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There's taking a "break" and then there's "quitting". Mary is no longer on the members list - so that means she quit. That seems to have a more permanent feel to it. As Gina said - many of us have taken a break from time to time. Some tell us they are, some just walk into the shadows quietly. Quitting means the administrators need to be contacted about your request to discontinue your membership and they then act on it. I can't imagine doing that if you aren't wanting to sever ties.

What ever the issue - things have been strange around here for a while, and I hope it gets resolved. This is a great place.

Could be just taking a “break with statement” .... Whatever the case, she is missed ... VR has become VERY weird lately ... some things got/get out of control and they should not .., I have notice new moderators, maybe this will help as long as they are all not one in the same:D
Could be just taking a “break with statement” .... Whatever the case, she is missed ... VR has become VERY weird lately ... some things got/get out of control and they should not .., I have notice new moderators, maybe this will help as long as they are all not one in the same:D
If it is a statement - I'm really at a loss for what exactly that "statement" is. I guess I'm just the kind of person if I have an issue, I stay to work it out until I feel like it's no longer workable. Quitting as a "statement" with no goodbye but with plans to return once everyone "gets it" just doesn't seem like the best way to communicate dissatisfaction. And I don't think it's fair for her friends here to be left holding the bag explaining without violating her confidences. Maybe her close friends here don't feel that way - but it's my humble opinion.

It's been apparent to me for quite a while that there is a lot of communicating going on about VR things outside of the forums. Information will be posted on behalf of people, statements will appear that cause me to go "hmmm", or members who haven't been around in a long time will show up and post on a "big" thread and then disappear again until the next big topic. I have a few VR friends that I share other interests with that I email with outside of VR. But 99% of my communication with them is not related to VR. For good or for bad - my communications on VR stay right here on the forums. A piece of solid ground can only withstand so many tunnels dug underneath it before the ground collapses. I hope this is not the case here. And if it is, it's time to bring everyone back to the green side of the earth.

People can disagree and be respectful. And because you disagree with someone on one or two issues, doesn't mean you disagree with them on every issue. And the common ground we share is our desire to support anyone coming here who has or is going through the valve replacement issue. Time to take a deep breath and relax a bit.
If it is a statement - I'm really at a loss for what exactly that "statement" is. I guess I'm just the kind of person if I have an issue, I stay to work it out until I feel like it's no longer workable. Quitting as a "statement" with no goodbye but with plans to return once everyone "gets it" just doesn't seem like the best way to communicate dissatisfaction. And I don't think it's fair for her friends here to be left holding the bag explaining without violating her confidences. Maybe her close friends here don't feel that way - but it's my humble opinion.

It's been apparent to me for quite a while that there is a lot of communicating going on about VR things outside of the forums. Information will be posted on behalf of people, statements will appear that cause me to go "hmmm", or members who haven't been around in a long time will show up and post on a "big" thread and then disappear again until the next big topic. I have a few VR friends that I share other interests with that I email with outside of VR. But 99% of my communication with them is not related to VR. For good or for bad - my communications on VR stay right here on the forums. A piece of solid ground can only withstand so many tunnels dug underneath it before the ground collapses. I hope this is not the case here. And if it is, it's time to bring everyone back to the green side of the earth.

People can disagree and be respectful. And because you disagree with someone on one or two issues, doesn't mean you disagree with them on every issue. And the common ground we share is our desire to support anyone coming here who has or is going through the valve replacement issue. Time to take a deep breath and relax a bit.

I can only speak for myself but I do not feel put upon in the least ... how, when and why someone leaves VR is their own business ... it is no secret that Mary and I are close friends and it is also no secret that I knew she was going to leave ... I have not always agreed with her, or anyone else for that fact ... it’s not my place to judge her on this or any other thing she or anyone else does ... if anyone wants an explanation I am sure she would gladly share one with you, might not be the one you want to hear but I bet my last dollar it will be the truth....

And yes, it is time for many to “move to the green side” .... peace out:cool:
... VR has become VERY weird lately ... some things got/get out of control and they should not ..

I must have missed that, too, but then I haven't been in the "war room" or participated in the US health debate; I know that Americans (as a nation) do not always agree with the rest of the world, and get on with Americans (on an individual basis).

... , I have notice new moderators, maybe this will help as long as they are all not one in the same:D

Now, I missed that one, but have just gone and checked - there are new members named Moderator01, Moderator02 etc., through 6, while 05 is missed and they have a) all been created in the last 3 days and b) they are all listed as Forum Moderator. Most forums I am a member of make some kind of announcement, and many of them, even the ones run by a business, ask for members to self-nominate if they want to.

I would HATE to lose this forum; it has helped me with my anti-coagulation, informed me about self-testing and I have met many, many people who, while we may not be the best of friends at this time as I am one who does not like to impose, send PMs or e-mail, I would miss sorely.
As with all groups, there are cliques. I believe that is what we are seeing here. Although they are common, they are also very detrimental to the good of the group. The complaining and gossiping behind the scenes does nothing but cause problems, both to those involved and to those who find out on the back end that others are talking about them, as was the case recently with Ross (and probably me and a few others as well). The hard feelings then cause some to leave.

I believe some of you think the health care debate thread is causing a difference on this site and that we should stick to the real reason for the forum. However, there seems to be no issue with the Jokes thread or the chicken ownership thread, two recent examples that have received many views. How can you say that the health care debate thread takes away from the forum, but one on chicken ownership does not? Personally, from my limited experience hatching chickens in the first grade classroom and then having to keep them until their feathers started growing, I think chickens are rather nasty creatures, but I'm not going to get on that thread and call people who own them names. If someone else wants to own them, more power to them. I appreciate the eggs and the meat! I also think many of the jokes are vulgar, but again, if one offends me, I'm not going to say anything. I just won't dwell on it and frankly, I no longer read that particular thread. I often enjoy jokes, some of them dirty, but it just doesn't interest me to read that thread so I don't. If we are going to do away with one thread because it offends the clique, to be fair we must do away with all off topic threads, even those participated in by the clique.

Anyway, that is my thought on the "divisiveness" and the off topic threads.

Now a joke I heard recently that is funny and clean. It could already be on the jokes thread, but I wouldn't know.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To show the armadillo it could be done.
This is a post I have been mulling over for a few days now. It is not in response to anything from any particular member. The fact that this follows Lisa's post is a complete coincidence.

Here is how I evaluate “extraneous” items on a heart valve forum. There are many “extraneous” posts that make the forum a fun or inviting place to visit. That is what I have tried to do with various photos or small stories. I have thought of those posts as unifying, not divisive. I assume that is why people have posted jokes. There have been some jokes that make me a little squeamish. If these types of joke were consistently being posted, I would be concerned. That has not been a problem for me so far. There are posts directly involved with “heart health” matters that need to posted whether divisive or not. Those have not been a problem for me.

Here is my problem with the “war room”. Everyone is obviously free to have, and state, their opinion on any and all matters. I will not argue that point.

I cannot help it--I find consistent references to a democratically elected president as Hitler, Marxist, establishing death panels, etc. to be truly embarrassing. Everyone is free to write what they want-absolutely. But I am no longer comfortable referring people to the forum. That is my personal problem, and that is why I am bowing out.
Seriously, this is ridiculous! It is not worth it to leave, IMO, a grossly off-topic thread up on a support site for people worldwide. We Americans are not the only ones here, and at times like this you can't wonder why other countries may laugh at us. I agree with Dennis that it IS embarrassing. If no one is going to take it down, I believe that the appropriate thing would be for everyone to agree to disagree and let it go and get back to why you're here in the first place. The issues, discussions, will continue of course, but this is not the place.
While I may disagree about which views, or posts, may be embarrassing, I do sincerely think the war room will not prove to be a good thing. That's not necessarily a criticism, just an hunch.

I personally vow, to myself, not to get caught up in controversy again. It isn't good for ME to do that; that's not speaking for anyone else.

I do not ever intend to leave this site for that fact that someday, most likely, I will require a BVR and I know that there is no better support anywhere else.
I hate to see so many long time members leaving. There is a wealth of knowledge with these people that is important for the people who come on here to get info and support for either themselves or their loved ones. If it is because you disagree with or dislike what you read in certain threads, then the cure is simple: DO NOT READ THEM. The insults that start flying in those same threads are nothing but inexcuseable and if anything on here is embarrassing, IMO, that would be it. They serve no purpose but to hurt others.

Come on guys, we are all adults here. Can we just all remember what this site is supposed to be about and stop all the drama?
Still around now and again. My life changed 10.5 years ago. Part of that change was meeting up with (members) on what we now know to be We were a small group of 7. I beleive 5 of us are still members. :)
This post has been moved to the Health Care debate thread in the War Room.
This is not "the War Room." It is "Small Talk," which is often about light-hearted topics. (Remember Granbonny? That's who I think about when I think of Small Talk.)

I would hope by now your opening questions on this thread have been answered, Gina. May I suggest that all who want to continue to slug it out move the fracas to "The War Room"? After all, isn't that what the War Room is for? Make war, not love. Personally, I prefer making love, but that's just me. :p

Please note I am not advocating thread-closing or censorship of any kind. If folks want to continue the cage-fighting right here, well, break a leg (or a head, or whatever). But it seems to me that is the purpose of the War Room....
OK - I consider my hand properly slapped but I was not the one who got off topic initially - merely responding.

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