today's results - surgery soon

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Hello Ann, I apologize for my late posting but I want you to know I've been thinking and praying for you daily. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as your surgery gets closer. I know you will do fine and everything will be alright. Best wishes to you during this time and it's great to see you still posting and in high spirits. God Bless!

P.S. Good Luck with finding that cat, I hope she comes back to you guys soon. All the best!
Dear Ann,

I am a little late in knowing of your condition and upcoming surgery, I'm so sorry. Everything will turn out fine. You can have my hand to hold....I will be thinking of you and praying for you.
I joined a nephrectomy (kidney) site that Janie told me about - to ask about the surgery. It was very informative and helpful. One of the members invited me to visit cancersurvivorsonline - so I did. I can't go there. There is such despair. They fight for their lives every day, bless ' em and sometimes they lose. Just want all of you to know that VR is populated with members who have a future nearly guaranteed and the words here are always so upbeat. Even those who come in here despairing, go on to their surgeries encouraged, knowing that when they come back to us they have reached reasonably good health again. The other one makes you cry - this one makes us SMILE. Let's all be thankful for our good fortune. And to Hank, our founder.
Listen Hensylee-

You just stay here with us, your old friends. We know you and love you and love your calming, encouraging spirit. We can get you over that mountain/

Keep remembering that those here could have a fatal outcome without surgery also, but surgery takes care of things, and so it will for you. There may be some struggles further on down the road, we never know, but take it one day at a time and fight with all your might. My husband's been in difficulty more than I can count, but neither of us gives up, and don't you either.

Attitude means a lot, and I believe that a good attitude and positive outlook can change body chemistry for the better, promoting healing.

You will be fine, you are just getting rid of an organ that has become useless to you. It needs to get gone.

I'll be thinking about you in the next several days.
Thanks, Nancy - I am going to stay here. It was just so disheartening to hear their sad stories - don't think it's good for me to go there now and maybe I don't have to go there later, either. My outlook and attitude is good. As long as I stay right here.
how to say it

how to say it

Na moo(like a cow) me yo ho ren gay kye o
Hi Ann,

As the others said hang in here with us. I myself understand personally what you are going though.. YOU WILL BE FINE.

As Nancy said...this group is for survivors. And that you will be.

My Husband never talks or thinks about his nephrectomy until I tell him it's time for his check up. He is leading a totally normal and active life.

The personal stories on the site below gave me a lot of encouragement. Some of these people were given the worse case scenairo and years and years later are still around and beat it. We decided that if it ever came down to it we would contact this foundation to find the best for treatment. So happens they are here in Chicago.

Thinking about you always. You are in our prayers. Talk to you soon

Love Gina
Ann, I just want to wish you the best and let you know that you are in my prayers and thoughts. I feel as if it is going to be just fine, and you can get it all taken care of and continue on with your life. God Bless---Susan
Ann, I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble! I will remember the day well, as it is the day before Erik's birthday. He will be 2. I will be thinking of you and you will be in my prayers. Godspeed!
Surgery soon

Surgery soon

Thank you so much, Ann, for replying to my posting (and reminding me of your philosophy). And now it turns out you are in the thick of it yourself. What I see more and more as I go through whatever life turns up, is how for me love and fear really are the opposite sides of a coin - as I flip from one to the other. When my heart is open (excuse the pun) I can't feel fear.

I wish you much love in your life, you are such a loving person, and I send you mine. I will join everyone else on Monday.

Hi Ann, I will definately be thinking of you on your surgery date! It is actually on Erik's birthday, so I will definately remember it. What time is it? How do we let the hospital know which patient to give the e-mail to? I know your FIRST name, but not your last. It's funny, we haven't met in person, but you have been there so much through everything I have been through...supporting me and encouraging me to keep my head held high. You are a great friend. Good luck, you will do great!

Joy, I have her hospital address and name. The only thing I'm worrying about is finding out what room she's in. This new Hippa act is going to damper things I think.
Thanks Ross. I want to e-mail her while she is in the hospital...I loved getting cards and calls while I was in the hospital. Just makes ya feel better knowing someone is thinking of you, you know?
I need to go have some coffee. I'm sitting here telling you this stuff and she already has most of it posted. DOH

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