Welcome LA Cruiser

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Best wishes for a very speedy recovery. Good luck with everything. I'll be praying for you. Please post as soon as you can or have someone else. there are alot of very concerned people here and we would sure like updates as often as possible. Again goo luck and have faith in yourself your doctors and God. Peggy
THX Nancy

THX Nancy

I was just reading my final reply to my first and original post ( at "Reference Sources" and am wondering in what I stated:

"--I had three surgeries within one month, my last stay was four days short of six months (I was contemplating escaping via a window from my third floor prison when the doctor told me I could go home IF I promised to 'take it easy')."

I can't 'connect' such a long time after the first operation, about one year according to my doctor, to my second operation (which was followed up within ten days probably because of my excercise 'stupidity', --though I can blame this one 'on the girls':)

Did you know that 'males', instinctively, aim to 'please' females as much as is in their power? This is a known fact, the guys that deny this are only fooling themselves due to insecurity.

--And that females can do 'anything' they please with males, including 'breaking' them to pieces?

Do you recall the story, of ancient times, where the female 'finally' found 'the way' of destroying her ex, --by killing 'their children?'

The guy was 'finished-off' in such fashion! She had tried everything 'on her book' to no avail and decided that he wasn't about to 'win this battle.' --She won, but what a price!

Sorry to be thinking and expressing myself in such negative way, --these are things that just 'surface' from my subconscience ocassionally.

---The devil made me do it!
---The devil made me do it!
---The devil made me do it!

God Bless ya'll, --I'll 'try' to get in again before they close for the day.

--The Sponge
Uh Marco-

I don't quite follow your "stream of consciousness" story, but are you perhaps talking about your doing a little weightlifting after surgery to impress the girls, when you"blew out" your stitching???

Is that what you meant by "The devil made me do it"?

Well, anyway, your writing is colorful, to say the least!
Hi Marco,
I was away for a few days so I have just been catching up on how you are doing. I was hoping to hear that you had your surgery already. Well, I will definately be thinking about you Tuesday. I know everything will go just fine. There is no doubt in my mind that there has been some sort of divine intervention here. My prayers are with you. Please have someone let us know how things go with your surgery.

Take Care and God Bless!
THX guys

THX guys


I meant 'the negative' stuff I wrote:

"--And that females can do 'anything' they please with males, including 'breaking' them to pieces?

Do you recall the story, of ancient times, where the female 'finally' found 'the way' of destroying her ex, --by killing 'their children?'

The guy was 'finished-off' in such fashion! She had tried everything 'on her book' to no avail and decided that he wasn't about to 'win this battle.' --She won, but what a price!

Sorry to be thinking and expressing myself in such negative way, --these are things that just 'surface' from my subconscience ocassionally.

---The devil made me do it!
---The devil made me do it!
---The devil made me do it!

(referring to the above statements)

--In my deepest opinion, women are God's BEST idea. I believe they are the 'most sacred' only third to him and children.

I was just 'cautioning' other males as to 'their power,' (as If they already didn't know) and that it's best to 'stay on their good side.'

'They're coming to take me away,' (--no not to the green house), at 5:30 AM tomorrow.

Is there a song that says something to 'that tune' (--they're coming to take me away)?

God Bless all and take care
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Prayers and Best wishes

Prayers and Best wishes

Hi LA_Cruiser,
My prayers and best wishes are with you as you undergo your surgery tomorrow. You will do just fine. I put in the good word for you.
I'll give you a call after your surgery. You'll be out soon -- but please don't make it too soon.
Don from New Mexico


THX gang and THX to the owners of this website, individuals inspired by God.

Good night & God Bless
An Update Regarding Marco

An Update Regarding Marco

Just to let everyone know that I spoke with Marco this evening. He is in good spirits and focusing on that wonderful new St. Jude's valve that will soon be his ! He does have family that will be there with him. And he is very grateful for all the help and support from everyone on this website!

Thank you Arylyss

Thank you Arylyss

I'm sure everyone appreciates that you went to the trouble of giving LA_Cruiser a call. I know that Marco appreciated it.
Today is the day.
Has anyone heard anything about Marco's surgery on Tuesday. I have been thinking about him a lot. I hope everything has gone well with his surgery.

I was just thinking the same thing. I've looked at his website. Someone was supposed to update the messages, but it's still the same. Maybe he'll escape his room and post from the library.

Marco, come in!! Where are you? I hope you're on the road to a good recovery.
An Update from Marco

An Update from Marco

I just called and spoke to Marco. He now has his brand new St. Jude's mechanical, and the old worn out aortic valve is gone for good! He has been up walking, and said that he felt great until around lunch time today. Since then he has felt some pain, and they are giving him pain meds for it. He hopes to get down to the library, perhaps on Monday (it's closed on Sunday) and post himself. I told him that he has a lot of friends on the website thinking of him, and he sends a big Hi! to everyone.
That's wonderful news, Arlyss. Thanks for calling him and letting us know. I knew Marco would be dragging himself down to the library at the first opportunity.

So, congratulations, Marco. You did it. I'm proud of you and you'll be feeling much better soon.
That is wonderful news..Thank you so much for the up date! We're all praying for a speedy and full recovery with as little discomfort as possible.

Zipper *~*
Good News!

Good News!

Thanks Arlyss!
I'm so glad to hear that he seems to be doing fine. Now starts the recovery period. He will definately be feeling like a new man very soon. We will all be here for him when he is able to post again. He is certainly a miracle! I hope he continues to do well. He deserves an uneventful recovery, but then again we all do too.

Take Care!
Good news - and look how he fought it. He might feel better than he can ever remember, once he gets over the soreness and starts truly healing. Hang in there, La - it's gonna be just fine. Didn't all these great folks tell you? Look forward to hearing from you. God bless
Hi Marco

Hi Marco

When you read this you will be a different person. Yes, you will be foggy headed, don't want to eat..but all that will pass. When you go home..take it one day at a time..and before long you will be back truckin:D :D Bonnie


Hi Bonnie,
I wanted to tell you that both times that I have spoken to Marco, he has specifically mentioned you, and how thankful he is that you started this new thread - it encouraged him to stick with this web site as he worked through everything.
Last night he told me that he wished he had had his surgery two years ago! (Yes, the perspective on the other side of surgery is so much clearer!) But I told him not to worry about the unchangeable past, he has a bright new future now with his new valve!

I've been out of touch for awhile but still thinking and praying for ya Cruiser. I'm so glad you made it to this side of the mountain!

You're on a wild ride and took us along for a bit of excitement and adventure as well. When I think back on your first post and how it all looked pretty bleak and you had us all so worried about you, my own faith in this group of heart buddies has increased a lot. I work with child psychiatrists and it's always great when they succeed in talking some young teenager out of suicide, but oh so painful when they fail.

Anyway, all of us and especially you appear to have come out big winners with this one.

You have my continued prayers and best wishes for a fine recovery and please ask this group here for help and advice to overcome whatever bumps on the road you may still encounter, such as the pain you got after getting back up and around.

Most of all, beware of the EVIL SNEEZE!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

There is good advice about avoiding that if you search 'sneeze' on this website or maybe some of those following this thread who are more adept than I was can chime in to repeat some of their 'tricks of the trade' here.

About the ladies, I've got a Mom still living at 86, a wife of 12 years plus several exes, five daughters, and now my first granddaughter, so I have some idea what you mean about how special they are as well as the power they have over our lives. Oh well, as they say, we can't stand 'em but we can't do without 'em either!:D

Hope the ladies in your life are pleased with your new valve and reinvigorated life!
tic tic tic

tic tic tic

tic tic tic?

Yes, tic tic tic

tic tic tic, who might that be?

tic tic (the sound of my valve?) and cruiser here

Where do you guys hide, I hadn't seen you there for a while

I'm exhausted guys, (from getting fully dressed, as the library is a separate building and they told me up there that it was 'very cold' and wet outside ) and they're starting to turn the lights out, --first warning, so this will probably be my only reply.

THX gang for your support.

Good night & God Bless