Katie Update (from Carepage)

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I'm so happy to hear that Katie is doing much better! She'll be causing havoc in the play room in no time :)
From Janet

From Janet

Here is Janet's latest post. I actually got some sleep earlier and missed it before now.

46 July 16, 2005 at 12:31 AM CDT

Okay, so Katie has decided she likes all the attention..........

Still off the vent, but we are on blowby on a very low setting, just as a precaution. The good news is that she is trying to get back in sinus rhythm and showing some P-waves. The bad news is that her heart rate has become erratic again - shooting into the 180's and even hit 195 a while ago. 'Course when she does this, her blood pressure becomes erratic, too.............but now, instead of always dropping too low, she is alternating (in no regular pattern, mind you) between dipping way too low to way too high.................sigh! We are trying to come up with some answers - checking blood gases, etc.

AS a result of all this, I have not finished my poem. Trying to remain cautiously optimistic as we step back on that roller coaster.

Katie has gotten to drink two ounces of water in one ounce intervals and had lots of ice chips. Poor little thing tried grabbing my arm and sucking on it, she is so thirsty. Then she stuck her little arms in the air and said, "Let's go." Meaning home! I said, "I know, honey, I've about had my fill of this place, too."

Keep those prayers going, please! I think some of you might have taken a break. :) Seriously, thank you again so much - all of you. And Harry, Gina told me about your poem. I can't wait to read it. Thank you so much. I am so touched.

Many hugs to all. J.
Just read it myself, Gina. I hope that things are going much smoother when you visit today. Give Janet a big hug from all of us and tell her we have never stopped praying!
East coast prayers are headed your way, in earnest. Come on Katie, you can do it!

Still on Katie vigil here in Michigan. Getting to have water feels like one tiny baby step toward normalcy. Hang in there, Katie! There's juice and other wonderful things to drink and eat in your future!

With love, hope, prayer and firm belief,

P. J.
New update

New update

Time to step up the prayers again folks. Here is the latest update from Katie's carepage.

July 16, 2005 at 08:35 AM CDT
Well, I wish I could say things are improving, but they aren't. We have spent the last three hours in Jet with Katie's heart rate over 200. WE have started the amniodorone again; starting digoxin now. LA lead went bad, so it was pulled............dunno what that means if they want to try pacing her again........although this didn't work before. Lost two IV sites already; she has her central line and one in her neck, but the one in the neckis starting to leak.....hate to put her through more sticks, too, but that may be in our future. What is that stuff you can put on to desensitize the skin? Can't remember. Brain is mush.

Thundering and ligtning and pouring down rain.........kind of symbolic of how I feel right now. Please, please keep those prayers going up for Katie - that we get her heart rate down and her blood pressure becomes stable. Many tired hugs. Janet
Heavenly Father,
I just ask that You continue to keep our Katie on the road to recovery. Heal her little heart quickly so that her tiny body can get the rest it needs to heal properly. Continue to be with Janet and Don and their family and give them the strength that they need to see Katie through this time.

Another Mountain...Another Valley.....

Another Mountain...Another Valley.....

My prayers are always going up for Katie and her family and Just to keep all of our feelings toward Katie and her family on top and visible, I am reposting Katie's Prayer in a better format. Here it is..Katie, Keep On Plugging Little One!!!! :D :D :D Harrybaby :D :D :D :D

So sorry to hear that things are not progressing as we hoped, but we have to keep praying and remember how many big steps she has taken so far- closing of the sternum, getting off the vent, etc. Sending all our love and prayers to them. Harry, your poem says it all!
Oh Harry - I just love your prayer soooo much - I've read it twice now and cried both times! Its beautiful.

Sending all our love and thoughts and prayers to Katie too and have been writing messages on katies care page too. Chloe asks after her american faraway friend all the time

Love Emma and Chloe
EmmaCornish said:
Oh Harry - I just love your prayer soooo much - I've read it twice now and cried both times! Its beautiful.

Sending all our love and thoughts and prayers to Katie too and have been writing messages on katies care page too. Chloe asks after her american faraway friend all the time

Love Emma and Chloe
Dear Lord, keep Katie safe in your arms. Give her the strength she needs to see this battle through. Give the surgeons and the caregivers the wisdom and skill they need to make her well again. Please keep her parents close to your heart. Keep them free from fear and anxiety. Let them remain hopeful through signs of continued progress. Please Lord hear my prayer. I am so grateful to you for all the blessings you bring me each day and I ask you with thanks and praise to be kind and merciful to Katie and her Family.

TjCarpenter said:
Dear Lord, keep Katie safe in your arms. Give her the strength she needs to see this battle through. Give the surgeons and the caregivers the wisdom and skill they need to make her well again. Please keep her parents close to your heart. Keep them free from fear and anxiety. Let them remain hopeful through signs of continued progress. Please Lord hear my prayer. I am so grateful to you for all the blessings you bring me each day and I ask you with thanks and praise to be kind and merciful to Katie and her Family.



Keep them coming family!
I was gone all day yesterday and just returned home. No computer access made me antzy all day wondering how our little darling is doing. I'm keeping the faith, along with everyone else, that she is going to start improving soon. God bless you, Katie.

I know you were kidding, but know that no one has stopped or slowed down in their concern, not one little bit. We're all in it for the whole ride.

Very best wishes,
Hi Janet,
We are still sending our prayers, very best wishes, love,& thoughts to you and little Katie.
The local anaesthetic cream/gel that you ask about is EMLA,but there are others available.
Hang in there, we are all praying for Katie.
It brought tears to our eyes when you wrote that she had put her little arms in the air and said "Let's go"
Very best wishes
Ernie & Wendy
Here Is The Latest From Janet off of Carepages!!!

Here Is The Latest From Janet off of Carepages!!!

Here is Janets Latest Report: Things are looking up!!! Yay!!!

48 July 16, 2005 at 06:48 PM CDT
Well, better news.........hope no one reading suffers from motion sickness. :) We did spend over four hours in JET this AM, but the amniodorone and dig seems to be helping. Still very erratic heart rate, but we are starting to see longer periods of an acceptable rate with a tolerable blood pressure. Just about the time I feel quasi-comfortable with our status, Katie's heart rate will shoot through the roof. She even managed to hit 200 this afternoon for Gina, which speaking of.............

Thank you all so much there at my VR family. I am so touched by all of this and Harry, your poem made me start crying. I really, really love it. When Katie is a tad more lucid, I am going to read it to her. And she loved her gifts. She even wanted to put on her princess nightgown and shed the hospital gown. Gina is so sweet and I so appreciate her coming and bringing all of those hugs - liked to squish the stuffings out of me...........but that's a good thing.

And Amy Franks, thank you so much. The card was so sweet and too thoughtful. IF you come up again, do please say hi.

And, again, thank you everyone for the kind words of support and your prayers. Much love. J. :D :D :D :D :D :D
I'm going to call you "quick draw Harry" :D :D :D from here on out. I opened the update as soon as I got it, and you had already got it posted! :)

Anyway Harry, after your beautiful poem, if anyone deserves to share the increasingly good news with us, it's you! :) :) :) :) :)

I'm so glad Gina got to see Katie and hug Janet for all of us. If we all keep being positive and supportive, then Katie will simply have to continue to get better. :) :) :)
Awww. Shucks Mary, You make me blush...LOL

Awww. Shucks Mary, You make me blush...LOL

Mary said:
I'm going to call you "quick draw Harry" :D :D :D from here on out. I opened the update as soon as I got it, and you had already got it posted! :)

Anyway Harry, after your beautiful poem, if anyone deserves to share the increasingly good news with us, it's you! :) :) :) :) :)

I'm so glad Gina got to see Katie and hug Janet for all of us. If we all keep being positive and supportive, then Katie will simply have to continue to get better. :) :) :)

Well, I have been on here all day waiting for an update as I haven't been feeling too good today/this evening, so I figured I could at least keep checking...Harrybaby
:D :D :D

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