Take a look at this:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4891758/
Hey Johnny do you still remember some of the part numbers for certain things like fenders, hoods, oil filters fuel filters, etc. I'm surprised at how many things I still remember. 53301-? for hoods, 53801 and 53802-? for left and right fenders, 15600 and 15601-? oil filters, 23300-? fuel filters. Bizarre huh?Johnny Stephens said:Hey Ross - I was a parts mgr for a Toyota dealer a long time ago. Spent time delivering parts too. I did get asked out once or twice while working the parts counter...sorry, no racy stories there.
I test drove a BMW last summer, but sorry to say no action in the 10 minutes I drove it
I drove every model BMW had and I can tell you that I don't see where they are any better then any other vehicle out there. It's simply a status thing and nothing more. I did love the look and feel of the 633csi I got to trade in Michigan though. It still wasn't worth the $53,000 price tag no matter how you looked at it.Birky said:I have a Chevy Impala and guess there is no statistics on this model. Ads will say anything to sell more. BMW is way out of my budget so I guess I am not going to get too lucky.
xtremlee said:Lisa Im a Jeep Cherokee person my self all the kids fit and I can hunt bambi out of it.