Welcome LA Cruiser

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Well, my goodness!

It's Marco in the flesh! Congratulations on your successful surgery. Got your St. Jude and all is right with the world.

The ticking must be a nice change from the squishy sound of that ole sponge thing that was in there, LOL:D

I'm very happy for you.
THX Nancy

THX Nancy

..I tried to 're-edit' my 'LA_Cruiser made it! / LA_Cruiser didn't make it' webpage but couldn't access the 'control panel.'

Will modify it as soon as I get a chance.

I was suppossed to be 'evicted' this morning, then they said, this afternoon, now they're saying tommorrow morning.

I'm going to get dressed-up in the morning and tell them to take my walking papers (If I haven't gotten them by then) to the front (ouside) of the building, I'm not about to go through another anxiety attack.

They're throwing me out, By gang & God Bless

(--excuse me, we close at 8:30, --It's 8:33)
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Hi Marco!

Hi Marco!

I'm so glad to hear that you will be going home soon. It sounds like the surgery went well. Now you are tic tic ticing along with a brand new St. Jude. So am I.
Now that you have had the surgery and are recoverying, please take it easy and don't try to do too much too soon. Your body will let you know when you have done too much. Rest, do your breathing exercises and walk, walk, walk. Please continue to let us all know how you are doing.

Take Care!
Now go home and rest

Now go home and rest

and walk, nap..breathe..walk some more..and take your meds..:D Bonnie
After all of this, La, you can't say goodbye - too many of us interested in your progress. What a splash you have made in this site. Perked many ears right up. So many have gone through the same thing you are going through and we don't want to lose even one if it can be helped. We were sure worried about you there for quite a while. Keep in touch with us, even for a little while, as you may be able to encourage somebody else in the same shoes as you. God bless
THX guys..

THX guys..

..for your prayers and support.

To be honest, I didn't think I was going to make it, I did want to, but I had a hard feeling that I wasn't.

My doctor told my sister 'that I had put up a fight,' that I was determined to survive.

THX and God Bless all!
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Hi Marco

Hi Marco

I'm so glad to hear that your surgery went well. Please keep us posted on your recovery.
JuneBug, Angel I.......

JuneBug, Angel I.......

..shifted gears onto 'Small Talk.' Started a thread titled:

What 'constitudes' a 'whole' person.....

Click below >>>

Small Talk >>>>>>

God Bless all!