The best source I have found on the Virus is the YouTube channel Peak Prosperity. The guy that runs it has a PHD in the biomed field. He does an update most days. Some of the videos also cover financial implications of the virus. Peak Prosperity
It doesn't make sense to me. Who will take care of the kids when they do get the coronavirus?It is interesting the different approaches being taken by different governments to the Coronavirus pandemic. Around Europe a number of governments have closed .
It doesn't make sense to me. Who will take care of the kids when they do get the coronavirus?
I can't see how this can flatten out the curve. There are models of what has worked - China, Taiwan, S Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and I think Hungary.
Governments keep pushing social distancing, but I don't think they have really explained what that involves. If everyone wore a mask it would help a lot. Assume every one is contagious and wear a mask, if you are in an area where the virus is active.
The main reason we are told not to wear a mask is because governments screwed up and there are not enough even for health professionals.The advice here is that masks are counterproductive. Most are not fine enough to restrict the virus microbes, and do not seal well enough. Also, private individuals buying up these products may deprive medical staff (including dentists) of them, causing disruption to treatment. A mask's primary benefit may be if worn by an infected person to reduce the spread.
This tweet by Sir Tim Berners-Lee (he who is credited with inventing the World Wide Web) links to a very interesting article at that discusses the actions being taken by governments and their effectiveness, and the need to take action. masks will, however, block most large respiratory droplets from other people’s sneezes and coughs from entering your mouth and nose, said Dr. Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease physician at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. Coronaviruses are primarily spread through droplets, he said.
I watch Dr John Campbell in the morning. He is very calm and measured. Then in the evening I watch Peak Prosperity.The best source I have found on the Virus is the YouTube channel Peak Prosperity. The guy that runs it has a PHD in the biomed field. He does an update most days. Some of the videos also cover financial implications of the virus. Peak Prosperity
two work colleagues on friday, had cold like symptoms.. and yet still came into workThe UK is now only testing for the virus in hospital patients, not in people who fall ill at home - this in the face of WHO advice. People who fall ill with the virus at home are being told not to contact the health authorities but just to self isolate for 14 days - only contact health authorities if their condition worsens. Some people, of course, might think they've only got a cold yet they actually have the virus so will continue their normal lives and infect others.
So the true numbers of people with the virus will not be known here in the UK. Seems like something political to make out the numbers will be lower in the UK than they really are.
Me too I'm very worried as my replacement valve is too small so makes my heart work harder than it should and I have a respiratory condition too. On top of that the UK doesn't have enough hospital beds or intensive care beds, we have the lowest number in Europe per head of population, our hospitals are already full without this virus. When the rates of the virus increase and the number of seriously ill patients with it increase what will happen when there are no beds left ?given the UK's policy of deliberately allowing up to 80% of the population to become infected, and theoretically give the country herd immunity (deeply flawed imo), i have no chance of avoiding it
v worried as i was due to have my valve replacement in the first half of this year (cant see that happening now unless i become symptomatic)
these are v worrying times
seems as though the government is prepared for a "cull" to solve that problemMe too I'm very worried as my replacement valve is too small so makes my heart work harder than it should and I have a respiratory condition too. On top of that the UK doesn't have enough hospital beds or intensive care beds, we have the lowest number in Europe per head of population, our hospitals are already full without this virus. When the rates of the virus increase and the number of seriously ill patients with it increase what will happen when there are no beds left ?
People are not meant to go to a hospital if they think they have coronavirus, they have to phone NHS 111 who will check them, so that should keep people with just colds out of hospital. But the danger of people with the virus simply self isolating, without having been tested as they were being tested and should be as per WHO, is as you say, they may not seek medical attention if their symptoms get severe, or what if they are alone and feel too ill ? Prior to the UK government's announcement about just staying at home and not contacting NHS 111, the plan was that everyone would be tested if they thought they had the virus (there are the resources) and if positive someone medical would keep in touch by phone daily to check up on them - that will not happen now.Paleowoman - I'm somewhat concerned with the corollary to people going to hospitals thinking that they've got Corona virus when they only have a cold --- what about those who are self-isolating because they think they only have a cold, but instead actually DO have corona virus? I guess that, if their symptoms get very severe, they'll jump out of self-isolation and seek medical attention -- but some may not.
two work colleagues on friday, had cold like symptoms.. and yet still came into work
given the UK's policy of deliberately allowing up to 80% of the population to become infected, and theoretically give the country herd immunity (deeply flawed imo), i have no chance of avoiding it
v worried as i was due to have my valve replacement in the first half of this year (cant see that happening now unless i become symptomatic)
these are v worrying times