Ross, there are things that can cause that type of swelling that are not bad or long-term. I know that you know that. There is also deep phlebitis which can cause that type of swelling. However, it does seem odd that it happened in both legs to varying degrees at the same time.
Maybe you could page someone you trust through their answering service, rather than feeling you're just taking pot luck at the ER?
My surgeon is a Zen Mechanic, but I agree with you inthat my greatest fear is that the rest of the cardios & docs will be the slow and agonizing death of me in some way yet to be determined.
Either way, no more sitting cross-legged on the floor, and make sure it's legs-up when on the PC. Hell, I have to get three people to untangle me any time I try to do that for more than a couple of minutes. Then twenty minutes of listening to me moan and whine as the numbness and buzzing roll through, and my legs, feet, and toes slowly reconnect to my brain. Not pretty.
Hope it goes down on its own for you, Ross. And hope that you get it checked out ASAP either way. I can't blame you for your reluctance, but we do want you around, long-term.
Of course, if you can figure out a way to control where and when this unnaturally large swelling shows up on your body..? Well, there could be money in this, Ross.
Truly sorry this is trashing your weekend, Ross. Wishing it subsides, and that whatever decision you make on getting it looked at turns out to have been the best way to go.