Think I'm going to burst

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Well heres a new one for me! Fluid swollen calves! :eek: Feet seem fine, just the calf areas, left more so then right. Someone want to call and go see the Doc for me? :(
Gosh Ross, I'm sorry.

Pain? Discoloration? Can you get the pulses in your feet? Does it help to elevate them? Any recent changes in your routine? Swelling anyplace else?
Weight gain? How are you generally feeling?
The HEART of VR is in trouble. Ross, you have your insurance, don't you? Are you getting to the dr right away? How swollen are they. I am worried. We know you sit at the computer a lot and when I sit, my rt one swells. Elevation helps - or walking around a bit. Doesn't sound like this is your problem or you'd have had it right along. Please do whatever you need to do - but keep us posted? If you can. Love and prayers - and thoughts . Ann
I feel like I always do, nothing new in that respect. I sat down Indian style last night to eat and watch t.v. when I got to thinking "Man my legs feel tight", went to have a look see and yeppers, they be almost as large as my thighs. No pain, no discoloration, pulse in feet is fine, no change in routine, but I'm sure I've gained weight. I'll be calling the Doctor in the morning. This I can't really say happened all at once, but gradually. I really noticed how bad it had become last night and elevating them doesn't seem to make any difference.

You know, I really don't want to know where this is going. I think I already do and I'm not a bit happy. :(


Why do these things always happen on the weekend :(
Given that this happened very suddently, the fact that you have never had it before, your history- I would go to the ER
NOW! It could nothing, but there are some bad things it could be-DVT. Better to be safe than sorry. Good luck my
RCB me, the hospital, er, doctors, et al equal the samething. TROUBLE. Either I'll develop something that kills me or they'll kill me. All I know is every encounter I have with them turns life threatening, so I'm in no hurry to saddle up my trusty steed and mosey on down to the house of pain.
Hi Ross-

Sorry to hear about your latest. I'm glad you're going to call the doc tomorrow. As you know, swelling of any kind, unless you're pregnant or trying to get so, is not a good thing for heart patients. :) I'm hoping it's a temporary thing.

Please let us know how things check out. We'll all be worried about you.

Take care.
I know exactly how you feel

I know exactly how you feel

It could be nothing. It would make you feel better to know that. However if there is a problem, the sooner you get there to have it Dx, the less of a problem it is. If there is a problem, I just don't want it to get worse by waiting too long. Talk to your wife.
Well I am trying to get pregnant, but meeting with some resistence from the other half of things here. :D

Believe me, if it gets any worse or things change, no matter how bad I hate that dreaded place, I'll go to it.
Have you tried cold compresses to see if that does anything? Have you eaten anything new lately? It's just your calves and not your thighs?

It could just be a moderate case of Vrthongitis - but please don't mess around. Many of us have had doctors and hospitals try to kill us, but don't wait around if it gets worse.
It is your call

It is your call

Your not the average guy. Your medical history dictates a heigthened vigilance. I am just afraid of what the next change might be. I have said all I have to say- please discuss this with the wife and at the very least call the dr.
at 8:00 AM sharp!
Ross, there are things that can cause that type of swelling that are not bad or long-term. I know that you know that. There is also deep phlebitis which can cause that type of swelling. However, it does seem odd that it happened in both legs to varying degrees at the same time.

Maybe you could page someone you trust through their answering service, rather than feeling you're just taking pot luck at the ER?

My surgeon is a Zen Mechanic, but I agree with you inthat my greatest fear is that the rest of the cardios & docs will be the slow and agonizing death of me in some way yet to be determined.

Either way, no more sitting cross-legged on the floor, and make sure it's legs-up when on the PC. Hell, I have to get three people to untangle me any time I try to do that for more than a couple of minutes. Then twenty minutes of listening to me moan and whine as the numbness and buzzing roll through, and my legs, feet, and toes slowly reconnect to my brain. Not pretty.

Hope it goes down on its own for you, Ross. And hope that you get it checked out ASAP either way. I can't blame you for your reluctance, but we do want you around, long-term.

Of course, if you can figure out a way to control where and when this unnaturally large swelling shows up on your body..? Well, there could be money in this, Ross.

Truly sorry this is trashing your weekend, Ross. Wishing it subsides, and that whatever decision you make on getting it looked at turns out to have been the best way to go.
Hey Ross,

I hope everything is okay. Let us know what the doctor says tomorrow. We'll all be praying for you.
So it seems by what you say the swelling and tightness because of the swelling is the predominate problem. Having palpable pulses is reassuring to say the least. Quite likely you will still be checked for DVT and even CHF. Sometimes Ross the calves might swell but the feet won't especially if you regularily wear well fitted shoes and socks.

How is your INR? You do have an intravascular filter for clots don't you?

I know how you detest getting back into the hospital system for any reason but maybe this all could be handled on an outpatient basis. Even if they want to put you on heparin you might push for in-home therapy and home health nurses to monitor it. It would keep you away from any nosocomial infection.

I hope it turns out to be something as simple as dependent edema but if it is more than I agree with the others that nipping it early is the better choice. Not a one of us want to risk anything happening to you. You are on my prayer list too.

I hope this belated post finds you feeling better and the swelling reduced. If not, you know what to do first thing tomorrow!


What is an intravascular filter? It sounds like the filter in the gas line to the carburetor - is it? Where do they put it? And why don't we all have one?
Glad to see you on chat tonight

Glad to see you on chat tonight

Even, for a few minutes..and then supper was ready. Still have your, I will not worry until you post again...Call the doctor ASAP in AM..then POST..You don't want me to have to drive up there. :D :D :D And drag you to Doctor. :D Bonnie

Nothing bad is supposed to happen to YOU! You are our fearless leader and the shining example that we all look to on this board!! Get to the doc ASAP and let us know what he/she says. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Christina L.
Hey Ross -

I don't know how I missed this thread earlier when I was looking around!

It will sound redundant at this point but I too truly hope you're okay! And, please, keep us posted! Tell those doctors that you have an enormous batch of friends who are pulling for you :) !

Best wishes, ~Susan W
How come we don't have any posts to update us on what's going on? I've only been with VR a few weeks, and I know enough to be worried.