Boys of October

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Magnificent Marlins. The saga continues. 1997. History repeats itself.


I seem to agree with you about the Cubs being "done" but I think it depends on which Kerry Wood shows up tonight. I think Fick should have been thrown out of the game. I hope tonight Kerry puts one right in his kisser. They say Fick is a real jack*** anyway. You don't pull that crap at first base. Well I guess we shall see, we shall see.
It's just habit

It's just habit

borne of 90 years of disappointment. Cubfans are used to assuming the worst. I say it's the end for Atlanta (sorry, folks). Cubs record for regular schedule this year same won/loss at home and away. Don't think they'll have trouble in Atlanta.

Go Cubbies.

But let's not mention those awful Bears. Groan. Let's lose Shupe.


will probably be benched tonight anyway seeing as he hasn't had a hit in the series and Franco has. We'll see though.
Oh yeah

Oh yeah

Sorry Bonnie but the other boy can pitch too. Georgia, you were right all along (and me and Cort of little faith). How about them Bears too. It's a great day in Chicagoland:D :D :D :D :D
Great call, Georgia. You stayed confident. I was too nervous to even watch portions of the game. Wood was awesome this series. As Borowski fanned the last batter, I thought that Santo, Banks, Sandberg, Sutcliffe et al must be getting immense satisfaction from this. Does this mean our reunion dinner on Friday night is cancelled? Gina, just make sure we're close to a bar. I can't believe I'll be in Chicago in October and the Cubs are playing! Wooo-hooo!!!

"Gina, just make sure we're close to a bar "

Our "field trip" on Saturday could be the " Cubby Bear " in Wrigglyville. Will see what we can do about the TV scene for Friday. It's a resturant/brewery. Hank was looking into making his presentation. With a little help from the Cubbies...ya can't go wrong.

My SUV seats 7 or 8!
Ya'll coming to Chicagoland for the Reunion next weekend...just might be in Chicago during a VERY momentus time :).


With that outta the way,


Yes, me of little faith, but....I said my GUT feeling was the Cubs were done....that don't mean that I had lost all Faith :).

Sorry, Bonnie..................but, Wrigley South (i.e. Turner Field) struck gold again for the Cubs!!!!

Cubs 3, Braves 2

Marlins 3, Giants 1

Next: Cubs vs Marlins

Yankees 3, Twins 1

Red Sox 2, A's 2

Next: Boston @ Oakland, Game 5, Monday night
Then: Yankees vs Red Sox/As

OOpsie...almost forgot: Pegne mentioned, BEARS WIN!!!!!!!!!

Chicago 24, Oakland 21 at New Soldier Field :).

BTW...heard on the radio something about some type of "old timers" (not the correct name....but similar to that) game at New Solder Field this coming weekend....old Bears players vs Dan Marino's "Greats" team...or something like of the sponsors is Chicago's ESPN Radio 1000......just food for thought ;)
Congrats Cubbies

Congrats Cubbies

Had to go to bed early ( Jury duty calls me down the Mountain early at courthouse. :mad: :mad: I took my grandson bowling in a small town yesterday. When I was leaving, a lady came in dressed in ful Cubs attire. I joked and said. you are brave to wear that today.:p She said she was from Chicago.:D Well, my poor age 89 year old Dad will be disappointed.# 1 Braves fan. Have to get him interested in rest of playoffs. Fla. ver. Cubs.. Well, off to do my civic thing. :D Bonnie
Do we have any Marlins avatars Ross? I'm sure they will be in big demand this week as we support the official baseball team of Go Marlins!!!!


I truly think the Marlins are NOT the official team. (Sputter)With all due respect to our Florida folks.:D

Can't wait to see what happens with Red Sox game tonight. Go Boston!

Bible experts: would a series between the Cubs and Red Sox portend the end of days?

Every since I was a young child, I spent every summer in front of the TV, watching The Cubs with my Dad. He worked nights. Last night when the Cubs won, my sister called saying Can You Believe It. They WON? Then she said, I really wish Dad could have been here to see this (he passed away in 1978). I got a lump in my throat and then I said.... Gerri, he was here in spirit. Him and all the others Diehard Cub fans that have passed away before getting to see our wonderful Cubbies win. I think they all had some pull with the Big Guy up there! Broke that 95 year slump! All we need is 4 wins, to go to the World Series. I think they can do it. After watching them all this year, they definitely got what it takes. Definitely have to have a TV somewhere at dinner Thursday and Friday. Sounds like both places might. I'm sure the Microbrewery will. It is great we're having the reunion here and our cubbies are in the playoffs! Waaaahoo!
The End Times

The End Times

If that's the case I will go to paradise one happy Cub fan. :D :D :D Lorraine, I know what you mean. My dad died in 1975 and after Cubs won the division my sister called and said "Dad would flip out right now if he were alive." I also had a lump in my throat when I had to agree. I grew up in Joliet and believe me the only time my dad would watch TV is when either the Cubs or Bears were playing. Kind of made me mad though as we only had one tv and if he was watching it I couldn't. Now, if the Cubs are playing, I watch every pitch of every game. Baseball, the greatest game in the world. Cubs, the greatest fans in the world. Go Cubs Go!!!
Hey, maybe Hank is going to take us to a game while we are at the reunion! There goes those flashing lights again. lol

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies


Do you have someone sitting on jury stand? that's where I,ll be for awhile:eek: Yes, I was picked and guess what type of case? Medical malpractice..2 doctors and equipment company.:eek: :eek: We got to hear both openings before 5 p.m. and I already have tons of notes....and yes, they (both sides) knew I had open-heart surgery. Cannot talk any more about it other than there were 10 people no-showed and Judge told Sheriff. Go find them:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: This Jury duty stuff is serious business...Bonnie
Thank you Bonnie for doing your civic duty. I appreciate your willingness to do the right thing.

After the case, tell us all the gory details!:D


It took from 9 a.m. until 3 P.M. to pick a jury...Small they had to eliminate..former or now patients of the 2 relations up until 3rd cousin of both sides. ( that got rid about 30 people right there:D ) Everyone seems to be kin):p I'm sure you know the other reasons. I thought I might be the only one left.:p and there really was only about 15 people not chosen. I see where it is really important to go when you are called. so both sides will get a fair judgment. I was so impressed when the Judge asked us to leave the box for 15 minutes.. When we returned to the stand EVERYONE stood up for us.:) :) :) until we were seated.:) Bonnie

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