went to my Cardio yesterday for my 6 month checkup..and sat down..They called me to the front desk and gave me a chart with 2 pages to fill out..Insurance, ect..I asked WHY? She said, well you haven't been here for awhile dud? :confused: I said, I was here 6 months ago and 6 months before that and 6 months before that and 3 months before that. :D She just looked at me funny..My first visit with him in his now huge office where before it was like 6 rooms.He has 6 new Cardio's with him now..and told me he would just see old patients on Tuesday's now. Doing full Cath's upstairs at the New Heart Center we have.. I just love him and we joke a lot.He is the one that finally found my aneurysm after 3 months of other Doctor's looking and sending me for all tests.(Looking for a burping I had after my Mom's sudden death) :( :( ...Getting off track, again...Ross, can you walk a little outside. I know, it never fells when I start walking the dog and get about 1/4 mile from the house. I need to wee-we..Maybe it's because I am watching him cock his leg everyother bush. :p :p :p Bonnie
To Bonnie,

To Bonnie,

My Mom says weewee all the time. Glad to hear you had a good report. At my PCP's office, you can't get a blood pressure check unless you make an appointment with one of the nurses. You are going to get charged an office fee for having this done. The new office calls are $97.00 to $120.00. I only go when I have to. Cheaper going to the Cardiologist then there. I have never been asked for the copay as of yet, they just bill us for it. It seems that we never get out from under the medical bills. Husband is an insulin dependent diabetic and he goes to Loyola near Chicago for his Dr. every 3 mos. They sure have straightened him. The consultation with the surgeon was $650.00. Couldn't believe it. He did a good job so I am not complaining. We sell Dr. 's professioanl liability here at work and there premiums have skyrocketed which goes over to the patient and the insurance company. Vicious cycle. Got off on the wrong track again, Sorry, Been a long day today. Going to go have a drink and some low fat, low carb tacos tonight.

Way to stir up trouble with the office staff. Hope you don't need a favor from them soon. :)

When the cashier asks me for my drivers license to verify my check or credit card, I tell them "I don't drive". I can quickly tell who has a sense of humor.

Keep the faith!
They give Lasix to race horses, so they run faster. This will be helpful to you the next time you see your Drs front desk people, and they all decide to chase you back to your car!
Hope the swelling is going down. I gained 10lbs in the hospital from CHF. Being a somewhat thin person, it was very weird to look at my fat fingers and hands. But the drugs did their job and yours will too.
Ross, I'm so glad that you found out what was wrong. You had me worried. One thing about being a pointer instead of a sitter, it's always easier to find a place where you can go. I live on a farm and I swear my husband (Eddie) goes outside most of the time! Oh well, that's one of the advantages of farm life. :rolleyes:
I've been gone and just read this thread. Since I saw Ross posting yesterday it kind of took all the suspense out of it for me. :mad:

Ross, I hope you're one eyed willy has been busy getting rid of that excess fluid and hope you're feeling better!
I suppose it's time for minimal update. The increase is just barely working. I think the dose is going to have to be upped yet again. Same weight, same size, same bat channel.
You know, Ross, if all else fails.... head into the kitchen, open the top draw, grab a fork and make like a sausage on a BBQ!!

Hmmmm... then again, after some of the earlier comments, perhaps that wasn't the most appropriate analogy :eek:

A : )

I apologize for not posting for a while but I have been up to my ears in work. I checked the site today and read though your latest story and just had to take the time and send a note to you.

You are a most remarkable person who has really gone through the ringer and yet comes out smiling and always full of good spirit and humor. As I read the postings I was very worried at first and then it seemed that you have been able to get this latest problem somewhat under control.

I wish you the best Ross and just know you will conquer this latest situation. Keep us posted and keep the faith.



Hi Ross
I have been out of touch for a while because I have been doing the rounds with all the specialists before my surgery. Stress test.& echo X-rays= extra labs breathing test. Two sleep study-fun fun :confused: I feel like I have spent the last two week in my car driving all over the Louisville area seeing ever Dr. they have and some twice and three times. I just hope you are doing ok now. My prayers are with you. :)