General Peeve Thread

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General Peeve's subordinate...

General Peeve's subordinate...

Private Skin in public places:eek:

I don't mid it on the beach or at the pool where you'd expect to see a little something but at the mall? Really?

We're talking about coin slots, muffin tops, belly button rings, butt cheeks, and waaaaaay too much cleavage. Sorry Ross, I know it's your fave but this momma no likey. Especially when I have to cover both my hubby's and son's eyes. Not fun for me or for them!:rolleyes:

Oh and if it's UNDERWEAR please wear it under:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I'm a little sick of seeing the prison gang look of saggy pants that are worn below the waist. Why wear any at all if your going to go out like that?
I'm a little sick of seeing the prison gang look of saggy pants that are worn below the waist. Why wear any at all if your going to go out like that?

With an 18 year old son, I will be glad when this fad goes away! Even his little sisters tell him to pull up his pants. I'm kind of used to it now, but when they get so low his butt is hanging out, I make him pull them up.

My peeve is the mispronunciation of my name! Sally, valley, alley... HALLEY! Not Hayley.
I'm a little sick of seeing the prison gang look of saggy pants that are worn below the waist. Why wear any at all if your going to go out like that?

That is gross isn't it.

I also don't like to see young ladies dressed like prostitutes. Call me old fashioned or whatever, but I find it sad when I see it.
With an 18 year old son, I will be glad when this fad goes away!.
I think most of us have given up waiting for it to go's been in
fashion for almost 20 years now. Did I say 'fashion' ?
With an 18 year old son, I will be glad when this fad goes away! Even his little sisters tell him to pull up his pants. I'm kind of used to it now, but when they get so low his butt is hanging out, I make him pull them up.

My peeve is the mispronunciation of my name! Sally, valley, alley... HALLEY! Not Hayley.

I remember when the comet was coming the last time and it was a BIG deal to try to get people to pronounce it correctly. We also had a building at my university with that name and it was pronounced the same was as you state. However, you would hear Hayley and Hall-y (almost Holly) as much as the correct version.
I think most of us have given up waiting for it to go's been in
fashion for almost 20 years now. Did I say 'fashion' ?

Now we know where it started - NYC! It hasn't been here for near that long, thank goodness, more like 5-7 years depending on the culture, but I'm ready for it to go away. I have a 16 year old son who is quite thin so it makes it easier to find jeans for him since they are supposed to be big, but I still tell him to put on a belt or pull up his pants when I see the plaid border.
This is one that really bugs me. "It's not in my job description."

My husband & I golf a lot. At our home course there's a porta-potty at the fifth tee. Yesterday afternoon I noticed that there was only 1/3 roll of toilet paper left.And the hand sanitizer has been empty for three weeks. Today, only 1/4. I told the cart girl that it would be nice if someone could put a couple of rolls in the thing. She said sure. So, we go around again... I check - NO TOILET PAPER!!!:mad: So, the cart girl comes around again and I asked her about it - she said it was the ground crew's job. I told her that the customers don't really care who's job it is... they only assume that the staff doesn't care.

Interestingly enough, this issue came up last year and at the burger buffet for members (it's just a simple little 9 hole course) the manager's manager said it was the responsibility of the porta-potty company.

Jeesh, what's so hard about getting a few rolls of toilet paper in the darn thing? Everyone's pointing at everyone else saying 'not my job'. :mad::mad::mad:

If only my city/Province was like Alberta and have a strict noise bylaw that was enforced, neighborhoods would be so much quieter. Heck, you can't even have a loud muffler in Alberta.
LOL! You've never visited my neighbourhood then. There must be 8 or 9 jacked up trucks around here with straight through pipes instead of mufflers. I'm wakened by their symphony each morning at 5 when the boys are off to work in the oil patch.

My peeve is if my neighbours have a party and neglect to ask what shift the folks next door are working. You kinda hate to put a damper on someone's good time, but you also need to sleep...
I HATE IT when people drive on your bumper like their car is attached somehow to your car. Is there not such thing as maintaining an assured clear distance anymore?

I HATE IT when people roll through the stop signs, pull out in front of you, have their bumper sticking out in the road when you also have oncoming traffic. WHAT I ASK happened to all the driving regulations that we had growing up as a kid? There is hardly any gravel on the side of the road either. Back in the day if someone got to close you would drive on the berm, kick up some gravel & they would back off! WHAT HAPPENED???

It's getting to the point that you cannot even go for a Sunday drive.
The "CREEPER". This is the person that stops 10 car lengths behind someone at a stop light and spends the next 50 seconds slowly creeping up, causing everyone behind to have to do the same thing.:mad:

Had to laugh at this one Olefin, this irks my S/O too. To solve the problem, we just stay put as the other driver slowly creeps up. No seance of stopping and going.
Speaking of driving habits ....................

Speaking of driving habits ....................

this is my pet peeve, although a relatively minor one.

Living in farm country allows major use of "cruise control" because of light/no traffic conditions. So I find it very irksome when someone pulls from their driveway in front of me causing me to brake when there aren't cars behind me within a mile. Can't they wait 1/2 a second? I wonder how often that happens to 18-wheelers.
However, my real pet peeve with the electronic era is when I'm somewhere and someone near me says something that I can't quite understand or that confuses me because I'm not sure what they're talking about. I'm the only one around so they are obviously talking to me. I respond with "Excuse me?" and they give me a nasty look and point to their ear. Apparently I have just "rudely" interrupted their Bluetooth conversation.

Real thing that just happened to me:

I was sitting in a restroom stall. Another woman came in an sat in the other stall, and said, "Mom"?

I said, "No, not me! I'm the only one in here."

But she didn't hear me, but she had already started a phone conversation with her mom as she entered the stall! Who STARTS a conversation knowing they're about to sit on a toilet?
Real thing that just happened to me:

I was sitting in a restroom stall. Another woman came in an sat in the other stall, and said, "Mom"?

I said, "No, not me! I'm the only one in here."

But she didn't hear me, but she had already started a phone conversation with her mom as she entered the stall! Who STARTS a conversation knowing they're about to sit on a toilet?

At least 20 women I work with. I go into the restroom to do my business, not to have to listen to people's silly conversations. I often wonder if they don't feel silly talking to someone on the phone with toilets flushing as a background symphony.:eek:

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