You would love a couple chickens!!

I live in town, I'm pretty sure there is an ordinance against having chickens... but my two chickens aren't bothering a soul.
My daughter has wanted a chicken forever. I have refused. I swore when I left home I'd never have another chicken. Tooooo many memories of butchering them. But I also have the fond memories of them as pets and following us around the yard.
So darlin' Sara finally won and got two chickens this last April. They eventually graduated to the dog house, which is where they currently sleep at night. It's a little funny right now, because my son went to Boston and left Sazi (his dog) with us. The dog house was Sazi's waaaaay before it was the chickens. lol So we make him sleep in the house, but the other day, I looked out and there was Sazi walking out of the dog/chicken house. I guess they share it during the day.
When Sazi first got here, he would chase them, but we kept after him... and it helps that he knows he can't go in the garden... so that's where the chickens would hide. But now they just wander around the backyard under his feet. They all sleep right next to each other on the lawn. (he's a standard poodle.. BIG dog) Looks sorta funny. lol
They've done a fabulous job of eating the bugs... but they also enjoy eating my garden!!

lol You just clip their beaks to keep them from pecking each other. Clip a wing to keep them from going over the fence.
The only thing I don't like about them is the poop. I have a LOT of concrete in my backyard and get tired of spraying off the poop.
They really are a joy to watch, and are complete pets. They walk right up to us. Your grandkids will love them!!

My Ethan sure does.