RobThatsMe - the real thread

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Wow, that was a long one. Glad he had a successful procedure. You guys must have been losing it. My husband almost list his mind when my surgery lasted like three hours, I guess he expected more updates.
I'm glad to know they were able to address all of his heart issues successfully.

Looking forward to further Good Reports!

Tell Bob we are all Rooting for him on!

'AL Capshaw'
It's been along wait for all today and continued best wishes and prayers to Bob and
his beautiful family, hugs and Godbless,thankyou also for allowing us to share your blog with us.
Wow, talk about doing a lot in one trip! I'm glad Rob is out of the OR and doing well. He has been such a good example for many of us, and now even more so. Continued best wishes to Rob and his family.
Here's the latest update, from late last night.

09/17/10 1:00am I am finally back at my room at the hotel. Dr Pettersson met with us tonight to tell us things went as planned with his part. He did everything from the root through the graft, ending at the stent.It went well. Roselli did the rest. This was an extremely difficult and long surgery as we knew. They took him at about 7:20 am and when we met with Pettersson at approx. 8:30 pm, they were just closing him up. 13 hours! So, all went well with the surgeries but he has a very long road still. I finally got to see him around 9:45 in the ICU. He was having some issues with tremors either from his body temp or meds. When he came to ICU he was at 33' centergrade. They were working on warming him up. 36.3c I think is normal. His nurse said he came in as a human popsicle. They chill the body way down when doing this type of surgery. He is still intibated and was indicating he wasn't getting enough oxygen. They sent in a respitory therapist and I think he is able to process more air now. He is out of it for the most part but he was able to do things on command so this looks good for the brain and occurance of stroke. He was also able to move limbs on command so neuro looks good. His heart rate was a bit erratic and his blood pressure was very low. He is very swollen and has more drain tubes than I can count.

It was extremely hard to see him like this and see the pain on his face even though I knew what to expect! When I couldn't take anymore, our friend Ben went in and calmed him with thought suggestions of the lake, hunting and Jaxon. It seemed to really help. Ben has been through a similar surgery and really came through by being able to relate to where Bob is right now. The rest of the crew huged and consoled this wimpy ass! My sister Lisa was in with me when I was with him and she was a great support. I had a minor melt down and everyone with me helped me get through it. I have told them all repeatedly how gratefull I am that they are here. You can see from the photos they kept my mind off everything pretty well. I just called his ICU nurse and they are still working on stablizing his pressure. So, things are good, getting good, might be good later and some not so good. This is where we are. I spoke to one of our German friends today, Christian. He and Bob are quite good friends. I told him how when I met Bob yesterday in the ICU he had been there for 30 min. and was already introducing me to everyone there by their names. He commented on the photolog and how everyone was laughing with Bob and how this is how he is. A few minutes with him and you are true. He has a lot more laughter in him to share so lets keep the prayers, candles, affirmations.....every bit....etc going to get our Bob through this.
Thanks for the update, Lyn. We are all praying for him. He is a tough man. Hoping everything will be ok.
Yes, thanks for the updates.

Sounds really difficult; glad things are looking positive -- hoping for the best :)
Wow, he really had a lot done, didn't he? I hope that he is getting some well deserved rest. I'll look forward to hearing more postive news later.

I hope they don't mind me copying their posts, but I know alot of people are anxious for news about Rob Here's from this afternoon, he is doing really well.

09/17/10 4:30 pm Sorry I haven't posted yet today. It's been a crazy day. Bob is off the vent. He is a lot less swollen today. He is awake and talking. I have been in and out to see him today, not staying long so he can rest. He still has the spine drain and they are draining fluid because of pressure. His issues toady have been: Spinal headache (ouch), nausea, blood oxygen issues, blood pressure, fever. Spinal headache will be there as long as they are draining fluid. The nausea is mostly from the pain meds so they are giving him smaller doses more often and nausea meds. His blood oxygen dropped because of the chest pain from not enough pain meds and the pain of breathing. Slightly high fever is normal right now. He knows everything that happened to him and the reports from the Drs. So, he is doing well getting the vent out so early! And the other things he is handling like a pro. The next hurtle is getting the spinal drain out when he isn't draining from his chest tube as much. Knowing Bob, when this comes out, he will make some jumps forward.

Love to all! Cristi
Thanks for the update. sound like he is moving in the right direction. Looking forward for more updates.
Thanks Lyn, you've been a couple a steps ahead of me today with the up-dates......thank-you.

Wishing Rob the very best and hope Cristi is looking after herself.

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