Eva, I hear ya.
My cleaning lady is lovely, totally sweet.But I've also laid down the rules about bleach and harsh cleaners. She is doing her very best to use baking soda and diluted cleaners, but every once in a while I smell something perfumey in the vac bag or on the floors. It's kind of funny cuz my cat will come in and avoid the floors afterwards, she jumps from furniture to furniture, and my hubbys says: "Was the cleaning lady here today?"
Is she using her vacuum or yours? If it's hers, the carpet deodorizers from other people's houses are getting onto your carpet. The same thing may be happening to your floors if she uses her cleaning rags and mops instead of yours.
The solution is to provide 100% of the cleaning tools she uses. Do not allow her to bring any brooms, mops, buckets, vacuums, sponges, rags, scouring pads, protective gloves or anything else into your house. Provide all of her cleaning supplies.
I'm concerned about your statement, "She does her best to use...." This makes it sound as if she is plagued by cleaning supplies with superpowers that allow them to leap into her hands. No matter how hard she tries, those darn cleaning supplies unscrew themselves and force their way into her bucket. If this is the case, I suggest getting rid of the "sweet" cleaning lady and hiring one who is tough enough to defend your home against marauding bottles of Pine-Sol.