BMW drivers have more sex?

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Yeah, Lee. We eat it too. Some of it gets made into deer sausage but primarily we make steaks out of it.
Lisa it is good food.
Be carful about eating the deer sausage because if you have it processed by a local processer. They usually have to mix it with pork fat to make it stick together to make sausage because deer is so lean it wont stay together by itself. The steak is the best way to go.
I'm just razzin' ya. I know that hunters actually protect the greater deer population by keeping it thinned out so there won't be mass starvation. I don't hunt, but I do fish and take pleasure in the catch. I don't think I would get pleasure from killing any other kind of wildlife, but since I'm not a vegetarian and I buy leather products, etc. I certainly can't criticize hunters. But BAMBI!....that's just a bit too close to my heart. If you'd said "deer", I could of handled it.
Sue :)
*Suspects Lee of being a poacher* What is the exact description of your jeep Lee? Oh yeah, please include the valid license plate number also! :D
I knew you was just kidding. I threw out the Bambi just to razz a few myself.
Then I thought while on the subject I would just point out how good bambi meat I mean deer meat is. :)

Ross My jeep is purple with green dots and my tag is a california tag.
Hope that helps br549
Things I learned while my parents lived in Europe...

Things I learned while my parents lived in Europe...

1) I suspect many Europeans lie about their sex lives to keep up nationalist pride (and, with the French around, justifiably so). I'm particularly suspicious Frenchmen and of German men who drive BMWs.

2) Bambi actually tastes good!

3) So does Pooh bear!

4) And Thumper, too!

5) And moldy, curdled milk!
A very good guess. According to my Consumer Guide, the base price for the 6 series is $69,300-76,300. :eek:
SJJ said:
A very good guess. According to my Consumer Guide, the base price for the 6 series is $69,300-76,300. :eek:
Yeah and that's just base price. Can you imagine loaded? :eek:
My car cost almost that much... but it's good for more than just a 'status thing'...

My car cost almost that much... but it's good for more than just a 'status thing'...

Us folks in SUVs actually have room to .... Wait... :eek: is this the ?sex? thread??
The only way we're going to get this thread back together is for someone to talk about the time they were grilling venison from the back of their BMW at a swinging sleepover tailgate party, ran out of charcoal briquettes, and had to use bundles of cash to keep the barbeque going...

I love venison, too, although I don't hunt. I do computer repair/setup favors for my hunting friends, and they trade me roasts and burgers. By the way, the burgers taste better with a little beef fat added, rather than pork.

We have always gone out of our way to try different foods, though. Buffalo is a staple in our house. We don't care for ostrich too much, and the kangaroo we've had was similar to rubber. My son and I liked the muskrat, Pat didn't. I love alligator. Our favorite meal in Cozumel was tender, succulent Octopus. We all love a good, fat rabbit. Pat loves pigs' feet (huspaninny). Chicken feet are OK, but I still can't get over thinking where they've been, while I'm trying to eat them.

I don't have a Jeep Cherokee, but I do have a 1994 Mitsubishi Montero, the car that wins the Paris-to-Dakar, defining off-road classic race every year. I want to keep it for at least ten more years, as I have felt at home in this vehicle since the first time I drove it. By the way, it has a 3.0 liter, six cyllinder engine, and gets 19/23 mpg. Many regular cars don't do that well, so don't any conservationists come and spray-paint my wheels!
Hey Guys

Hey Guys

I just looked back at all the posts in this thread, and it appears that the females are trying to keep it on track (BMW owners >more sex). We haven't digressed too much. We're trying to keep it on the original subject--sex and cars, and you all are veering off to auto parts and favorite sources of meat.
Get with the program!!!
Mary said:
I just looked back at all the posts in this thread, and it appears that the females are trying to keep it on track (BMW owners >more sex). We haven't digressed too much. We're trying to keep it on the original subject--sex and cars, and you all are veering off to auto parts and favorite sources of meat.
Get with the program!!!
I succumbed to my midlife crisis last year, and popped for a crossover SUV - Infiniti FX45. 315 hp - 14 mpg city (hey, I drove Corollas and Camrys for 25 years, ok?).

I use it to drive to the butcher shop to pickup ingredients for my spotted owl / bald eagle surprise. (relax, I'm kidding)
Bob -
Kangaroo was pretty much a part of our staple diet growing up... and is something I've always detested!! Nothing but road-kill if you ask me (..perhaps left behind by some BMW driver!!..). I've also had crocodile (yuk!) and snake (yuk!), and my mother had a fetish for pickled octopus tentacles that she would try sneaking into our lunches - DOUBLE YUK!!

Rain -
Being from farming folk myself, I can SOOOOOO relate to that dreadful boiled chicken smell. EEEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!! Why do they always give the kids the job of plucking the carcass?? Even now I can no longer stand the darker chicken meat, because something about it reminds me of that smell. We also used to kill and pack all our own meat and often a family "pet" would end up on the dinner table.

Yep, there's really little doubt as to why I don't eat much meat either. I used to be completely vegetarian when I lived on my own, but now I'm with my delightful guy, compromise seems to be the key word!

Anna : )

Incidentally (..and to prove the girls are keeping things on track..) I used to date a guy who "collected" BMWs - he had 4 cars and 2 bikes at the time. As far as the other side of the equation..... IT'S ALL LIES!!!!!!!
I feel the need to chime in here one last time. My 5 series is a GREAT car! Ross, Buddy (husband) told me the 6 series you're talking about is 85k at the dealership he works for!

As for the sex...hmmm...I don't notice any difference...but we're still 2 weeks away from our one year anniversary ;)

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