**DING** wrong again. I never ass-u-me anything..With best regards, perhaps it would behoove you to peruse my statement once more..
Research "provisional ballot" and it should become more clear to you in a couple of respects. Also HAVA of 2002 would benefit your quest for knowledge of our electoral system.
Oh, and in Texas there are no volunteers. Election workers are trained and monetarily compensated for their work.
My Dad was an election judge for 25 years. Yes he was paid - something like $25 for the day in his last few years before "retiring" from the position. He considered it his volunteer work because he usually took the money and bought donuts and coffee for all the workers.
There was a report on one of the major networks on a particular polling place that was so inundated by questionable voters that they ran out of provisional ballots and just started giving everyone regular ballots. Workers can only do so much, lawyers placed at polls can only do so much. If the unimaginable happens and McCain ends up winning, my guess is that the shoe will be on some other feet and then voter fraud will be a problem for those who don't believe it to be right now. For me, it's a problem no matter who wins. I think our politicians/governing bodies have created a sloppy mess in their quest to make voting accessible to as many people who will vote for them as possible.
I don't know what the answer is. But it has become such a partisan issue that no one seems very interested in solving the problem - only arguing about it.
Yep - dyed fingers seem more and more the smart thing to do.
For the last several weeks my opinion on this election has been "Be careful what you ask for, for you just may receive it." I really don't know why either candidate would want the job right now.