RobThatsMe - the real thread

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Robb, How awesome to see you on here posting. I was like you and had to keep my chest tubes for an extended time and I know how glorious it felt when they finally pulled that last one. I hope you have felt so much more comfortable today and continue with a bump free recovery from this point going forward. I know you are glad to have all this behind you and can't wait to get home. We'll be looking forward to that day for you.

Robb, glad you last chest tube is out and your feeling better. I remember my first surgery who much better I felt when my chest tube was removed. The second, I don't remember them pulling out the tubes at all, must have been during the 11 days I was completey out of it. And hopefully you get to go home soon. Glad your on the mend.
Hey, Rob. You have had a long row to hoe. You are so fortunate to have such a helpmeet as your lovely wife is. You will be getting better and better now. Bet you hated that last drainage tube. It must have felt like it was a new appendage!! Keep on keepin on and it is really good to see you. Blessins, Friend......... out and now nothing can hold ya back.....will hope for your release on Friday so you can get home and really rest and relax and heal.

Take care my friend.

Hi Everyone,

WOW... what a trip these last few weeks have been. Once I get settled back at home, and am going to sit and read all of Cristi's updates, and fill-in the blanks of my pumphead clouded mind.

Speaking of home, They are going to discharge me today!!!!!!! But, have also asked that I stay in the Cleveland area for one or 2 days. Just in case. They are providing me with all my operative reports and discharge summary, but even armed with that, if I had to seek help back home at this point, they wouldn't really know my case history. So, we decided to stay in Cleveland tomorrow and then fly back home Sunday afternoon.

I really feel that I can go home today, but since the doctors have asked that I stay local for a day or two, then I think I shall take their advice.
Cristi was a little dissappointed, as, I think she had it in her heart to take me home today.

I'll be posting again as we move forward, and keep everyone updated until I get totally back to myself.
I can't begin to even express all the love, warmth and support that your posts have given me through this journey.

Thanks my heart friends.

oh man that is great news!. the second part is recovery. wishing you a smooth recovery.
What great news. And I'm sure as much as you want nothing more than to walk into your front door today, its probably a good idea to hang around a couple days. Heck even just getting discharged goint to the hotel, will probably make you a little tired, so a couple more days to build up energy, get some more walking in probably wouldn't hurt. Not to mention the whole its kind of good to be close to where you had the surgery the first day or so after you are released incase anything needs tweaked.
It stinks that this is the reason for it, but I have to say as the "loved one", not the "heart patient" it has been nice getting to know Cristi so much better from her great job of doing updates and all the pictures. Now when you mention her, she is much more than just a name.
Looking forward to great pictures from home and the rest of your recovery.

PS does this mean we will be moving to the post op forum now? :)
What wonderful news!!! So happy to hear that you are going to be released. I wish you well in your recovery and I am looking forward to continue reading your posts about this journey we have all travelled with you.. best of wishes to you and Cristi.. :)

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