I think alot of people are going to eat their words tomorrow. And how bitter they will taste.
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I think alot of people are going to eat their words tomorrow. And how bitter they will taste.
I'm voting for Joe the Plumber
Who are you voting for???
What really cracks me up is people believing this hype that both candidates are touting. Neither one of them can change a thing without legislative approval and going through the checks and balances. They are proclaiming things that they have no way (and most likely) no intentions of delivering, yet people are buying into it simply fantasizing change.
well, I tried that second vote, but police showed up, put me in cuffs, read me my rights, took me uptown to the big house, I cried, they felt sorry for an old lady, brought me coffee and donuts, told me some jokes, played my favorite tunes, took me home. It was such fun to get out and mix/party with our finest! Don't get to do that very often.