General Peeve Thread

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Eva, I hear ya.
My cleaning lady is lovely, totally sweet.:) But I've also laid down the rules about bleach and harsh cleaners. She is doing her very best to use baking soda and diluted cleaners, but every once in a while I smell something perfumey in the vac bag or on the floors. It's kind of funny cuz my cat will come in and avoid the floors afterwards, she jumps from furniture to furniture, and my hubbys says: "Was the cleaning lady here today?":D

Is she using her vacuum or yours? If it's hers, the carpet deodorizers from other people's houses are getting onto your carpet. The same thing may be happening to your floors if she uses her cleaning rags and mops instead of yours.

The solution is to provide 100% of the cleaning tools she uses. Do not allow her to bring any brooms, mops, buckets, vacuums, sponges, rags, scouring pads, protective gloves or anything else into your house. Provide all of her cleaning supplies.

I'm concerned about your statement, "She does her best to use...." This makes it sound as if she is plagued by cleaning supplies with superpowers that allow them to leap into her hands. No matter how hard she tries, those darn cleaning supplies unscrew themselves and force their way into her bucket. If this is the case, I suggest getting rid of the "sweet" cleaning lady and hiring one who is tough enough to defend your home against marauding bottles of Pine-Sol.
PGM, I make sure she uses my vac and my "stuff", I don't want other ppl's germs in here. Grin.
But every few weeks she does want to give my 2 shower stalls a "deep clean" with Vim cleaner instead of the baking soda.
I'm trying to use up the last of the horrible Windex by using it outside only.
She will only have vinegar and water mixtures from now on cuz she won't be able to find any Windex if I don't buy it. ;)
But every few weeks she does want to give my 2 shower stalls a "deep clean" with Vim cleaner instead of the baking soda.
I'm trying to use up the last of the horrible Windex by using it outside only.
She will only have vinegar and water mixtures from now on cuz she won't be able to find any Windex if I don't buy it. ;)

Put the Vim in a nice gift box and tell her she can put it in her car and take a five-minute break during every cleaning to go out there and refresh herself by huffing it. ;)

Once she has gotten her Lethal Chemical fix, she can go back into your home and a.) remove calcium deposits with Mineral Magic by Natural Choices and b.) spray down your shower grout and seams with straight Heinz distilled white vinegar, let sit for an hour or so and rinse (kills molds).

I would also tell her to take the Windex home with her and never bring it back. Then you won't feel guilty about getting rid of it.

If you're not getting the window results you like with vinegar and water, you may want to try Clearly Clean by Enviro-Rite. It's an alcohol-based glass cleaner.
I have to add my peeve...overly friendly restaurant hostesses. Several times now at local restaurants, while being escorted to our table the 'hostess' (usually about 16 years old) will pause every 10 steps or so to stop-look back-and ask some silly question "Did you have a nice day? Have you eaten with us before? How about the weather?"...Each time, I almost run over the girl. Not once does she wait for an answer (i've started giving odd answers just to see if they are paying attention). Just point me to my table! A polite "how are you today?" before navigating the maze of tables would do nicely.

I have to add my peeve...overly friendly restaurant hostesses. Several times now at local restaurants, while being escorted to our table the 'hostess' (usually about 16 years old) will pause every 10 steps or so to stop-look back-and ask some silly question "Did you have a nice day? Have you eaten with us before? How about the weather?"...Each time, I almost run over the girl. Not once does she wait for an answer (i've started giving odd answers just to see if they are paying attention). Just point me to my table! A polite "how are you today?" before navigating the maze of tables would do nicely.


Is that before or after she announces a PARTY OF ONE TODAY? I hate that!
Ohhh boy!!! Saw the thread and had to write after just receiving a phone call from the hospital....

I went in to get my CT's last week for my dissection.
They take a CT of Throat, Chest and Pelvis every year.

Well the hospital called me and said that they forgot to take the CT of my chest!
duh... that is where my dissection begins at the aortic valve, and the tear goes all the way down to my left kneecap.

So,, It's back to the hospital next week for another CT. and to think this hospital is rated 17th in the nation for heart. hmmmm... I'll be real pissed off too when they go and charge me my copay for the additional visit due to their screw-up! I should have some fun with dealing with that!

Who knows... pretty soon instead of getting a CT, I'll be receiving "End of Life Counseling"

Make life interesting though!!!

OK, one more. Why, oh why, can't young people today properly address an envelope for mailing?

A recently turned 21 year old in the office just can't seem to understand Name, Address, City/State, Zip Code. Oh, and a return address.

Yesterday she brought me a piece of mail going to a S.E. Texas office. No zip code. She stated it was going to a 'building, they don't have a zip code'. What? I sent her on her way and told her to google it.

Most of the time she leaves off who the mail is addressed to. "do you think they will need that?" She asks me!

Oh, we also had the lesson of where on an envelope the return address should go. She didn't realize upper right hand corner wasn't correct.

OK, one more. Why, oh why, can't young people today properly address an envelope for mailing?

A recently turned 21 year old in the office just can't seem to understand Name, Address, City/State, Zip Code. Oh, and a return address.

Yesterday she brought me a piece of mail going to a S.E. Texas office. No zip code. She stated it was going to a 'building, they don't have a zip code'. What? I sent her on her way and told her to google it.

Most of the time she leaves off who the mail is addressed to. "do you think they will need that?" She asks me!

Oh, we also had the lesson of where on an envelope the return address should go. She didn't realize upper right hand corner wasn't correct.


Tass, I hate to tell you this but this girl isn't just young, she's STUPID! Don't they teach this stuff in school anymore? Who hired this poor girl? I'd be hopping mad if I had to deal with that kind of incompitence. I bet she knows how to address an email to 83 different people and cut a 10 page dissertation about nothing down to about 25 letters and 18 smillies! Gah!
Yep, you're right. This girl is a texting (among other things) fool. I wonder if she knows how to fill out an actual check properly.

I hate it when you go into a store and the sales clerk has no idea how to count out proper change without looking at the register. Let's see here the item was 73 cents so you give them a dollar. 32 cents change?

DUH :confused::confused::eek::mad:
This is a late addition, but one of my big pet peeves is people outside a hospital with a cigarette in their fingers leaning against the large NO SMOKING signs. And people who refuse to turn off their cell phones inside medical facilities clearing posted "No Cell Phone Use".

How about another one?

Road construction crews cutting a phone line ... and it taking DAYS for the phone company to get it fixed...ugh.

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 = Sept 5-16, '09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"I see something that I don't like" ... Sheryl Crow ... 'Real Gone'
1. People who only move over part way in the left turn lane and the cars behind have to stop and hold up traffic.
2. Also, sitting in a restaurant & watching the tourists trying to get their dogs to do it's business on the landscaping. They act like that is what it is for. If they would just go to the dog walk in the rest areas or even the pull offs on the highways have plenty of land.
3. Restaurant servers who set my silverware down on the dirty menu or vice versa, that everone has handled.
Morons talking or texting on cell phones while driving! With you on that one Ross, another one I have is people waiting for all there things to be rung up at a store and then they slowly pull out there check book and write a check! OMGoodness! Melt down!

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