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Hi All,

I just read Bryan's post. (What means to me) I also posted a response on that thread. I honestly do not understand what all the fuss is about! I will not repeat my post on that particular thread, but gee, why in the world are people dropping out because of the War Room??? I absolutely adore my daughter, and my son in law for that matter. We totally disagree on certain issues though. We have had some real "drama" going on in the past, because of our differing views. We still love each other though. We can not expect to all think alike. Speaking for my self, I have never, and would never personally attack a forum member! To me that is just a real cheap shot! I have however, made my political opinions known. I am truly sorry if it offended some in the process. I think very highly of everyone on this forum. I appreciate all of the help and support I have been given.

In closing, I just have to say one more thing. That if you don't wish to get into a controversial topic, DON'T. Don't read it, or post anything.

I can't imagine my life without this forum. I have been a member for over a year and a half. I am here to stay. I am here to give support for those that need it, regardless of your political persuasion! (or whatever persuasion)
I just stopped in again after a longish absence, and am so sorry to see any unhappiness on such a truly wonderful and supportive forum of friends. From the somewhat "outsider's" perspective of someone who doesn't post very often (I have no idea what the disagreement is), I'd like to predict that since this place is populated by such warm and really beautiful people, that the trouble will blow over, leaving the forum stronger than before. Am I right? I'll always look upon it as a place turn to.
Regardless of what is being posted in the War Room, Small Talk or any other thread, I very much value the thoughts and perspectives of everyone regardless of their view point. There is always something we can learn from another person.

This site is now as much a part of my life as my mechanical valve :D.

OY..I only have a fire escape....and my neighbors would roast the

Well, virtual farming is all the latest rage....And Mary just happens to be the best at it and has quite the spread....complete with a mansion, river, fruit tree orchard, crops, barn, windmill, endless flowers, and YES, a chicken coop to shelter her little darlings.
My own little virtual farm pales by comparison, but I love it dearly.
FT rocks.:D
Well, virtual farming is all the latest rage....And Mary just happens to be the best at it and has quite the spread....complete with a mansion, river, fruit tree orchard, crops, barn, windmill, endless flowers, and YES, a chicken coop to shelter her little darlings.
My own little virtual farm pales by comparison, but I love it dearly.
FT rocks.:D

and I may add, a lot of us spend a lot of time eyeing Mary's farm salivating at the place she has! :p :)
Wise you can spend a few minutes daily tending to the farm, or hours and hours working on others for farm coins.

I rarely visited the farm, so you can guess what it was like. I'd get on a spurt and tend to it for a couple of days, then fall off of the farm wagon. I guess it didn't click with me. However, I was impressed with Mary's farm and with Harry's also. I eventually closed my farm due to it's barrenness.
I rarely visited the farm, so you can guess what it was like. I'd get on a spurt and tend to it for a couple of days, then fall off of the farm wagon. I guess it didn't click with me. However, I was impressed with Mary's farm and with Harry's also. I eventually closed my farm due to it's barrenness.

I hope you didn't leave any little animals on it??? :(
Hi Folks
This is a long and thoughtful post.

I joined this forum in 2003, after I'd had a completely unexpected bypass surgery. And then they told me I had a bad mitral valve. That meant a second surgery!

When I found this forum, I positively sucked in all the info available. I studied up in everything, read every post, asked every stupid question, had every stupid idea. I was already on warfarin for atrial fibrillation. I boned up with Al Lodwick.

I was here every single day and got to know many of you older timers. Nancy was a fantastic teacher, she pulled me back or pushed me forward so many times, in my valve education. She is an incredibly knowledgeable person. Mary came months after I did, and she had the forum in the palm of her hand from the beginning. A really Perfect Poster.
This was also the first forum I ever joined, so I had a bit to learn about forum manners. The first controversy I got involved with was about donating to There was talk about how to do it, and several people wanted to know what they were paying for. I was one of them. Looking back, it was wasted energy. I would never again bother taking sides in a controversy like that, or in any way contribute to the controversy on a topic like that. I now have forum manners. And abide by them. And send little pops of money when I can.

But that was not the only controversy I got involved in. There was another really emotional debate over Terry Schiavo. I was the only one on the forum who supported Michael Schiavo. I got some really personal and angry feedback for defending Terry's hubby. I kept on looking facts up and kept dishing my side. No one wanted to hear me anymore, but as long as they posted their side, I kept up my side. I think I made about everyone madder than they were. There was all kinds of dead horse talk……Lesson Learned. Some new good old boys joined right then and did nothing but mock me and chase me around the forum with their bubba type talk. I got so upset, I quit. I deleted all my 400 plus posts, then I quit. I asked Ross to remove me from the rolls.

Anyway, I already learned enough here to get through my valve replacement operation in '06. And I had my Tucson valve family some of whom even visited me in the hospital. After it was all over, I thought about you all and decided to rejoin. I have a vr family in Tucson who are all members here and wanted to be part of the bigger picture, too.

First off, Blanche flipped out that I joined back right when it was time to vote on where the reunion was going to be. I don't need Blanche on my case. I figure she knows perfectly well who I am and is still carrying a charge against me for my earlier positions- or something. She was quite mean about me in an email that got sent to vr members down here. I have a copy, but that isn't my point. Her attitude toward me has intimidated me from posting. I REALLY don't want to tread on her! So, I check in often enough to keep from losing my place and having to sign up all over again. (That happened once already). This time I understand the level of conservatism and religiosity among the vast majority of the posting forum members.

I signed in tonight and saw the war room. Hardly a debate there. It was a chorus of the govt can't do anything right and on down the list. This is no debate and the lone dissenter is not very understandable. Besides, all the info at the beginning of the thread was outdated by the end of July and now, in September, it is still moving around, nothing is nailed down. However, I won't post there or get involved, even though I have been watching the national debate closely and I really can make a logical argument without attacks or perceived attacks. I go to Political when I want to see dem/rep rightie/lefty wars. They have lots of extreme people over there, and people bashing is a legal sport.

So, I decided to post now, in this thread, because I did quit. Angrily. And 3-4 years later, I came back.

I went and found forum, where my expert opinions on pearls are highly regarded and I have even moved from a member, to moderator, to administrator. I now have to manage the spammers, the nuts, the fakes, etc. and that is quite a lesson in forum manners!
We do have a members’ only forum called "other stuff" in which we get personal, share pet pictures, talk about things happening in our lives, happy birthday threads and the like. We assiduously avoid any kind of political or religious references, anywhere on the forum except in illness and catastrophe threads , when many non-denominational prayers and blessings pour out to the one hurting. We have members from China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Viet Nam ,Tahiti, Australia, New Zealand, Bahrain, Dubai, France, Sweden, England, Mexico, Brazil, and Spain. As well as folks from every state.
This includes the entire political spectrum of the world and every possible form of religion. Many of us don’t know or understand most of the others, but we all have a love of pearls, the pearl business and collecting pearls. So we stick to that. Any of that other stuff is just too risky!

Even with all my problems here and still being in trouble with Blanche, (not to mention that the other women my age, Granbonnie(May she RIP) and Hensley never cottoned to me either. And by the time I left they were aghast at me for my Schaivo opinions) I think this forum appears to favor Christian and conservative positions, by the quotes and signatures of prominent members like Karlynn. And others appear to not be welcome to express opinions that aren’t in line. I only know one member over here that is truly liberal. I am not complaining. It doesn’t matter. I am not here for that.

Yet, I figure I do belong here and should post if and when I have a heart related opinion, question, etc. Youse are my go-2 guys when it comes to hearts! No matter the other stuff. It’s the hearts, the hearts!

Allowing strong controversy on a single subject forum is tricky. Is it worth it? Not in my hard-earned opinion.

Sorry for the long post, but I felt impelled to tell my story.
Hi Folks
This is a long and thoughtful post.

I joined this forum in 2003, after I'd had a completely unexpected bypass surgery. And then they told me I had a bad mitral valve. That meant a second surgery!

When I found this forum, I positively sucked in all the info available. I studied up in everything, read every post, asked every stupid question, had every stupid idea. I was already on warfarin for atrial fibrillation. I boned up with Al Lodwick.

I was here every single day and got to know many of you older timers. Nancy was a fantastic teacher, she pulled me back or pushed me forward so many times, in my valve education. She is an incredibly knowledgeable person. Mary came months after I did, and she had the forum in the palm of her hand from the beginning. A really Perfect Poster.
This was also the first forum I ever joined, so I had a bit to learn about forum manners. The first controversy I got involved with was about donating to There was talk about how to do it, and several people wanted to know what they were paying for. I was one of them. Looking back, it was wasted energy. I would never again bother taking sides in a controversy like that, or in any way contribute to the controversy on a topic like that. I now have forum manners. And abide by them. And send little pops of money when I can.

But that was not the only controversy I got involved in. There was another really emotional debate over Terry Schiavo. I was the only one on the forum who supported Michael Schiavo. I got some really personal and angry feedback for defending Terry's hubby. I kept on looking facts up and kept dishing my side. No one wanted to hear me anymore, but as long as they posted their side, I kept up my side. I think I made about everyone madder than they were. There was all kinds of dead horse talk……Lesson Learned. Some new good old boys joined right then and did nothing but mock me and chase me around the forum with their bubba type talk. I got so upset, I quit. I deleted all my 400 plus posts, then I quit. I asked Ross to remove me from the rolls.

Anyway, I already learned enough here to get through my valve replacement operation in '06. And I had my Tucson valve family some of whom even visited me in the hospital. After it was all over, I thought about you all and decided to rejoin. I have a vr family in Tucson who are all members here and wanted to be part of the bigger picture, too.

First off, Blanche flipped out that I joined back right when it was time to vote on where the reunion was going to be. I don't need Blanche on my case. I figure she knows perfectly well who I am and is still carrying a charge against me for my earlier positions- or something. She was quite mean about me in an email that got sent to vr members down here. I have a copy, but that isn't my point. Her attitude toward me has intimidated me from posting. I REALLY don't want to tread on her! So, I check in often enough to keep from losing my place and having to sign up all over again. (That happened once already). This time I understand the level of conservatism and religiosity among the vast majority of the posting forum members.

I signed in tonight and saw the war room. Hardly a debate there. It was a chorus of the govt can't do anything right and on down the list. This is no debate and the lone dissenter is not very understandable. Besides, all the info at the beginning of the thread was outdated by the end of July and now, in September, it is still moving around, nothing is nailed down. However, I won't post there or get involved, even though I have been watching the national debate closely and I really can make a logical argument without attacks or perceived attacks. I go to Political when I want to see dem/rep rightie/lefty wars. They have lots of extreme people over there, and people bashing is a legal sport.

So, I decided to post now, in this thread, because I did quit. Angrily. And 3-4 years later, I came back.

I went and found forum, where my expert opinions on pearls are highly regarded and I have even moved from a member, to moderator, to administrator. I now have to manage the spammers, the nuts, the fakes, etc. and that is quite a lesson in forum manners!
We do have a members’ only forum called "other stuff" in which we get personal, share pet pictures, talk about things happening in our lives, happy birthday threads and the like. We assiduously avoid any kind of political or religious references, anywhere on the forum except in illness and catastrophe threads , when many non-denominational prayers and blessings pour out to the one hurting. We have members from China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Viet Nam ,Tahiti, Australia, New Zealand, Bahrain, Dubai, France, Sweden, England, Mexico, Brazil, and Spain. As well as folks from every state.
This includes the entire political spectrum of the world and every possible form of religion. Many of us don’t know or understand most of the others, but we all have a love of pearls, the pearl business and collecting pearls. So we stick to that. Any of that other stuff is just too risky!

Even with all my problems here and still being in trouble with Blanche, (not to mention that the other women my age, Granbonnie(May she RIP) and Hensley never cottoned to me either. And by the time I left they were aghast at me for my Schaivo opinions) I think this forum appears to favor Christian and conservative positions, by the quotes and signatures of prominent members like Karlynn. And others appear to not be welcome to express opinions that aren’t in line. I only know one member over here that is truly liberal. I am not complaining. It doesn’t matter. I am not here for that.

Yet, I figure I do belong here and should post if and when I have a heart related opinion, question, etc. Youse are my go-2 guys when it comes to hearts! No matter the other stuff. It’s the hearts, the hearts!

Allowing strong controversy on a single subject forum is tricky. Is it worth it? Not in my hard-earned opinion.

Sorry for the long post, but I felt impelled to tell my story.

Coming back and pointing out members by name, belittling those who aren't "truly" liberal isn't a good way to restart. Just a heads up.

Welcome back ot the forum first and foremost. Anyone who has been through a valve procedure (or any other heart procedure) is invaluable for all of those folks who are coming here for information and guidance. I know alot of folks come to this site prior to their surgery and then when they are through it and back to their lives they drop back off. My procedure was 18 months ago and Im completely recovered. But I stick around to try and help those who come here for the same reasons I initially did. I consider that my duty because I know how helpful this forum was to me personally.

I've dipped my toe in the political debates from time to time and have been bashed on occasion for having a left leaning view of the world. I've tried to always be respectful of others because I know my view isn't the only view. But on the flip side I've also seen some folks that are right leaning get bashed as well. The whole health care thread is a passionate topic because it affects everyone.

I would say your best bet is to avoid the debate oriented threads because there are folks who come here who would benefit from your experience and expertise.
One of the things that has always bothered me (on any forum) is people who take pot shots at those who do not agree with them. It is one thing to state that you disagree with someone and something entirely different to name call (using words like stupid, uneducated, bitching, etc.). No one belongs on any forum if they cannot make their point without getting ugly.

That being said, posts can be interpreted in a different manner than the poster's intentions since it is words and not body language or facial expressions. I know a few people have jumped on me for criticizing them when I meant only to express my views. I try very hard to be civil at all times.

Recently I got zapped for a spelling error on the health care thread. That is the type of thing that makes no sense to me, not someone's views. I can debate different views but an English class I don't need here.:rolleyes:;)

Caitlin, I am always happy to see members return even if we have different viewpoints. If everyone thought the same way, this world would be very boring. I do agree with Wise tho and wished you could have made your point without zapping people by name. Not sure that helped anything other than to hurt feelings which is why you left to begin with.

On a lighter note - where did the chicken posts come from? Once again, I feel like I missed something - the original reason for starting this thread.;):p:D
Caitlin - my scripture in my signature is the one that kept me strong during my horrible pre-surgery ordeal and recovery after my surgery. The only thing you would be correct in assuming from it is that I am a person of faith who derives much strength from it. If you take it as a statement of my politics - you are totally wrong. While my faith helps form my political opinions - I have many friends in faith who are very liberal politically - and would tell you the same thing. So to assume that because someone is a Christian - they also represent a Conservative view is highly erroneous. Is our president not a Christian?

I have had many members over the years PM me that seeing my signature has given them peace, or hope, or strength, or allowed them to see that there are things they can turn to in order to calm their fears. I have never had anyone use it to criticize me until now. But that, in itself, says a lot about the majority of the people that come to VR, that I have over 11,000 posts and it's taken this long for someone to take a hit at me over my scripture.

It probably would have been better had you stated your opinion by starting a thread in the war room, and perhaps if a moderator sees this, they can move it there.