Boys of October

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No one is perfect. The mark of champions is how they respond to problems. The CUBS are a great team, and I was routing for them. But the Marlins bounced back again and again and again.

PS........We're proud of Pudge. Selfishly wish he were still here in Texas, but very happy for him to be a champion on a championship team.
Well, Cubs fans, there's always next year.
I have to say that I think the Cubs gave it away last night and Tuesday. Fielding errors, not hustling for the ball, they need to get back to the fundamentals. Base hits. all that.
The Marlins did what they needed to do.

Now the Cubs know that Prior and Wood are both good for about 100 pitches then they are out of there. And with Wood you never know who will show up, the good pitcher or the so-so pitcher. I think Sosa played very poorly. He had a couple chances to make catches and just didn't get after the ball. After a while it seemed obvious that the Marlins were hitting to the gaps and the Cubs did not react. Apparently, the Cubs really can't handle the pressure. Maybe that's their curse: Laziness and apathy.

Marlins put together a complete game, Cubs didn't.

-Mara, baseball pundit.

p.s. for those interested, my grandfather played 7 seasons in the Cardinals organization. He was a relief pitcher.
I couldn't agree with you more, Mara. The Cubs did give it away. THe Marlins played great ball. The Cubs didn't focus on what was important. I was rooting for them anyway, as always! The more I watched and the more they seem to fall apart, I knew they weren't going to make it.

I think Dusty may be a good manager, but like you said Pegne, he looks for the long balls too much. He also should have pulled Prior and Woods before soo much damage was done.

I won't say my heart was broken. I know if all the same players are on the team for the next couple of years,with Bakers help they could become a better more focused team. I'm not even going to say maybe next year, like most. I think saying maybe in 2 years would be more realistic! Still Love THe Cubbies, though!

Congratulations Marlin Fans!
yeah yeah, Cort

yeah yeah, Cort

Really bad sense of direction, yah? I knew they are northsiders; just had a pumphead moment. :eek: :eek: :eek:

And the last two games were just about the Cubs at their worst; old time, find a way to lose Cubs. Blech.

But they were fun this year, and I really truly believe there's a good shot for next year.

How 'bout them Bears? At least they won't break our hearts, huh? Pathetic.
I'm sure you Cub fans have heard this but its fun anyway

I'm sure you Cub fans have heard this but its fun anyway

A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request

by Steve Goodman (1983)

A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request
By the shore's of old Lake Michigan
Where the "hawk wind" blows so cold
An old Cub fan lay dying
In his midnight hour that tolled
Round his bed, his friends had all gathered
They knew his time was short
And on his head they put this bright blue cap
From his all-time favorite sport
He told them, "its late and its getting dark in here"
And I know its time to go
But before I leave the line-up
Boys, there's just one thing I'd like to know

Do they still play the blues in Chicago
When baseball season rolls around
When the snow melts away,
Do the Cubbies still play
In their ivy covered burial ground
When I was a boy they were my pride and joy
But now they only bring fatigue
To the home of the brave
The land of the free
And the doormat of the National League

Told his friends "You know the law of averages says:
Anything will happen that can."
That's what it says.
"But the last time the Cubs won a National League pennant
Was the year we dropped the bomb on Japan"
The Cubs made me a criminal
Sent me down a wayward path
They stole my youth from me
(that's the truth)
I'd forsake my teacher's
To go sit in the bleachers
In flagrant truancy

and then one thing led to another
and soon I'd discovered alcohol, gambling, dope
football, hockey, lacrosse, tennis
But what do you expect,
When you raise up a young boys hopes
And then just crush 'em like so many paper beer cups.

Year after year after year
after year, after year, after year, after year, after year
'Til those hopes are just so much popcorn
for the pigeons beneath the 'EL' tracks to eat
He said "You know I'll never see Wrigley Field, anymore
before my eternal rest
So if you have your pencils and your score cards ready,
and I'll read you my last request
He said, "Give me a double header funeral in Wrigley Field
On some sunny weekend day (no lights)
Have the organ play the National Anthem
and then a little "na, na, na, na, hey hey, hey, Goodbye"
Make six bullpen pitchers, carry my coffin
and six ground keepers clear my path
Have the umpires bark me out at every base
In all their holy wrath
Its a beautiful day for a funeral, Hey Ernie lets play two!
Somebody go get Jack Brickhouse to come back,
and conduct just one more interview
Have the Cubbies run right out into the middle of the field,
Have Keith Moreland drop a routine fly
Give everybody two bags of peanuts and a frosty malt
And I'll be ready to die

Build a big fire on home plate out of your Louisville Sluggers baseball bats,
And toss my coffin in
Let my ashes blow in a beautiful snow
From the prevailing 30 mile an hour south west wind
When my last remains go flying over the left field wall
Will bid the bleacher bums adieu
And I will come to my final resting place, out on Waveland Avenue

The dying man's friends told him to cut it out
They said stop it that's an awful shame
He whispered, "Don't Cry, we'll meet by and by near the Heavenly Hall of Fame
He said, "I've got season's tickets to watch the Angels now,
So its just what I'm going to do
He said, "but you the living, you're stuck here with the Cubs,
So its me that feels sorry for you!

And he said, "Ahh Play, play that lonesome losers tune,
That's the one I like the best
And he closed his eyes, and slipped away
What we got is the Dying Cub Fan's Last Request
And here it is

Do they still play the blues in Chicago
When baseball season rolls around
When the snow melts away,
Do the Cubbies still play
In their ivy covered burial ground
When I was a boy they were my pride and joy
But now they only bring fatigue
To the home of the brave
The land of the free
And the doormat of the National League

A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request

I think I might be the only Marlins fan on! I am excited that my Marlins won, but feel bad for the Cubs' fans. If it wasn't the Marlins they were playing, I definitely would have been rooting for the Cubs. I really hope the Cubs do well next year. I hope Chicago does not give "the fan" a hard time. The way I saw it, there were at least 10 people with their hands in the air trying to catch the ball. Unfortunately for him, the ball happened to fall down right into his hands. Both the Cubs and the Marlins are great teams, and it was a great match.
Tom, thanks for the nice words about the Cubs. The Marlins deserve a ton of credit. That was incredible on their part.

Cort, don't feel too bad about our boys. As someone much older than you who first got disappointed by the El Foldo of '69, I can compare it to having a girlfriend who leaves you for another guy then comes back to you a few months later. You might enjoy having her back and enjoy parts of the relationship, but you will never, ever trust her again.

And, sadly, when you put this all in perspective of Steve's mom's passing away yesterday, the outcome really doesn't matter, does it?

Tom, from Fla

Tom, from Fla

I told you from the beginning of this thread..if the Braves lost. I would pull for I am # 2..:: pulling for your Marlins. Grandson and I watched a little of last night's game. He love Sammy Sosa..I told him..Sammy is more show..than go..:D ..but Granbonny. he is soo good. Grandson was so tired from Homework..he fell asleep at 9:45 p.m. and I put him to bed...How could those kids go to ballgames and get up and go to school?:eek: :eek: Bragging, but my Grandson brought home his report card yesterday. All A's and B's...plays football. practice 3 times a week....but starts homework the minute he comes home. 6th grade..and oodles of homework... Makes me wonder about these baseball players making all those $$$$$$$ Wonder if half of them can spell CAT? My Grandson plays football, basketball and baseball in Spring. BUT, knows, he has to do good to get into a good college...not for sports..but for a good education.:) :) :) Heard on the news..that fan has been offered a 1/2 million dollar condo in Miami with all the food and drinks he wants for 1 year. Wonder if he will take the offer? Bonnie


Yes, we hear about Steve's mom and it all puts perspective to what this whole sports thing is all about. I have a new granddaughter due any day now and believe me this is what life is all about. The wonders of life and death. The beauty of life and death also. Tom, if the Yankees win tonight I will help you root on your Marlins. After all they deserve to be there. I am always for the underdog so if The Sox win I have to go that way, sorry. Bonnie, part of the reason my daughters always got good grades is because they new they had to to keep playing the sports they loved. Both played vollyball, basketball and softball. I was one of the lucky ones who had my girls play college ball on scholarships. If there is one thing we learned is that even after the teams lost at regionals, sectionals, conference, or even the college world series the sun always came up the next day. Those are moments I will forever remember but the most memorable hearing my daughter/granddaughters first cry. Seeing their first smile and hearing mama/nana for the first time. No ball game in the world holds a candle to that.

Where do I begin?

The fan can't be blamed....unless you believe the Monte Carlo has been produced since 1995.........

Prior didn't keep his focus. Alex G booted a double play ball he usually gets. Kyle didn't pitch outta the jam like he did all post-season long. And Dusty Baker waited to yank Prior. Personally, Baker shoulda yanked Prior IMMEDIATELY after that infamous fan play. It was obvious that Prior lost his concentration/focus. Yeah, the bullpen might not have been better, but a pitching change right there woulda slowed the momentum just a tad, me thinks. You stop the momentum (i.e. commercial break), and you have time to collect your thoughts and regroup....something the Cubs desperately needed to do...and didn't. Had that happened, the outcome might've been different.

Pegne...thanks for posting that song. Gotta love those Steve Goodman songs from 1984 ;)

Yes, the death of Steve's mother puts everything into perspective. As do all deaths. And, yet, as so unpolitically correct this will sound, life does go on.....

Paul...nope, don't feel badly...just disappointed. Then, again, is there a difference? LOL!

I do believe the Cubs will be in the race again next year...unlike the years after '84, '89 and '98 when they went back to last place.

This time around, the "core" of the Cubs team will return. The Braves, Yankees & Marlins probably will not be able to say the same thing.

Georgia, you are forgiven.... But, let's not discuss the Bears...and say we did... ;)

Mara...if I may ask, who is your grandfather?

*reviews posts since my last one*

Sadly, I believe I had other things to which I wanted to respond, but I can't find/remember which ones they, if I didn't respond to ya deepest apologies.


Thanks Granbonny and Paul for your positive attitude toward the Marlins. Now that it is determined that they will play the Yankees, I hope to get a few more converts to the Marlins side. Our low-payroll young team was never supposed to be here. These guys are real fighters and never give up. I'm sorry for the Cubs and Boston fans, but next year will be their year. Go Marlins!!!
Go, Marlins

Go, Marlins

Well, the fish ain't floppin' or gaspin' - they're on top of the world and well they should be. And I could no more root for the Yanks (sorry, Joey & Sylvia, Nancy & Joe, RobtZ, and the other New Yorkers I'm offending) than grow another head.

So I'll be right in there with you, Tom, and hope the Marlins take the starch out of those pinstripes.


Do you want Ross to put you up a Marlins avator? I'm sure he would Just ask..That what we pay him for..:p :p That's him..lurking behind me in mine..I'm his bride:D Bonnie


Get on the BALL...:p Tom asked you way back in this thread to put him up a Florida avator..:D :D Are you sleeping on the job?:D :D Bride of Frankie
Marlins Defeat Yankees

Marlins Defeat Yankees

Did anyone happen to catch the Marlins-Yankees game last night? The Marlins were not intimidated by the highly paid Yankees in their own "House that Ruth Built". The Fish play great ball and know how to move their men around the bases. Let's hope they do it again tonight.
Go Marlins!!!! (Now official team of
Who gets credit?

Who gets credit?

For Tom's avator? Ross. you are a good man.:D Bonnie
Marlins win!!!

Marlins win!!!

The Florida Marlins did it again, defeating the Yankees in the bottom of the 12th 4-3. Only two more games till we take the World Series. Our official team is unstoppable.
Go Marlins!!!!!
My little Yankee Fan

My little Yankee Fan

Had to go back home for school today. We went over the schedule. They do play tonight? Then off tomorrow? and back up to Yankee Land for Sat? We have a whole $1.00 bet on who will win.:p :p :p Those age 11 year olds really know the teams and players.Bonnie
Marlins trounce Yankees again!

Marlins trounce Yankees again!

Did anyone happen to catch the Marlins-Yankees game last night? What great pitching by Brad Penny. The Marlins won yet another impressive victory over those over-paid Yankees. They're now on their way to NYC to finish the job in Yankee Stadium and become the world champions in baseball. Go Marlins, America's team!!!!
Hi Tom

Hi Tom

Bet you will be antsy for the next 48 hours..:D Where will you be watching the game tomorrow night?:D :D Good Luck for your Marlins.Looks like you and I are the only ones on this thread now. I started it so will finish it with you.:D :D :D :D Bonnie

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