Your favorite movie about love?

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"Before Sunrise" (Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy, 1995) is, in my opinion, the most underrated and underexposed love movie of all time. Its sequel, "Before Sunset" (2004) is nearly as good. I could watch these two flicks over and over for days and not get bored. I've never seen a more realistic portrayal of boy-meets-girl anywhere.

And I hate romance movies.
geebee said:
It makes no more sense to me than the fact that a movie like Chronicles of Narnia lost it's #1 rating at the box office to a movie like Hostel (which, if you do not know, was about people going off on vacation to personally experience torture):confused: :confused: :confused:

I do not understand the direction Hollywood is taking but I guess I am just old-fashioned (and proud of it).

Duck!!! - here come the rocks.:eek: ;) :D

AMEN! I couldn't agree more! I haven't seen "Brokeback Mountain" myself, I don't think that I could stomach it, but I'm glad that someone who has actually seen it still thinks it's exactly what I perceived it to be...trash! I never wanted to see it, nor have I ever wanted to see "Hostel", although I had no clue what it was about.

How many of you here have seen Chronicles of Narnia? That was the absolute best movie I've seen in years, but it won't get any awards, because there's no nudity or homosexuality in it.
Brokeback Mountain may be a

Brokeback Mountain may be a

"romantic" film (in some people's opinion) but it is a warped view of what love is (my opinion).

Thanks Gina for the "review." I gather you are giving the movie two thumbs down. ;)

Wayne (my husband) suggested going to see it and it caused a huge fight between us - first off, I wondered WHY he wanted to see it (if you catch my drift - hee - Wayne was just swept up in the Oscar hype) and second, I will NOT give money to liberal Hollywood to see a movie that goes against my morals and values and glorifies something that I think is inherently wrong.

I have had friends who are gay and work with a lesbian at my PT job. I really like her, as she is funny and smart, but she is also militant and angry and a person has to tip-toe around her for fear of offending her.

A society is destroyed from within, not from bombs and guns. I feel the U.S. is on a slippery slope in this regard.

Christina L
When I went to bed last night, this thread had 26 replies. Opened it this morning, and decided my little cupid avatar should have been shooting more arrows to keep the LOVE circulating! :p :p :p :D :D :D
It does appear we had some kissing and making up--always the best part of a spat!!;) ;) ;)
Christina - I give Brokeback Mountain a BIG, 3 thumbs down, although the mountains were beautiful. Other than that, the movie was a waste of my time. Luckily I didn't have to pay for it as I go to the movies so often I have a ton of free passes.

Jean - I have seen Chronicles 6 times and the magic is still there. I am eagerly awaiting the next film of the series.
To all this may concern, especially RCB

To all this may concern, especially RCB

In the clear light of morning, I realize that I suffered a rectal-cranial inversion last eve. One response to this thread was all that was needed and I certainly should have stopped then. I was absolutely wrong and I do apologize. All of my life, I have firmly believed in the right to dissent. I pride myself in having many diverse friends whose beliefs differ radically from mine...yet we still come together as friends. RCB, you were right.

Please know that I do not apologize for my opinions, taste, or beliefs. There is no excuse for bad behavior. I have no excuse. I am sorry.

Kind regards,
It takes a strong person to post an apology like that Blanche, whether others felt it necessary or not (and I cannot comment not having a clue what film you are all on about), sometimes keeping the peace is the better way to go! Well done you!

Blanche -

Blanche -

You didn't need to apologize, but I can see why you would want to. I have done the same thing here on - especially when posting late at night - I get very wordy and emotional sometimes when I am tired. I have actually deleted my own posts after realizing that I had said too much or had become more opinionated than I should. I wear my heart on my sleeve too often and it gets me in trouble.

It is great that we all have differing opinions in this world - what a boring place it would be without diversity.

Good for you Blanche on taking the high road!

Christina L
I have been skipping this thread because I couldn't recall the name of one of my favorites - It starred Kathy Bates and was about her love for a singing star (you figure out the name) but it was a beautiful love story - Had a love story of a couple of homosexuals, as well, but the real love was Kathy Bates for her idol . It's an old movie and I happened upon it on TV one day recently.

By skipping the thread, my goodness, look what y'all got into.

When Brokeback Mountain comes along (in CD or on TV), we will see it. I have heard it is really good. Sounds like a tearjerker, too. I only learned in the last few days that it is a homosexual content movie. I think we live in a cave around here and don't get much news.
Blanche, this is an affirmation for you, my friend. You didn't need to apologize, but as Christina mentioned, you definitely took the high road. I really admire you for that. :) :)
Everyone definitely has their

Everyone definitely has their

own opinion of what they would classify as romantic and "true" love - either by members of the same sex or not. Reading the movie lists here on the thread brought back memories of The Bridges of Madison County - I grew up near Madison County, Iowa and was living in Iowa at the time that Oprah did her show from there - Oprah was touting that book and going on about it being the most romantic thing she had ever read.

So, I went out and bought the book, went to a park in Des Moines and settled under a tree and read the thing in about 2-3 hours. I remember it was a fast read and when I got done, I sat there dumbfounded that Oprah thought it was such a great love story. I was pretty young and naive at the time - in my late 20s/early 30s (I truly can't remember), but even then I could not understand why ANYONE would think that book was so romantic (and now the movie).

If you REALLY think about the story line - it is about a housewife whose son and husband are off to the county fair - some guy drives up to her house and they begin a week-long affair - he leaves and she loves him the rest of her life. Well, of COURSE she loved him the rest of her days - she didn't have to live with him and he was just a fantasy!!

Anyway, I am getting my BP up thinking about the arguments I have had with people over the years about the movie - my sister lives on an acreage in Iowa and if she told me that some guy showed up at her house while her husband and kids were gone and she spent the week "sleeping" with him....:(

Anyway, I have never met a person who saw Bridges who thought about it the same way I do. So, long story short - to each his own! :rolleyes:

Christina L

Don't pay to BLINK around this place!!!!! :eek: I'm glad I stayed above the the fray!!!!:D :D



I wanna know how you are so up on all the, UH!, graphic LOVE MOVIES.:p Been doing too much Googleing my friend.:p :p :p :p

May God Bless,

No buddy, those were all the films I had to sneak in to see when I started my career in chasing the woman specie as a 10 year old. :cool:
OK...first off...WOW...I apologize

OK...first off...WOW...I apologize

My post was meant as a joke to Janie with here being the lovely Texas "Bell" she is..... My joke was well intended and was based on the simple fact that, whether I agree or not, I believe homosexuality lives in every part of our society, yet somehow the child in me can not believe that any "real cowboy" was gay !!

I am a conservative that completely disagrees with homosexuality and will never waste my time watching this film....nor have I wasted time watching films such as " The Exorcism of Emily Rose". I believe everyone has their right to their own opinions and these are some of mine.

I completely agree with RCB........

and am amazed at Ross' suggestion of a romantic film. hehehe

Everyone has their right to their personal beliefs.

Now Blanche, if you want to debate me on these issues, I will be glad to....But again, maybe this isn't the place. (Then again, maybe it is) (Who knows, it seems to have drawn a respectable number of posts and views, so maybe this debate is needed. But my preference is to keep this not-so-personal ! ) As you said "This is an open forum and each person may say what they wish without fear of reprisals." I disagree, there will always be reprisal for your personal thoughts on subjects such as religion, politics, and sexual orientation when you are on an international forum such as this !!

Blanche..... I am sorry you feel the way you do about RCB's post, but it was factual and trying to prevent another Small Talk mess as we have had in the past. As you stated, you have been here five years and you should remember the big ordeals that have occurred in the past. ( I think RCB knew where I was coming from, and knew I was not attacking anyone...not my style)

Now, with my honest opinion on a great love story.................. BRAVEHEART !!
It was nothing other than true love that drove William Wallace to dive into battle. I was her love that gave him the courage to be the designer of freedom for Scotland. What a great story !!!!

Again, I am sorry for starting this mess with a joke.


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