RobThatsMe - the real thread

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Yep... I got one of those designer gowns... and a pair of scrub pants too!! Woo Hoooo!!!!

Rob all the best for the 16th look forward to hearing from you the other side.
Interested about the installation of drainage the day before surgery, I had them installed on the day of surgery.

Hi OldManEmu,

To be honest, I really wasn't too clear about that either. I did find out today, and thought I would fill you and others that have also inquired about the drainage tubes put in the day beforew surgery.

The type of drainage tube they are doing the day before is for spinal cord drainage, it is called a subarachnoid drain. This is being done for the repair of my dissected aorta. There is always risk with this repair of paralysis, and they will monitor the pressure placed against the spinal cord as they repair my aorta, if the pressure rises too much during the repair, they can reduce the pressure by releasing some of the pressure through the drainage tube.

Gotta love these 2 for 1 surgeries... ugghhhhh... Oh well... get it done while they are under the hood right!

All the best,
Good luck and rest well knowing you are at the best place you can be for this operation. Oh and have someone supply you with outside food. There is a fridge for patients by the ice chip machine. Order the peach cups, that's the only edible thing in that place. If you don't puke in the ICU from ice chips they might let you have juice or Ginger ale.
Duffey,, the site says I don't have sufficient privileges to read the site! Updates, please?

I got the same message too, and yesterday I had no problems even looked at all his pictures now I get

Insufficient privileges
Sorry, **lwyatt*** does not have permission to view this page. Please verify you are using the correct account, or contact the site owners.

You can return to your sites.
I got the same message too, and yesterday I had no problems even looked at all his pictures now I get

Insufficient privileges
Sorry, **lwyatt*** does not have permission to view this page. Please verify you are using the correct account, or contact the site owners.

You can return to your sites.

I hit refresh while the you don't have permission page was up and it took me to his page

so if you have problems try the refresh
Here are this morning posts, I copied them because the latest one mentions if you are having trouble with the site try again

09/16/10 9:00 am They wheeled him down to surgery at 7:30 this morning. Everyone came up to see him before he went. We were all very quiet, 7 of us, so as not to distubrb anyone. When his nurse came around the curtain she was shocked so many of us were there. Bob slept till Ken and Helen peeked in at 6:00, Ben & Laura behind them and Lisa & Lynn bringing up the rear. So great to have people here with us!! By the time they took him down he had been laughing and joking around with everyone. Quietly of coarse. I am wearing a beeper and they will ring me with any important info. Gonna be a long day....

11:00 am... Nothing to report yet. We are all so tired but wired. No one slept last night. I will check in again news or not.. IIf you can't get into the site it's because I am updating so just try again. Thanks for the posts to the blog.
Here's the Latest:
11:30 am ..Just heard that they started Bobs chest incision at 9:00. They will notify us when it's known that the Drs have their hands in him, it could be another hour, this is when the heart/lung bypass will start and the brain freeze will begin. It's important to know how long he is on this machinery and in this state. Too long can be a bit dangerous. That's really not a big concern right now and most likely will not be.

12:30 .... The major portion of the surgry is underway! Here we go!
The Latest Update

4:53 pm 09/16/10 OK people! I just met with Dr. Roselli. Bob is done and did well. They did all the procedures as planned. New valve, removed the pannus, new graft, stent covering descending aorta. They did two other procedures that were discussed but weren't certain, replaced the aortic root and bypassed the carotid artery because of its location close to the aneurysm and stent. They did A LOT of work on him. He was on the hearty/lung for 2 1/2 hrs and brain freeze 27 min. He has one very small minor procedure left to do at another time, probably before we leave. They will go in and put a coil in his old carotid to help get the false lumen to clot and die off. They can do this through his arm. The surgeons decided enough was enough for today and to let him rest and recover, do that later. So, right now he is in route to ICU. After a couple of hours I can go and kiss his face. They will let him wake up briefly tonight to check his neurological functions, limbs, brain activity, motor functions....don't know if it will be while I am there or not....then put him down again for a while to heal. The other thing to get past for now is getting bleeding under control and platelets up. Next 24/48 hrs. Ventilator will stay in at least till tomorrow.He'sn through h**l and back but he is still with us. We are all very giddy and very happy for todays success! Posted new photo!

Thanks for the prays!!!! You guys did it again!!!! Tons of love to you all

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