today's results - surgery soon

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Joy needs glasses..:D Look up again Joy 3 posts Elizabeth A. Black Ross needs his glasses renewed?:p I'm one to eyes are blurred. Too much spade playing today:p
No, I think I just need to put my glasses on:D Hopefully we'll be able to find out what room she's in. Ross, she said that you and her brother would be in touch, right? I need a break from my kids! Little monsters, I tell you:D
hi ann!
i just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. we will be here until you go in for your surgery this tuesday and we will be waiting for you, right here, when you get home. then we'll keep you company while you recover, just as you have done with many of those here.
i'm so sorry you have to go through this, but i'm sure all will be fine. although this does not take away your fear and worry, maybe it will help put you more at ease, knowing we are all here for you.
you have given so much to us all here. i am such a strong believer in that God gives to those who give.
we all love you very much.
wishing you all the best, sylvia
Hi Hens

You are and continue to be in my prayers. You will stay there as long as you wish and need to be. I know you will be fine---sore, yes, but fine. Remember, girlfriend, you won't be going into the surgery suite alone---all of us here will be with you, too.

Chatted with Ann this morning

Chatted with Ann this morning

Linda, her daughter from Atlanta came yesterday prepared to stay as long as her Mom needs her. Ann says she will not be able to be on chat tonight at 5 p.m...Let's flood her with cards to hospital. She posted the address up a bit on this thread. And patient e-mail too...We'll keep her busy reading cards....letters, drawings and anything else.:D :D Bonnie
News on hensylee

News on hensylee

Just wanted all to know that Ann is in recovery and doing fine. It ended up being her adrenal (sp?) gland rather that the kidney and the mass was NOT cancerous.

Just an aside to say how wonderful it is to see the MANY posts on here from people concerned with her status and sending their love. Mom (Ann) really loves posting here and considers all of you to be great friends. In fact, some of her first words out of the recovery room were to make sure and have us send word to all via this board about the outcome of the surgery. Thanks to you all for everything!!

Chuck (Ann's son)
This is GREAT news! We love your mom dearly for all her caring and support of others, for her warmth and humor, and for her sage advice. It is a relief to hear the growth was not cancerous.

Please give Ann a big hug, and thank you so much for posting this message!


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