Dear Victor-
You must be very afraid of this surgery. You know without it, you will not live long, right? Years ago, people with these kinds of conditions just died, there was nothing that could be done for them. Then in the 70s valve surgery developed and started saving lives immediately. My husband was one of the lucky ones then. He would surely have died, but in 1977, he had his first valve surgery. The mechanical valve that was implanted then is still in him and working.
In spite of your fears, this surgery is highly perfected. The surgeons who do it are absolute experts in what they do. Everything you have wrong inside your heart, they have no doubt seen before and can fix.
I know right now, you are probably being bombarded with emotions from all angles. I won't beat you up for being frightened.
But I would like to point out to you that as your valve disease continues to deteriorate, you will not be feeling well at all. You will be increasingly short of breath because your damaged heart just cannot keep up with your body's demands for bloodflow, and your lungs won't be able to supply enough oxygen. You may then become totally bedridden, and your body systems will start to fail. It is not a pleasant way to go. I've seen my husband approaching this circumstance a few times and it was very, very scary, for me to watch and for him as he could feel his body slipping little by little.
You have an opportunity here to turn this all around. You have the possibility of a long life ahead of you. You have a wife who loves you dearly. She has told us here that fact many times.
You have many friends here who are worrying about you, even though you don't know any of them. You'd be surprised at how many have been following your progress,and have been hoping that you would get the help that will save your life.
I know that you don't like medical stuff, and all of the fussing around that has to be done. It's true there will be some pain and some uncomfortableness involved. It's temporary though, and it is survivable.
If your heart condition could take your life without doing anything about it, why not give yourself the wonderful gift of life.
I am really hoping that you will rethink things and make the decision to go for it.
We love you Victor and we want you to live, for yourself, for your wife and for the rest of your family. You only come this way once, don't cut your life short. You never know how much you can accomplish in the future. You will HAVE a future if you decide to get your heart fixed up.
GO FOR IT, VICTOR, you're worth it!!
God Bless.