Well-known member
Im with Woodbutcher on this one and total agree with all he has says.
Is this in small talk? Seem to me that it should be moved to the war room or just plain flushed down the toilet ... I am not getting involved in political, health care debates or any other flame-a-thon that takes away from the focus that I believe that VR was and is intended to be.
I have seen comments that are out of line, hurtful and just plain mean spirited and so far I have held my tongue and refused to get involved in debates or arguments that I either do not have interest in or just do not understand. I ignore pm’s that I have received that chastise or just plain flame. I have stopped short of attacking some of our self proclaimed intellectual experts on damn near everything. This place has become a joke to many outside of the US, go figure. The intolerance of many is down right embarrassing. I know some will debate the origin of the phrase, “first, do no harm” but I could care less. I have taken my lumps before and am ashamed to say that I have inflicted a few in the past. We would do well to get back to the “heart” of the matter.
I know many think I serve little value here and again I could give a damn. The biggest shame is that many who have much knowledge and information to share with those facing OHS are to busy trying to impress with grandiose, braggadocios rhetoric, why I’m not sure.
I can understand why some have left.
I'll agree with that - and a hug!!!Im not one to lecture someone about their opinions (except maybe my kids). I am a live and let live type. My opinion is mine and mine alone. Now I may question someones opinion and offer a differing view. But Im not going to belittle someone just because they don't agree with me. Even if I know I am right
Its a joke ! Its a joke !
I think what we have is a case of "computer-screenitis" When we sit and type at a computer screen we don't see the people on the receiving end. Some find safety in that and let it fly. Some let it fly and then have second thoughts when they see how what they've written was received. If you're here long enough - you're going to do it. We're human.
Perhaps Caitlin felt after the fact that there was a better way she could have expressed some things. But I thank her for doing follow up posts rather than editing her original. It's a rule I try to live by as well.
Even with all my problems here and still being in trouble with Blanche, (not to mention that the other women my age, Granbonnie(May she RIP) and Hensley, never cottoned to me either. And by the time I left they were aghast at me for my Schaivo opinions)
May the bond that we share from the heart not be broken by the brain. (yes I made that one up)