RobThatsMe - the real thread

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Wednesday Sept. 22 - Update

09/22/10 4:00pm Bob had to be cardio averted today to get his heart rhythm back to normal. They knock you out and hit you with the paddles as many times as they need to get you into rhythm. He only needed it once. He had some issues with v tac last night but they gave him magnesium and he was fine. No plans to remove the chest tube today. Maybe tomorrow. He's very tired and trying to get some rest with everyone coming and going all the time. Pain level seems to be ok, he still hits his pain med button every 6 min. He did get to eat a little while ago. He was restricted on food and drink since last night at 10:00 in anticipation of the procedure today. I changed the way you look at the photolog. Just click on the link. Tell me if you have trouble with it. More later! Love you all!
Thanks for the update. Links works fine for me. Rob is looking good. Slowly but getting there ! !
Here is from last night and 1 this morning

11:00 pm Bob is feeling pretty good tonight. I think he will get up tomorrow, at least to a chair if things hold together through the night. Ben came back today. He brought his kids, they drove back to Lima and he stayed. Bob enjoys the fact that Ben understands everything he is going through having been through a similar surgery. He has started talking more about his experience here. He told me & Ben tonight when he was in the OR Dr. Roselli gathered both teams together and told them they would be working as one on Bobs surgery. Since he had 2 surgeons and 2 surgeons teams, it meant a lot to Bob knowing they were working tightly together. I look forward to hearing things from his perspective here when he shares it with all of you. So, today was not so good and good. Heard about our dog Jaxon. Lisa went to the kennel and took him for a walk. Several others have done the same. Lisa called us while she was with him and we talked to him! lol She said he was looking around for us.... He's doing well also. Ready to get both my guys home! I've been reading your messages to Bob. He loves hearing them!!!! We love you all! xxxxoooo
P.S. No one commented on the new link for the photolog. Someone let me know if it is working. Thanks

9/23/10 11:00am We have had some changes this morning. First, Dr Roselli came in and decided he would do the last procedure. Putting the coil in his carotid. Non invasive through under his arm. But, when INR is too high so they will wait till next Tuesday morning when Roselli is back. Too big a bleed risk to do it today. But, look at the photolog and see him getting up and sitting in a chair!! He did great, heart rate stayed stable and he is thrilled to be out of the bed! The earliest we could leave here is next Wednesday. Thanks for letting me know the photo link is working.
The photo link is working perfect. His job right now is to get well soon and come back here and give us all the high five !!.
Hey there guy!

I'm checking on you and glad to hear the progress. Tough dang road there, huh...whoa!
My favorite pic is the one of you holding up the "pain" button with that big smile..:biggrin2:

You and Ben sure have pretty wives..!!:thumbup:
Thursday afternoon
2:00 pm Bob just got back from having a CAT scasn per Dr. Pettersson to check on the progress of the surgery. He went down in a wheelchair, first time in motion out of a bed, he came back exhausted. He's had a big day! So once they leave him alone he will be able to rest. I had requests for names on the photolog so I have added names and a few comments. Love to all..........
BTW: To get back to the updates from the photolog site, just arrow back, you'll go right back to where you were
Rob and Cristi, thank you so much for sharing such a deep and personal experience. I'm glad each day is getting better for Rob. The pictures stir alot of emotion for me as it brings back memories of my experience with OHS and the impact of it all.

My husband took pictures of me in ICU and in my step down room. I have my pictures in my running album with my post op race tags and results to remind me of how far I have progressed since surgery day and how truly blessed I am to be able to do the things I enjoy.

God bless Rob and Cristi and give you strength on the road to recovery.
Friday Morning

9/24/10 9:00 am Good Morning! Bob had a rough night. Lots of coughing leads to thowing up. OUCH! Coughing is ok to help keep his lungs clear, he still has some fluid in the lower lung area and still has the chest drain in. Late yesterday they removed his cath, all his IV's and his pain pump. The only tether he still has is the chest drain and oxygen. He is on oral meds now and has a urinal. They left 2 IV needles in his arm in case they need to hook him up to something. INR is down today as well. So, progress! Today he will get in a chair again and maybe get in a wheel chair to role around the floor. There's a roof top pavillion with an outside area and an area of lounge chairs in front of big glass windows with a beautiful view of the city and lake. Hoping he is up to us wheeling him up there today to get some fresh air. If not today...tomorrow. Getting out of here next wednesday was optomistic. Sounds like next thursday/friday now at the earliest. Depending on things, this could change
What a long road for it has been for Bob and Christi. I really hope today is a better one for him. Continuing best wishes and positive thoughts...
Thanks Lyn for the update this morning.

Oh golly, so sorry to hear about the rough night Christi. Sometimes recovery seems like such a slow process, but when Bob is making the little steps in regular fashion - it's good! I'm so happy to hear the "tethers" are making an exit and hoping he feels some freedom. Your daily documentation of his ordeal is helpful to everyone facing OHS and a reminder of just how serious this surgery can be. Y'all are hanging in there just fine....every little step is a big step toward going home and recovery. What a doll you are Christi..!! Betcha I'm right, huh Bob?!?!?! One day at a time sweet Jesus..
This was from last night

11:00 pm Today ended up being a good day. Bob was up in the chair for a couple of hours then in the afternoon he walked to the hall and back twice. Great job! He is getting stronger each day. We spent a couple of hours showing Ben & Laura our pictures from Italy. He was sitting in a chair and had a strong voice and disposition while he went through the stories of our trip. It was great to see him more himself. So, we are getting there. He tires easily and still has the chest drain in, still on pain meds every 4 hours but he is getting there. Baby steps! He loves it when I read all your messages. One highlight of his day. Love you all, sweet dreams...!
I love the movie "What About Bob?" and I'd chant "baby steps through the hall", "baby steps to the mail box" I think having a sense of humor about it and pretending to be Bill Murray helped in those first few days of walking. It's great to hear he is getting better.
9/25/10 1:30 pm He has spent most of the day in a chair today. He walked twice around the unit! "Piece of cake" he said! Good job. He still has the chest drain. They pulled some of the fluid to test it and see exactly what is draining. His left arm is still quite swollen so they will do an ultra sound today or tomorrow to make sure it's just fluid and not a clot. Overall a great day so far.
Still hanging onto the thread, watching how Rob is doing. Walking is big. It will help clear out his lungs. And posture, too: keep that upright posture that they used to lecture kids about in the 50s and 60s. Practice breathing in full breaths.

Hate the chest tubes. Glad he has only one left, but he's probably ready to rip it out himself by now. And he must be tired of the food. Even if your cholesterol is fine and they've just cathed you days before and found things pristine, they still try to put you on that dry meat, cardio diet. Yuk.

Get him unhooked and home. That's the biggest step to recovery. I hope things get more workable and dependable for him so he can leave there soon. A few decent nights will go a long way toward that.

Very best wishes,
9/26/10 10:00 Yesterday was a great day. 4 times around the unit. Today is starting out good as well. Chest drain is still in. Maybe out tomorrow. Ben & Laura leave this morning. Not too much to report at this point. No news is good news right!?
9/26/10 10:00 Yesterday was a great day. 4 times around the unit. Today is starting out good as well. Chest drain is still in. Maybe out tomorrow. Ben & Laura leave this morning. Not too much to report at this point. No news is good news right!?

Just sent Rob a text to let him know we are home and he replyed that he did one trip 3 times around the ward!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
He is doing well, just the last of the 3 drain tubes left soon as that is out (they say tomorrow) he'll really start to get things moving along....Rob has been through alot and is doing GREAT!!!!

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