My sister, aside from her alpacas, has chickens and guinea hens. She had eggs like crazy for about a year, but all the hens have stopped laying. She has one hen in particular that is almost a pet. She calls her Tiller, because she follows my BIL when he mows and finds all the tasty treats the mower churns up. Every time I go visit my sister, Tiller is usually sitting in their garage. She even has taken over the cat bed there. She returns to the roost with the rest of the chickens in the evening, but during the day she camps out in and around the garage (attached to the house) and the pond area. Their DARNED rooster starts crowing at 2 in the morning!
When my sister first got her chicks she was told they were all hens. She ended up with 2 roosters and 22 hens.
They do keep the bugs down - but her guineas really keep the mosquitos down. But they are pretty noisy at times and sound like a rusty screen door.