General Peeve Thread

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My lady mopped the wax right off of my wood floor, and then spilled a bucket of water on the second floor. This was 3 years ago and she felt so bad....things are usually okay now, but I really watch out.
Well there have a been a few 14 year olds that caught my eye, but they looked to be in their early 20's. Does that count?

Not if you live in France:p
Just kidding! I can joke about the French since I have close family there:D
....another pet peeve of mine:

Being in the bathroom, leisurely reading the newspaper while sitting on the pot, when all of a sudden, my dumb hubby decides it will be very funny to slip a fly swatter underneath the door & swish it around scaring the "you no what" out of me!!! :mad: Not funny!!!
....another pet peeve of mine:

Being in the bathroom, leisurely reading the newspaper while sitting on the pot, when all of a sudden, my dumb hubby decides it will be very funny to slip a fly swatter underneath the door & swish it around scaring the "you no what" out of me!!! :mad: Not funny!!!

IT is funny, Norma, but probably because it is not happening to me...I am just reading it! :D :D Life is short, dear, laugh at any attempt others try on you. I love the way you describe such situations!!:D
Oh, I got him back dear Eva.......

One day when he was intently reading the newspaper while sitting on his favorite recliner, I snuck up behind the newspaper & grabbed it from behind while making a "grrrr" sound! He started acting like "Sanford" holding his chest while screaming I was going to give him a heart attack!!! :D :p

You know what they say about pay backs..........???? :)
....another pet peeve of mine:

Being in the bathroom, leisurely reading the newspaper while sitting on the pot, when all of a sudden, my dumb hubby decides it will be very funny to slip a fly swatter underneath the door & swish it around scaring the "you no what" out of me!!! :mad: Not funny!!!

Hubby knows better than to scare me....especially post op.
If he scares me on purpose, then he gets to spend a few hours in the ER with me and my tachycardia. :D
Ah, Superbob endorses heavy petting -- that's never a peeve. :D;)

What might be a peeve, actually though, are two love birds in a public place being kissy-face -- get a room, for Heaven's sake! :D

....and in my home town, if those two love birds happen to be of the same sex, they'll get thrown out of the restaurant for lewd behavior!!! (this just happened last week.....not kidding! )
same sex public smooching......doesn't happen where I live. Farmers are kind of funny about that. ;)

Actually from news reports, they (the couple), were asking for trouble or just trying to see how far they could push things with the management of the restaurant because prior to them "kissing" they were dancing like ballerinas!!! :eek: ....dang it, wish I could have been there to watch the entertainment!!!! :p

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