End Of My Rope

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First of all........... thank you, Victor.

First of all........... thank you, Victor.

Our world needs more men like you. You showed your self motivation, determination & perseverance in your bio. Not to mention your lack of cowardice!! But ya know... We all need a little support and comfort at times. I hope you feel the support here in this forum. I hope you will continue to visit and know that we care about you.

I can understand why you would have second thoughts after hearing your story. And for goodness sakes we all have the right to back out at any time, for any reason. I hope you don?t feel like you shouldn?t plan it again, just because you didn?t follow through the first time. I can see how a person might be a little embarrassed after all the family coming and whatever. But the truth is... They?ll love and respect you a lot more if you give it another whack. You didn?t say if you have children. To be real honest... it was my love for my children more than anything else that got me through heart surgery.

What ever happens..... stay in touch!! I hope you and Shirley will think about coming to our reunion this October?? I promise you?ll have a great time and LOVE the people!! :D

One more thought.... have you been honest with your cardio about why you didn't have the surgery? You don't have to answer.... but if he's worth the degree he earned, he could help you out.
Hi Victor

Hi Victor

Hope this finds you well. Tell shirley hello..I don't have much to say..other than, my age 34 year old son (the Love of my life) is also a policeman..Now for 14 years. Joined at age 20.. :eek: :eek: Cried my eyes out..but that is what he wanted to become..They sent him to Police academy..He has served in every field...Their county dive team, their DARE school person, their un-cover drug guy :eek: :eek: :eek: Got the tattoo's.ect... Their school high profile fast-driver. again :eek: :eek: :eek: Saw him this afternoon, when he came to pick up his son. By the way, he is a single father to Kameron.....He told me today about having to mace an age 15 year old boy..because the boy had a knife and told Wes to shoot him. Nothing to live for. :( :( :( :( Wes took him early the next day and begged the Judge to put him into hospital for mental health. Not to send him to prison. BTW, Ross. I googled, T.R. McClanahan. What a profile in law Enforcement. Will print it off for son........Victor, I know first hand what policemen go thru..and a lot son never would tell me. :p :p :p :p :p Reading your post, several times, the NO=Salt was probably to lower your B/P. The No food after midnite. so you would not choke on your vomit if they put tube in your mouth. :eek: and you threw up??? Maybe because you were in another hospital, they did not know you were allergic to Phenagin?..I post a lot but do not know much about medicines, ect. They found my aneurysm ..and I only had a 3 day wait. Could have burst like John Ritter or Lucille Ball's. :eek: :eek: :eek: and I wouldn't be here today to post to such nice people like you and Shirley. :) :) :) Bonnie
Victor - I have been reading a few of these posts and just wanted to make a few comments. After reading your biography, it seems you are an accomplished person. I wondered if the fact that you have to put yourself into the hands of these doctors is what is bothering you. I can assure you that all of us went into surgery trusting that those surgeons would put that valve in and we would recover. The statistics say you would pull through and be better off. Sorry if this has already been said, but I haven't read all the posts. Good luck with the path you choose.
To All From Victor

To All From Victor

I do appreciate the concern of everyone. With caring like that expressed, it is so difficult to believe there is such animosity/hatred in the world every day.
As my bio. discloses, I have seen a lot of the negativity of mankind. I have seen it in the back of my taxicab for 13 years now. I saw it as a teacher. I saw it as a deputy sheriff, cop and Marine. I saw it enough to
believe it is "the way of the world".
I do firmly believe in God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Bible; but
I believe in those points differently from some of my fellow Christians
(I believe in Divine Design and "Old World Creationism"),

True, my bio. shows a lot of triumph; but the valleys have been fairly steep too. In fact, at times they have been chasms into the abyss- very deep.
My children are in their 30s and I have two grandkids.
I have Shirley and she is my precious jewel. What some of you may not know is:she is on at least a par with me in her illness and
almost two years ago, when she was hospitalized while under closely super-
vised medical treatment, we almost lost her due to medical incompetence.
She flat-lined and for about a week it really did not look good at all in ICU.
The fact she is here at all is a miracle in and of itself.
My shooting in 1992 was a miracle too. The doctors told my family,"If he lives through the night, he has a pretty good chance of making it. It was like there was a hand inside guiding the bullet(collapsed lung, missed all major organs and all arteries) ". It is currently pointed toward my chin after a downward trajectory from the right side. I had sixty-six staples in my chest on that one and wrote in my spiritual journal of the time(November,1992) that the pain and suffering at the time was so horrible I did not think I would be alive in a year. Coming back from that was R-E-A-L-L-Y rough and full recovery took five years. I lost 40 lbs. in two weeks and then was only 210 lbs.
Now, I am 296. Now I am 12 years older. Now, I've gotten a lot of mileage out of this body and now I have my precious jewel.
Folks, I was just not comfortable with the idea of jumping onto the table this time. I am comfortable with that decision. Isn't it a Great Life?
I do still have mine to live and at this time, surgery is not even being contemplated.
God Bless You,
Remember Jesus Christ,
Our Lord and Savior,
Walk in the Holy Spirit

P. S. None of us are designed, made or adapted to last forever physically; but spiritually we can last for eternity if we just find the way.
I believe I have.
Oh and BTW Ross, no, that name does not ring a bell with me, sorry. Who is it?
Hi Victor, T.R. was my law enforcement instructor in riot and mob control, techiques and mechanics of arrest, and self defense. I dabbled into Law Enforcement in the early to mid 80's. At any rate, with the back ground you've given us, I thought sure you and he would have met up somewhere.

You can read his bio here: http://www.usjujitsu.net/bio/mcclanahan/


I checked out the site......mmmmm, no, not much chance we would have bumped into one another....kinda different backgrounds and locations.
I figured between the Corp, law enforcement, and teaching, you two may have crossed pathes. It was worth asking anyhow. :)
Victor, I'm not going to get into whether I think you made the right choice or not, but I thought I'd point out that all anaesthetists ask if you're allergic to anything - it's to make sure they're not inadvertently giving you something your body can't tolerate. When Jim was admitted to hospital I think everyone he saw - surgeon, nurse, anaesthetist, registrar - asked the same question. As it happens he has only one allergy and it's orange juice with bits in (the smooth kind is fine -no idea why) but at least if he'd been allergic to any drugs the doctors would have all known about it. As it turned out he still got orange juice for breakfast a couple of times - obviously they didn't tell the catering staff! But still, all the medical personnel made sure they had all the pertinent facts.
Also I think Melissa's right about trusting your gut instincts. Jim had to wait 2 weeks from his original surgery date, and I honestly believe neither of us were ready for him to have it done the first time around. When he actually had it done, it was scary as hell, but we got through it and lived to tell the tale.

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