The Great Couch Potato ThrowDown 8-16-10

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Here go fellow Couch-Potatoes ... last week I walked four days so that was a total of 12 miles ... I'm heading out for today's walk after I post this and walk my three mile course, in the RAIN!!!! .... Good luck and lets keep moving!!!
Not fair my cyclocomputer wasn't work last week. I will get it fix and start posting.
Hey Chimp !!!!!!!!! How are you keeping track ? Are you using a pedometer ?
Hope you are not cheating.;)
Hey Chimp !!!!!!!!! How are you keeping track ? Are you using a pedometer ?
Hope you are not cheating.;)

No, I got in the car and drove though a nice area in my neighborhood and marked 1.5 mile mark from the house ... when I reach that point I turn around and head home and that completes my three miles ... there are enough hills to really get my cardio in and enough level stretches to recover ... oh and there are two wooded areas just in case nature calls:biggrin2:
I'm proud of you Cooker for doing it the natural way:thumbup:. I stay inside a gym...with A/C...on a treadmill for 1.5 miles...watching my personal TV:redface2: I also do two sets on 14 machines to help keep muscles and joints working:smile2:. I'm pretty good at going 3 times/week:wink2:.......then I go home and take a nap in my recliner:biggrin2:.
So Chimpster, is this a daily workout Throwdown? Or weekly? Or only when engaging in monkey business on the side? :p Maybe an explanation was posted somewhere else, but I missed it, just as I've missed so many things lately in valver cyberspace. :eek:

Superbob today took Superdawg for an estimated mile necessity jaunt (no rain, though SB was soaked by the time we finished and SD hightailed it to the nearest a-c vent.)

Then SB went to the workout room overlooking the pool and SB did a half-hour fast on the exercise bike. (Then Sb hooked up with the hottest bikini babe and ..... no wait, that was only in SB's over-active imagination. Does that count? :cool:)...

Okay, one more thing: SB hardly ever sits on a couch. However, he does recline in a recliner... :rolleyes:
Hey Chimp!
Good job. I've been walking about 2-3 miles in the morning around 6am before it gets too hot. I've found that keeping a log in a little notebook helps me stay motivated and not skip a day. I record date, time, distance, and anything else that strikes my fancy.
Keep on truckin!
So Chimpster, is this a daily workout Throwdown? Or weekly? Or only when engaging in monkey business on the side? :p Maybe an explanation was posted somewhere else, but I missed it, just as I've missed so many things lately in valver cyberspace. :eek:
You know the chimp SB, he just wants to gloat about how is is walking rings around the rest of us!! :eek: Heck you walked rings around me today yourself SB! :)

A weekly workout throwdown sure wouldn't hurt to maybe get me motivated. Did not get my walk in yet again today, but I had a lunchtime appt with Cardio. It seems I am getting closer to 'the day'. He wants to talk to the surgeon and me to make an appt. Maybe 2011 will be the year I can get this over with. What a mix of emotions.:confused:
WOW! ... Thanks everyone for chiming in!! ... weekly, daily, whatever you want to do ... I might post daily ... to be honest I was mulling over the idea of taking today off from my walk but not now ... all of you inspired me to get the walking shoes on and hit the road ... I too use a recliner a good bit but "recliner potato" just did not sound right:biggrin2:
Accomplished 25 minutes on my exercise bicycle yesterday morning :)

Still slurping my morning coffee right now but will exercise soon. After I get off this very cushy office chair -- almost as good as a couch :)

I was realizing this morning that since I've been exercising on that bike, it's been a few months now, I have significantly cut down on lower back pain, especially while sleeping. So many benefits to exercise :)

I'm on it most mornings now, usually 30 minutes or more. It's my third exercise bicycle in the past 25 years. I rode tens of thousands of miles on the other two and eventually fried both of them. They were both terribly noisy :frown2: This new one (a Schwinn) is a different style, less like a bicycle and more like a comfortable seat with pedals, and is completely silent -- wonderful! It has a book holder and a cup holder and a little computer thing that I unplugged and don't use.
I've worked nonstop harvesting and plowing on the farm today. Surely this counts?

I thought I found something I could do..but if these are couch potatoes.. walking MILES everyday
I'm in big trouble. MY big excercise, is when I walk downstairs to let the dogs in and out instead of yelling for Justin to :) I did BUY a spingym I'm counting that, but I think you get more excercise on farmville

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