You realize............
You realize............
that this group has the ability to reduce me to tears.............sigh! I was really feeling down in the dumps last night for obvious reasons, so I went back and read this entire thread.........yep, I think it took me about two hours. While I don't think it was too therapeutic to go back and relive all of those ups and downs, it was VERY therapeutic to read all of the posts from you guys. I really didn't get to savor and appreciate them on those few occasions that I got to check in while we were on our little surgical adventure. "Thank you" and "I am so touched" seem so inadequate. For once, I am at a loss for words. I really do want to print these out someday soon for the lioness to read one day..............especially right after she gives me some snotty comment years down the road about my looking so old and gray.........

heehee! For lack of anything more eloquent, I do truly thank you all............for the support, the compassion, the worry, the cheers, and the prayers............ for Tommy, for Jerra, for Evyn and for Austin, but especially for the Katielion. I know in MY heart that y'all are part of the very reason why she is here with me today...........that and she is a little spitfire.
Welllllllllll.......we went to Katie's orientation for pre-K. Lord help them as I truly don't think they know what they are in for..........sigh! There we were sitting in the front row of the audience, listening to the director go over all the rules and regulations, yada, yada, yada, when the next thing I know, Katie has bolted out of her seat, went up and tugged on the director's skirt, and asked her, "When is it
MY turn to talk?"

Sheesh! You'd think she was running for office...... I wonder if they have an alternative school for pre-K?? She is only going to go two days a week - Tuesdays and Thursdays, so at least that gives the poor teacher a day off to maybe they won't kick us out before Christmas............
Oh, and Friend died yesterday (her Betta fish). Damn fish sure didn't have a good sense of timing. I am really not surprised, though, as Katie would feed him two and three times a day. Sometimes you couldn't even see the poor little fish from all of the food debris in the water. We would religiously change the water, but then Katie would just feed him again. Anyway, we had the expected meltdown that would periodically subside. Katie gave me the news when I got home from work. I glared at Don (thinking why didn't he just go buy another fish) until Katie informed me that she was the one who found him and, of course, had to simulate his "swimming" upside down (picture Katie, arms down by her side with little fin hands sticking out, twisting so her belly could be up in the air

I had to try really hard to keep a straight face on that one!) When I asked if they had buried Friend, Katie said they had, that they had given him a "burial at sea." She thought that was a good thing, so Friend could swim, swim, swim, down through all of the pipes to the lake. He would like that....................somehow or other, I don't think she has quite grasped this "death" thing, but maybe that is a good thing. (I seriously suspect that my husband was a snake oil peddler in his former life.) Today she cried again about Friend, but for a much shorter period of maybe we are getting there...........
Next blood draw is Friday, so keep your fingers and toes crossed, and prayers always appreciated. I am still hoping that the paperwork goes through for that blasted home tester. Don takes her to Toys R US after every blood draw and that is getting pretty expensive........course that is not the main reason I want a home tester, but if we get any more toys, Don and I are going to have to move out and give Katie our room. I have forgotten all the things I was going to respond to...........hmmmm. Don't think my brain has recuperated yet. But, yes, Marsha and Niki, let's
DO get together sometime soon. It has almost been a year, and I would love to see y'all again face-to'face. Don't be shocked when you see that I have aged ten years in the last one, though........last three months reallly. Wendy, I am so relieved that Andrew is home and doing well. I still shiver when I read that newspaper story. Lyn, I want my cartwheel. I need it and I deserve it.

Yes, I read your post, but I put off responding because I knew I would write a book........and then never got around to know how that goes.............but I love you. Got to catch up with Justin he a senior this year? Lord help ya if he is. Mary, I know this is kind of personal, but could you check my butt to see if my head is still deposited up in there somewhere? I can't wait to meet you. (I know you feel likewise.........heehee. Probably can't wait to unload my a*s!) December, right? Georgia, thank you for your insight. I hope you are right. Emma, don't sweat it. Believe me, that little imp got a ton of stuff in the hospital - we are so blessed. I am just so sorry that we didn't get to meet you face-to-face. I am glad that Chloe had a fab time at DW and that y'all got home safe and sound before poopoo hit the fan over here. I'll PM you in a day or two with my addy, if you really want to but don't feel obligated, please, - a day or two because I am going to ..........well, I was going to say "drag my mangy butt to bed" but Mary still has it and she swears it is not mangy. HUgs to you both. Gina, I am so sorry that you have been sick. Hope you are on the mend soon. Oh, and Katie is working on a special thank you gift for you and Chris..........heehee! HOld on to it as it could be worth mega bucks one day when she runs for President (of something, anyway.........probably not the humane society, though, after her blatant fish abuse of Friend). Karlynn, the dragon? Is alive and doing very, very well..............too well, much to my chagrin. That thing molts like every other day (and eats his shed skin..........YUKKKKKK!) because he is growing so fast. If he keeps growing at the current rate, we will be giving dragon rides around the neighborhood this summer.

And Phyllis, you hold a very dear place in my heart. I am overwhelmed by your constant, 24/7 support...........and you know what I was thinking? Katie was just cleared to fly, albeit with oxygen, but she can now fly for the first time in her life, so you just might find a little box on your doorstep this summer.....say, about a cubic yard in shape.........heehee! Ya know Katie does love the beach????

J/K, but I do thank you so much. YOUR heart has got to be the size of Texas.
I will most likely stop posting in this thread soon (after Friday's INR check, though), as it has got to stop sometime (please don't delete, PHyllis, as I still need to print it out), but I just had to make sure that this one put the "sex thread" to shame.......
Much love to you all. I promise not to be so scarce (it feels good to be posting again - you guys really ARE addicting, you know?), and I will definitely update on Friday's INR check. Many hugs. J.
Many hugs. J.