Hello everyone! I wish I had joined in happier times when my only concern was getting on with life while my mechanical valve kept ticking on...
i have been reading this forum since the summer of 2018 when I was diagnosed with AAA. Operated in October 2018, Medtronic mechanical valve and aortic graft done in St. Paul, Minnesota. On warfarin and lowest dose of daily metoprolol to help steady my beat.
i am alone with my two teen kids while my husband is in CH, relocated for work a month ago, and right in the thicket of the outbreak right now. We were supposed to join him in the summer, all very unlikely now.
Both of us fall into a somewhat more risky category, him being a 60y old male with a well controlled high blood pressure, me with all the “improvements “ done to my heart.
i needed to switch insurance due to my husband relocation, my new coverage takes effect on April,1
I worked with very small kids, many with developmental delays. I am surrounded by germs and always in extremely close proximity to runny noses and coughing mouths. I am still recovering from the cold I picked over a week ago.
it’s been a spring break and we are due back at school and work on Wed. I just sent a message to my boss that I was not coming back, cannot take any chances being the sole parent here. My nearest family members are in Canada, 7h drive away.
so I am hunkering down at home for now, will not be sending my teens back to school. If I were a totally healthy and sprite 48y old, I could consider other options...I don’t have the luxury though. Both schools are very large public schools, with the high school pushing close to 3K students.
apologies for the long intro, wanted you to know where I was coming from.
I was wondering whether any of you have seen the Joe Rogen interview with Michael Osterholm? He is a very highly regarded infectious diseases expert, happens to be based in MN. Sad to say, but he has been crusading for a better preparedness for years, and had predicted the situation we are in now many years ago.
The interview alludes to what some of you mentioned in the previous treads :
we are vulnerable because the chain supply is vulnurable. The supplies are usually low and heavily depended on uninterrupted productions in other countries, namely China and India.
He has no doubts that we will be in the outbreak for months, that the vaccine is not coming any time soon, and we must focus on protecting medical personnel as well as high risk groups. Everyone else will have to ride the storm.
I will be reaching out to my dr to get extra supplies of my two meds. While I can see do without metoprolol, warfarin is another story altogether.
Very grateful for you all and this site!