Wise said:
So well put. I don't get it either. But, then I don't think any "love" movie about destroying other lives, or being deceptive, is romantic.
I whole-heartedly agree with both GeeBee and Wise. (And you too RCB

) My daughter, at first, accused me of being old fashioned when I said that my problem with Brokeback Mountain wasn't the gay issue, but the unfaithulness, adultery issue. But then she gave it a second thought and told me I was right.

Years ago, everyone loved the book The Bridges of Madison County, as well as the movie based on it. I had real problems with it. I couldn't get over the fact that this woman had an affair with a photographer that just dropped by, while her hard-working husband (who brought her home as a war bride) was off with the kids. What did he do to deserve that betrayal other than give her a life better than she would have had in Italy, and work tirelessly to provide for their family? I had issues with The English Patient for the same sort of reason.
Being a freelance makeup artist, I have several gay friends. (I'm politically conservative, but have no issues with gay marriage -
not intending to start another discussion) Some agree with me on my issues with Brokeback. Some say they think the issue of the movie is that it's sad that in the 60's these men couldn't live honest lives true to their nature and that all suffered because of it. I kind of resent the fact that you're labeled a homophobe or close-minded, if you don't like the movie.
Now Will, Last Temptation Vs The Passion

. I don't have any problems with The Last Temptation. In fact, I quite liked it - (if you really want to be taken to another peaceful place - get the soundtrack by Peter Gabriel). If Jesus was fully human, that meant he was fully a male, which means no one should be at all surprised that he had lustful dreams about a woman he cared about. I don't see anything sinful with that - although I wouldn't label the movie a love story. The point of the movie is how he lived his life, not his dream life. The Passion was a great movie and very moving. I do have problems with the fact that Mary Magdalene was portrayed as a prostitute - a very erroneous, yet very popular belief. The fact that in the Bible she is refered to as Mary of Magdela means she probably was a well thought-of business woman with high standing in the community of Magdela. Women were rarely refered to using their town of origin - only those with high standing. A prostitute would not have been afforded that honor. Plus - they made it look like she was the woman about to be stoned for adultery - another popular but very erroneous belief. But even with those issues the movie struck me to my core - and in my opinion- is a love story. It shows Christians the extent of what Christ went through because of His love for us, all of us.
Now Lady and the Tramp - there's a good romantic movie!!!!