Hey, it went through...........
Hey, it went through...........
and the puter still seems to be working..........I don't trust it for a moment, though. It's probably just trying to catch me with my guard down..........
Katie has gained back one pound of the four she lost. She still has little bitty bird legs, though. We were able to drop the aldactone altogether and the lasix down to once a day, so I think that has helped immensely. We are still battling to get a home test machine. Don's going to call tomorrow and see where we stand on that. Other than the pokes, Katie is feeling much better. She runs around with the best of them. The heat has been getting to her, but since we have been hitting over 100 for several days now, we are all wilting. She vacillates between bouts of depression (which concerns me some) and being a walking television commercial.
About every two or three days, Katie will have a complete meltdown.........sobbing to the point of not being able to catch her breath....and over really bizarre stuff............and they all have to do with loss. Our dog died last February. She was 16 years old, deaf, dumb, and blind (no she didn't seem to be in pain and could still somehow or other manage to catch a squirrel every now and then).............anyway, Katie was not particularly close to the dog as she was too old really to play with (not much fun for you to throw a ball, you go get it while the dog just lays there, throw it again, go get it again............well, y'all get the idea). Anyway, three times now Katie has sobbed over missing her poor Precious, she'll never get to see her again, I miss my doggie, etc..............and there is no consoling her. This goes on for an hour or so..........will stop for a while.........and then something, somehow will kick it all back off again. Then she has cried over a missing carebear.........one that had been MIA since last May..........again, uncontrollable sobbing. Then she broke down again over having to give up all of her stuffed animals.................well, no one has ever told her that she had to give up any of her stuffed animals, so I don't know where she got that one, but again, the tears flowed and no one could stop them even when we reassured her that she didn't have to give any of her stuffed animals away.................sheesh! I've read about depression after surgery, but how do you tackle it in a four year old? And, yes, we are looking at puppies, but I don't think that is going to cure the problem.........
Okay, enough dreary news...............when she's up, she's up. She is still performing and has made up some new songs (I'm sure variations of ones she has heard on tv). Her latest: "You've got me, I've got you. The two of us together there's nuthin' we CAN do." I've tried telling her that it should probably be "can't" but to no avail. The television commercials flow. She is a walking advertisement for Fruit Loops and Bounty paper towels. "I love cleaning my house with Bounty." Her latest feat is to throw KoolAid or whatever she is drinking on the floor, so she can grab her roll of Bounty towels and show how well they clean up the mess. "These Bounty towels will do the trick." I guess she would have made a good vacuum salesman way back when, 'cept she hasn't quite mastered getting all the KoolAid up. And her rock garden is really thriving as three of the rocks are now "growing good" (read that showing through the dirt).
We signed her up for Pre-K two days a week - starts after Labor Day (God, help them). Now she is busy doing her "homework" every night because "I have to learn my ABCs before first grade." Yeah, sweetheart, that would be a good idea!

Course she already knows her ABCs, but she delights in saying them to show how well her homework has paid off. She wants to take dancing lessons, get a horse, and go live at the beach......guess I better keep buying those lottery tickets................sigh!
I had to laugh recently as we got one bill from Michigan - just the hospital one, mind you, as all the labs and tests and doctors and surgeons bills come separately.................for $187,000!!!! (It was actually 187something, but I forgot the exact amount!) You have to laugh...............oh, yeah, let me whip out my checkbook here!

Actually, I'll let the insurance companies duke it out and then see what's left..........I imagine it will be a tad bit higher than the last one, but we have a 6K cap for out of pocket, so it shouldn't be too bad............course I'm sure some of those expenses will be deemed "medically unnecessary" like morphine, anesthesia, (I have told y'all about that one??), etc.
As for me, I've been swimming in schoolwork already and mounds of bills and insurance statements. Other than that, little Jerra's death really has taken a toll on me. I just find it really hard to laugh or smile as of late. There is another little two month old boy with heterotaxy and complex chds like Katie's. I have been following Austin since his birth and he is now dying. (Please pray for Austin and his parents.) They were recently told there was nothing more that could be done for him, so they just wait.......... Sometimes life is so sad........
Okay, this is getting really long. Guess I should really post this on Katie's carepage...............Can you tell I have missed you guys?
Thanks again for all of the love and support that you have shown the Katielion and me. I will have to get a couple of reams of paper and print all of these out someday soon.
Okay............here's hoping this goes through................much love. J.