Boys of October

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1) No TVs this weekend, no me at the reunion.

2) I read your stories about loved ones who have grandmother was a HUGE Cubs fan...she died last October, the day after the Angels won the World Series. So, I'd like to think the Cubs have some extra pull this year..... I must admit tho, this pennant chase is a bit bittersweet.........
Did anyone happen to see the Marlins-Cubs game last night??

WOW Marlins! These guys are fighters!! What a great game. The Cubs are proving to be a worthy opponent of the Fish, but the Marlins are unstoppable. Let's all hope we have four more games, just like that slug fest last night.

Go Marlins,'s team!!!
Must have missed the poll declaring the Marlins as's team.....Time for a re-count! GO CUBS!:D
Les AVR '93 / '95
They broke my heart last night

They broke my heart last night

And it was a great game. But strangely enough, NOT won by the team.

Go Cubbies tonight! Retribution! The Fish will sleep wit' the fishes.

I'm wondering if we're all going to have to take our garbage home with us after the reunion. Or maybe Rosemont still has service. . .
They broke my heart also

They broke my heart also

But I liked what I saw on offense. Sammy kind of broke out a little, a hard hit line drive (unfortunatly the other Alex made a great play) and a two run home run. If they can score runs like this when Prior and Wood is on the mound (and to true form) then there's no problem. They WILL be unbeatable.
Marlins Magnificent Victory

Marlins Magnificent Victory

Did anyone happen to catch the Marlins-Cubs game last night? What an exciting and wonderful game. Just like the brave fighting fish they are named after, the Marlins refused to die and fought back valiently to victory. Let's hope they can do it again tonight!
Go Marlins!!!
Fish and Visitors stink after three days.....:D
Les AVR '93 / '95 ( oh, yeah...GO CUBS!)
You can't blame the fan

You can't blame the fan

for this one. I think he reacted like anyone else would react. You don't have time to think about what you are going to do when a ball is hit at you. If Alex makes that double play, what the fan did doesn't matter. We Cub fans like to blame everyone else. I don't think the Cubs will recover from this. Not this year anyway.
I too am afraid that the Cubs will not recover tonight.

I was a Met fan (living in Chicago) in 86 when Bill Bucker booted Mookie Wilson's grounder that pushed the Mets past the Red Sox in Game 6. The Red Sox didn't recover then.

As Yogi Berra said "Baseball is 90% mental and the other half physical."
The fan was at fault. If you were a Cub fan why would you want a ball from the opposing team? Unless he was a plant! Also a real Cub fan would have wanted our Cubbies the catch the ball if they could. I believe they can turn it around today.
GO CUBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Save your Dixie cups

Save your Dixie cups

the Southsiders will RISE again!

I predict that the Cubbies will leave the fish GASPING.

This time tomorrow we'll be looking to the world series; goat be d***ed.
Maybe Prior should have been off the mound before the start of the 8th, he was throwing grapefruits up there.
No matter what that fan did, the pitcher can always get outs by throwing strikes.

Fish might stink after three days, but I fear the Cubs are doomed to be lovable losers yet again. They need to get some base hits instead of just trying to smack it out of the park. It worked in the 8th inning for the Marlins.

Sorry Cubs fans, I think it's going to be the Marlins and Yankees. I hope Wood can prove me wrong.


I love your optimism. You had it in the last series and I hope you are right again. As for me, I had a dream Mon. night that the Marlins scored 8 runs in last nights game. I remained hopeful. I am not even going to watch because I won't do that to myself anymore. I have watched just about every pitch of every game for many years. This series has drained me completely. I am a big Cub fan. This year more than ever. So much so that it has led to sleepless nights and stomach aches. I know it sounds crazy but it's a fact. So tonight we're going to look at furniture. I really don't think I can watch this game. My heart will be with them but I can't do it anymore.
Georgia, I couldn't have said it better myself! :D

I agree with you Mara, Prior should have been taken out sooner yesterday!

All I can Say is: It Ain't over until it's over!


Did you all watch the game last night? I have never seen anything like it. Can you imagine how that guy felt after he helped them lose the game? After that it looked like someone deflated the whole team. Hope they can pick it up tonight. We are mixed families as far as Chicago teams. I am married to a White Sox fan and my 3 boys go the same way. My daughter married a Cub fan(they all wear tshirts during the games) so we have a mixed bag. I am neutral. May the best team win.
I hesitate to respond....only b/c I'm watching the game.... Cubs 5, Marlins 3...............BUT........1 out, 2 on in the top of the 5th for those Marlins.......arg....and as I typed that....double down the left-field line... Cubs 5, Marlins 4


Wood gave us a scare in the top of the first....then slammed a 2-run HR to tie the game....

*sighs* sidetracked... Back to the responsive post at hand......

First...uh, Georgia...southsiders? (in the best Arnold imitation)....

[sidetrack: game now tied at 5]

back to the regular programming...

(in my best Arnold imitation) Whatcha talkin' about Georgia?

Cubs are the NORTH side of Chicago......unless........well, let's not even think about that

Speaking of thinking...and just like that: Marlins 6, Cubs 5

ARG! My heart is working overtime, me thinks.


kinda wrapping this up......

The "fan" was NOT to blame in this case. Yes, it was the catalyst for a disastrous inning. Yes, it was a "stupid" mistake. But, had Alex G turned the double play like he normally does....had Prior recovered and got batters out like he normally does....had Kyle gotten out of the jam like he normally does...... Well, who knows....... Bottom line, Cubs SHOULD have and COULD have recovered.

Actually, I think Dusty Baker did the team a disservice. As soon as that infamous play happened, he should have yanked Prior. It was obvious...

[oops...sidetrack....Wood just struck out the Marlins....end of inning...Marlins 6, Cubs 5...ARG!]

...that the play ripped Prior of his concentration and perhaps confidence. Baker should have recognized this and replaced Prior right away. May not have been a smart move in the end, but...think of it this way....a change of pitchers means a stoppage of the game....which gives the team...AND FANS...time to "recoup" and re-focus.... Course, we'll never know...but, I for one, think Baker shoulda been a thinkin' of the situation a bit more than he was.........

At least Game 7 is becoming what a Game 7 should be....a definitely cool game.........

And, uh, btw, whichever NL team plays in the WS will have an extra day of rest as the Red Sox forced a Game 7 with a win earlier today :)
Sorry Cort,
But the sun will come up in the morning. Just think you have next year to look forward to.
You could be like us in Colorado and have the Rockies.

Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical

I hesitated to get back online tonite and read posts, etc. But, actually, it has been kinda helpful....

I know this is going to sound very bad....whatever....but, it really felt like Gram died again tonite. And, that is why I debated whether or not to get back online...because I knew the tone of some of my posts would be sorrowful...and that nobody could possibly understand.

I called Gramps right after the game and the first thing he said was, "She didn't cheer enough". Heh.

I don't's '84, '89 and '98 all over again. Each year, lost 3 straight to lose the chance to advance. Each year, players/managers promising more next year. year just might be better. After all, we won't be losing near the # of players we did after each of those seasons. And, it even appears we'll have most of our team intact, as opposed to Bonnie's Braves.......


I need a "happy pill"....

On the bright side, since I got rid of that dang FWD "mc"...I didn't have anything to beat the helk out of, I was a good boy and stayed home ;)

Ah....irony rocks :)
Congrats Tom

Congrats Tom

In Florida..You have a great team. Sorry Cubbies..:( I don't think we will have a team in Atlanta..things are going to change real big time..:p :p :p No not much about the game..but have questions about that 8th inning. Could not the umpire have called it an out. fan interfereing? Why did they put a fresh pictcher in to walk 4 people. Could not the old pitcher tired do that? Why did the new pitcher fill up the base. Help Cort? Heard the Gov. Bush has offered the fan a month's free stay in South Beach.:D :D Bonnie


The umps could not call this fan interference because it was not on the playing field. It was clearly in the stands. Although Alou would have gotten that ball it was in the stands and fair game for the fan. I will repeat though, that this was one small play in a very bad inning for the Cubs. This was not the deciding factor in the game. The Cubs weaknesses really showed up in this series. I think Dusty Baker is a GREAT manager but he looks for the long ball too much. Home runs will not win games, runs will. This series was played very unfundamentally sound. The key is to get on base move the runner over and score runs. Everybody wants to blame the fan for this failure but if Baker has Aramis bunt the runners over in the 7th the other night then you have runners on 2nd and 3rd with one out. Instead you have a runner on 3rd with two outs via the double play. They had the chance to blow that inning wide open and failed to do so because they were looking for the home run. It is small things like this that win and lose games for you and these small things were the keys to the post season failure of my Cubbies this year. Hopefully next year things will go better.

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